Friday, July 31, 2009

Troy on Ken

Does "Ken Adachi" wear a red "fright-wig" & lipstick, white makeup, do tricks & call himself "Bobo" for a dayjob?

Who believes this bunkum? Completely designed to discredit those genuinely warning people about vaccines & the agenda behind these blatantly military-industrial complex created viruses. Whether or not Swine Flu turns out to be another Bird Flu or SARS (i.e. another excuse to make big profits & crank up the fear factor with a programmed, time-encoded, self-terminating virus) or is in fact the "big one" (I'm not holding my breath - no pun intended!), we have to contend with these Agency Rentboys like "Adachi" bringing ridicule to those who are genuinely (& very wisely) trying to free others from the grip of the constant Mind Control Psy-Ops & Totalitarian Attack on all aspects of the human being.

Shame on "Ken Adachi"!
