University Of Alabama Implements Mandatory Vaccination Program
New students informed: No jabs, no enrollment
Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Another major school institution has implemented a mandatory vaccination policy that bars both new and current students who haven’t received the meningitis and MMR shots from enrolling for the coming academic year.
The University of Alabama recently sent out an e mail to all its students informing them that they had to provide proof of several different immunizations before they could register for their course.
Failure to provide such proof would mean the students would be forced to take the shots on campus at the Student Health Center – refusal to do so would prevent them from enrolling and could also lead to further judiciary punishment.
The e mail reads as follows;
All freshmen and all new students, regardless of classification, must have:
1) Proof of the meningitis vaccination (Manactra (preferred) or Menomune)
2) If you were born after 1956, proof of two (2) measles containing vaccinations. One of these vaccines must be an MMR vaccination after 1980.
3) Acceptable proof of tuberculosis screening within the last year.
This is a registration requirement, whether transfer or graduate.
If you are living off campus this is still a requirement. Please turn in proof of these immunizations and tuberculosis screening before moving into campus housing or the first day of class if living off campus. All vaccines and tuberculosis screening are available at the Student Health Center. Failure to submit your immunization and TB test requirement could slow down your moving into residence hall room.
The e mail also informs juniors and seniors already living on campus that they need to get a meningitis shot if they haven’t received one in the last four years, even though as the advisory admits, “This is NOT a regular childhood immunization and it was not a requirement when you entered the University of Alabama.”
“Failure of any student regardless of classification not meeting the immunization and tuberculosis screening requirement may result in a disruption in ability to register for classes and possible disciplinary action per Office for Judicial Affairs,” states the e mail.
The MMR vaccine has been linked to autism and inflammatory bowel disease and despite a UK government propaganda campaign to try and convince the public that it is safe, as well as an effort brainwash children, many parents have boycotted the jab in Britain.
Earlier this year, the Daily Mail highlighted the story of 5-year-old Melody Brook, who went from a bouncing and bubbly child to a virtual vegetable after she took the MMR vaccine.
The meningitis vaccine also provoked safety fears after 5,000 children suffered adverse reactions immediately after it was introduced in Britain.
As we have previously highlighted, there is no law in America, aside from those applying to medical workers, that says you or your child has to take any vaccine whatsoever, no matter what any executive order, requirement, mandate or policy dictates, there is no situation where you can go to prison for refusing a government vaccine under the U.S. constitution and the law of the land.
This was particularly prescient for the parents of more than 1600 children in Prince George’s County, Maryland, who in 2007 were told they could be put in jail for failing to get their kids vaccinated. Appearing on the Alex Jones Show, a state prosecutor involved in bringing potential criminal charges against the parents was forced to admit that there was no law that mandated parents to vaccinate their children.
The only way mandatory vaccinations can be enforced in this context is by removing privileges, as in the case with Alabama University preventing immunized students from registering, but many people would argue that education is not a privilege but a human right, and to deny a student enrollment because they refuse to have a needle jabbed in their arm is clearly discriminatory.
The only other way to implement mandatory vaccinations is of course by force, which is what many fear will happen in the event of a mass swine flu pandemic this fall which the government has already assured us is inevitable.
State health authorities have already confirmed that if the government were to announce a mandatory vaccination program, then there would be no exemptions whatsoever and the program could be carried out with the use of force if necessary.
As reported by CNS News earlier this month, a health-care reform bill approved by the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pension Committee called The Affordable Health Choices Act, will fund the creation of state “intervention” teams that will carry out home visits in order to check that both children and adults have been vaccinated and also provide “provision of immunizations”.