Tuesday, July 28, 2009

MSNBC Implies People Skeptical Of Government Are Psychologically Insane

From http://www.prisonplanet.com/msnbc-implies-people-skeptical-of-government-are-psychologically-insane.html

MSNBC Implies People Skeptical Of Government Are Psychologically Insane

Chris Matthews and guests characterize concerns about Obama, gun control, open borders, 9/11 and the Bilderberg Group as a mental illness

Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

During a discussion of the Obama birth certificate controversy, MSNBC host Chris Matthews and his guests implied that anyone who questions the official 9/11 story, thinks the Bilderberg group are exercising power to create a world government, people who are worried about gun control and immigration, or even people who are merely skeptical of government, are psychologically insane.
Responding to Matthews’ implication that people who had questions about Obama’s birthplace were “full mooners” and insane, MSNBC political analyst Howard Fineman included “people who are worried about the government taking up the guns, people who deny the federal government has a right to tax your income, people who are worried about being overrun at the borders,” in the same category and said they were merely looking for a reason to find a conspiracy behind Obama.
Matthews then brought up a psychological test which featured the question, “Is somebody chasing you right now?,” implying that anyone who doubts what the government tells them would answer in the affirmative, before asking, “Are we talking psychological problems here with people or what?”

Politico writer Ken Vogel then characterized people who question 9/11 and people who think Bilderberg are working towards a world government as a group that Republicans need to “watch out for” if they want to avoid being marginalized.
Matthews then said he was “in love” with Vogel because he had reminded him of “all the androgynous zones of insanity,” before cracking a lame joke about George W. Bush detonating the twin towers with a plunger.
Vogel then responded by including Ron Paul and supporters in the mix, noting that they embrace an “innate distrust of federal government,” again in the same context that to do so is a display of insanity.

Essentially, Matthews and his guests are implying that anyone who doubts the government’s official 9/11 story, anyone who believes the Bilderberg group have influence or power, anyone concerned about gun control and open borders, and anyone who is just generally skeptical or doesn’t trust government, is on the fringes of society, is potentially psychologically insane and may need treatment.
This is of course manifestly absurd – if embracing any one of those concerns deems one to be psychologically unstable and on the “fringes” then the majority of the American people would be classified as psychologically insane.
Indeed, only yesterday Rep. Collin Peterson, a Democrat, told Politico, “Twenty-five percent of my people believe the Pentagon and Rumsfeld were responsible for taking the twin towers down.”

In addition, a 2006 Zogby poll revealed that “less than half of the American public trusts the official 9/11 story or believes the attacks were adequately investigated.”
Does more than half of the population of America constitute a “fringe” element? It seems that Matthews, Vogel and Fineman aren’t as “mainstream” as they apparently thought they were – they are in fact the minority.
In reality, it is Matthews and his fellow establishment peanut gallery talking heads that need psychological help, embracing as they do some bizarre cult-like faith that government is angelic and can be completely trusted without skepticism.
As we have seen before in history, the designation of political opinions deemed to be antagonistic towards or even merely skeptical of the state is a hallmark of tyranny.
As Kurt Nimmo wrote last week in a story about a German man who was sent to a psychiatric institute for protesting Obama;
In the former Soviet Union, psikhushkas — mental hospitals — were used by the state as prisons in order to isolate political prisoners, discredit their ideas, and break them physically and mentally. The Soviet state began using mental hospitals to punish dissidents in 1939 under Stalin. The Psychiatric Prison Hospital in the city of Kazan was transferred to NKVD (the secret police organization for the People’s Commissariat for Internal Affairs) control and in 1969 Yuri Andropov, the head of KGB, submitted to the Central Committee of Communist Party of the Soviet Union a plan for creating a network of psikhushkas.
According to official Soviet psychiatry and the Moscow Serbsky Institute at the time, “ideas about a struggle for truth and justice are formed by personalities with a paranoid structure.” Treatment for this special political schizophrenia included various forms of restraint, electric shocks, electromagnetic torture, radiation torture, lumbar punctures, various drugs — such as narcotics, tranquilizers, and insulin — and beatings. Anne Applebaum, author of Gulag: A History, indicates that at least 365 sane people were treated for “politically defined madness,” although she surmises there were many more.

It now appears that the corporate media are taking their cue from the Stalinist dictatorship of the Soviet Union, and in alliance with government guidelines which characterize people with similar political beliefs as dangerous extremists and potential terrorists, are denouncing people who are skeptical of government as thought criminals who should be dismissed as mentally ill cranks.
Watch the MSNBC clip below.


911insidejob81 (52 minutes ago) Show Hide
+3 Marked as spam
why did not they tell us about WTC7??and thermite - explosive, which was found in WTC dust???
911insidejob81 (1 hour ago) Show Hide
+2 Marked as spam
9/11 was an inside jobSTOP 9/11 coverupWTC7 collapse was controlled demolitionWTC7 was the third building collapsed in 11th September at 5:20 pmIT is PROPOGANDA!!!


XPIOLT (1 hour ago) Show Hide
+1 Marked as spam
What a disgusting display of Neo-Lib biased propaganda spiced with fear! Does anyone remember when the Neo-Con talking heads were doing this same thing about Bush's discharge papers when the Neo-Libs were pushing for them? Remember what they were called then? Conspiracy theorists, left wing nuts, about the only thing they weren't calling them were racists for obvious reasons. Tweety Bird Mathews is no different from Bill O'Reilly, both are propagandists doing their jobs for the New World Order.


911insidejob81 (51 minutes ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
thermite found in WTC dustit explains WTC7 collapsewatch?v=8_tf25lx_3o


squarepusher2 (5 minutes ago) Show Hide
0 Marked as spam
Sure only 'crazy people' question authority and distrust the government...by that same token, the Founding Fathers should just have licked the boots of the English government and never started the Revolution in the first place - they should just have listened to the equivalent of this stupid journalist hack Tweety and learn to 'love Big Brother'.BTW, slavishly following authority is the most dangerous thing you can do. This whole cult of personality with Obama is disgusting and sickening.