World Government have been advocated by the former European Commission President Jacques Delors on September 7, 1992. He served 2 terms. Delors gave a speech to the Royal Institute of International Affiars entitled, "The European Community and the New World Order." The RIIA is the British version of the CFR. This speech is similar to the George Bush Sr.'s speech in advocating the new world order. Delors called for in favor of establishing the world government, transferring sovereignity, and a worldwide single market. The speech is interesting since he took part in the Bilderberg Group 4 months before he gave the speech. That Bilderberg meeting took place in Evian-les-Bains, France. This was the same time when Henry Kissinger told the people there in his famous speech about people and their willingness to relinquish their individual rights “...for the guarantee of their well being granted to them by their world government.” Also present around this particular Bilderberg campfire was current chairman Etienne Davignon, who back in March of this year bragged to the EU Observer that Bilderberg group helped create the Euro in the 1990s. Delors saluted the audience. His own Delors Report believed that an European economic and monetary union should be established as soon as possible. This report was submitted in 1989 in which it described 3 stages that world government would be reached. This process includes the independence of the European central bank. The first stage would be accomplished with the completion of a single European market. The second stage would consist primarily of the merging of the different central banks into one giant European central bank like an octopus, spreading its tentacles across the continent. The third and final stage he proposes would see the establishment of a single European currency. So, the major point of the report is that the elite want to merge wealth into a single currency (while monetary power is shifted from elected politicans to unelected network of banks as Carroll Quigley wrote about). The 1955 Bilderberg leaked document prove that the goal of creating a common European currency plus bringing people of Europe into a common market existed before Davignon admitted the Bilderberg's goal of creating the Euro or the Delors Report. The Delors Report wants stages to implement world government, which is occuring now. Delors actually admitted these points in his speech for the RIIA. Central banks consolidating economic power is a goal of the new world order crowd (which can violate national sovereignity while improving upon the concept of globalization). The elite claims that global institutions aren't give enough power to help the world, but these institutions have steadily increased their power for decades with the same problems remaining in the world. Speaking on the role of the European Commission in the creation of the new world order, Delors mentions the plans of the Anglo-American establishment for a North-American Union: “Our trading partners are gradually being won over to the idea that regional integration has a dynamic impact on all, and the European model is an inspiration for others- witness the recent agreements concluded by the United States, Canada and Mexico.” The North American community is one key goal of Bilderbergers plus other globalists. Delors admits that he wants power to be transfered from states into a world order (in the guise of an international organization). The proofs of some wanting world government is so apparent that the skeptics are being exposed time after time again.
There are those who want to defund Planned Parenthood with good, purposeful reasoning. Budgets relate to moral decisions. Federal funding ought to reflect the values of Americans. It's the Constitutional duty of every member of Congress to have a good responsibility to properly handle the economy of America especially during these difficult economic times. This week, the House will consider the Labor, Health, and Human Services Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2010. The bill will provide for fuding for the budgets of the Department of Labor and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Title X of the HHS budget is the Family Planning program. Funding positive things are apart of the budget, but there is a loophole problem in the funding program. The largest abortion provider in America called Planned Parenthood is the largest recipient of federal funds under Title X. Last year alone, Planned Parenthood's own annual report admitted that it recieved 34% of its $1.04 billion in revenue from government grants and contracts. Planned Parenthood performed more than 305,000 abortions last year. Planned Parenthood and its advocates claim that the money will not be used to fund abortion. This is technically accurate since current law bans the use of Title X family planning funds to fund abortions. Yet, the loophole is something else. There is no question that the taxpayer dollars they receive are used to cover allowed expenses such as overhead and operational costs, thus freeing up other funds to promote and provide abortions. The Pence Amendment would withhold the significant funding stream from Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood murders innocent human life and the Pence Amendment would close the loophole forcing millions of pro-life Americans to subsidize Planned Parenthood. The Amendment wouldn't cut family planning funding. Title X deals with funding for breast cancer screening, HIV prevention education, counseling, and pregnancy diagnosis. It doesn't reduce the budget for family planning in the appropriations bill. It wil prevent family planning to fund a group that performs hundreds of thousands of abortion per year that are profiting the abortion trade. Planned Parenthood have been accused of covering up child rape in many states nationwide from Ohio, Texas, CA, TN, Alabama, Indiana, and Arizona. In California, a minor girl seeking an abortion was told to lie about her age to obtain services, and Planned Parenthood has admitted to overcharging the state and federal governments by at least $180 million for birth-control pills, despite repeated warnings of improper billing practices. Dr. Alveda King (who is the niece of the late Dr. Martin Luther King) wrote that abortion and racism are linked. It is true that some of the most heaviest or strongest supporters of abortion have been racists and eugenicists like those in the Rockefeller Foundation. Planned Parenthood enact abortions against a disproportioned amount of African Americans (abortion kills more black Americans than AIDS, crime, and heart disease which is being exposed in the great documentary entitled, "Maafa 21"). Title X should fund Planned Parenthood in any way shape or form. Denying all forms of federal funding to Planned Parenthood is henceforth a legitimate thing to achieve.
