Sunday, July 26, 2009

Who are the Pharisees?

Jesus told us (Christians) to beware of the "leaven [sin] of the Pharisees"...but if we don't know who the Pharisees were, their false traditions, false doctrines, & sinful behavior....then how can we BEWARE of practicing the same sins??

Indeed, many professing Christians today practice the leaven/sin of the Pharisees, and they don't even know it because they don't study their whenever a Christian tries to warn, correct or rebuke them of their errors, they accuse us of being "Pharisees!!" Ahh...the irony!!

God-willing I will be able to do a video on the leaven of the Pharisees, but just to make a few points about the Pharisees:

-The Pharisees NEVER pointed out FALSE PROPHETS/FALSE Christians that point out false prophets/false teachers are not being "pharisees."

-The Pharisees NEVER rebuked or corrected anyone with the WORD OF GOD & told them to FOLLOW Christians who rebuke/correct with the WORD OF GOD & encourage you to follow Jesus are not being "pharisees."

-The Pharisees NEVER judged righteously...they condemned ppl & judged ppl according to their false traditions. Christians who judge righteously (according to the WORD OF GOD are not being "pharisees.")

-The Pharisees NEVER told anyone to "repent!" (because they were anxious to CONDEMN ppl) Christians that tell you to repent are not being "pharisees", they are being loving and gracious.

-The Pharisees put their false traditions ABOVE the WORD OF GOD, rendering it of none Christians who rebuke/refute false traditions with the WORD OF GOD are not being "pharisees."

-The Pharisees did not warn ANYONE about the coming Christians who warn you about the coming Judgment are not being "pharisees."

-The Pharisees did not trust in Christ as their righteousness & salvation (they were SELF-righteous) Christians who trust in Christ as their righteousness & salvation are not being "pharisees."

I can go on & on...but you get my point. Before you call someone a "Pharisee" make sure that you know what you're talking about & that you're not being a Pharisee yourself.