The cop who choked the EMT worker in Oklahoma (when he was sending a person to the hospital) was suspended for just 5 days. The person who did crime was an Oklahoma Highway Patrol Trooper. He pulled over a paramedic and choked the paramedic. The officer is ordered to attend an "anger assessment." This is of course a huge injustice. The officer recieved a slap on the risk for violently attacking an innocent man. What a disgrace. The incident occured in late May on Highway 62 near Boley in Okfuskee County, Oklahoma. The trooper's name is Daniel Martin. Him and his colleague responded to a call of their own. They were annoyed that Maurice White Jr.'s ambulance did not yield and give way to them on the road. There was footage of this shot by the patient's son on a cell phone. The footage showed clearly that Martin grabbed Mr. White in an attempt to put him in an arm lock plus cuff him. Mr. White resisted and a scuffle ensued. Martin grabbed the EMT by the throat. After pleading that he was doctor with a patient on the way to the hospital, the troopers finally relented and left the scene. This incident made healdines after the video went viral on Youtube. It emerged late on that trooper Martin had a history of misusing authority and was fired in 2000 as Chief of Police in Fairfax, Oklahoma, for violent and bullying behavior. Now, as J.D. Tuccille of the Civil Liberties Examiner reports, Martin has gotten away with a proverbial slap on the wrist, being suspended for just five days for “conduct unbecoming an officer” and ordered to undergo an anger assessment. Martin's official suspension letter even justified the stopping of the ambulance and condemns EMT Mauire White'sactions in attempting to return to his vehicle and take his patient to the hospital. That's a disgrace since an ambulance has the legal right to go into the hospital as fast as possible when the sirens are on. The EMT Maurice White was assaulted first by the officer in an unprovoked fashion. “Daniel Martin was out of line, acting like a cartoon cop outraged that somebody didn’t ‘respect mah authoritah.’” Tuccille writes. “While letting his bruised ego run wild, he behaved unprofessionally and, potentially, put a life at risk.” If this event can occured against a paramedic, it can occur against anyone. Questions about profiling ties on the Cambridge, Massachusettes arrest controversy involving Harvard Professor Henry Gates. There are many points of view on this arrest, but the truth is that anger at a cop alone doesn't merited an arrest. Also, Gates should of controlled his temper when speaking his commentary to the police officer. This is a lesson about standing up for our civil liberties indeed. The police don't have the aboslute power to abuse the rights of citizens at all.
The government is trying to prevent the enforcement of states executing pro-sovereignity policies and promoting gun rights. There are several states going forward to project the policy of reclaiming their sovereignity even against the federal government. Many things are occuring in this fashion. The Tenth Amendment is supremely clear that any policy that isn't expressively mentioned in Constitution for powers of the federal government is reserved unto the states and the American people. The states are passing resolutions in places like Montana and Tennessee. The BATFE (or the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives) published open letter to federal firearm license holders in both states. These letters claim that federal law trumps state law when it comes into guns. These states claim that they want to have sovereignty under the Tenth Amendment. World Net Daily points out in an article of their own that the Montana Firearms Freedom Act bill declares that Congress has not “expressly pre-empted state regulation of intrastate commerce pertaining to the manufacture on an intrastate basis of firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition." These laws will come into the Supreme Court probably in the future. It will determine if the federal government can regulate interstate state gun laws. Sonia Sotomayor is a possible Supreme Court Justice who believes in a faulty view of the Second Amendment (this is in contradiction to the original intent of the Constitution). Gun laws are debated in other states as well. For example, the Chicago gun ban is being challenged after the D.C. vs. Heller decision which reaffirmed an individual right to keep and bear arms. Sotomayor believes as does the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that federal gun laws don't pertain to the states. This is an interesting ruling considering that prior to this the Ninth Circuit Court ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment’s Due Process Clause incorporates the Second Amendment and therefore federal law, which now holds the ruling of the District of Columbia vs. Heller decision, applies to the states rendering them unable to create gun laws that supersede federal laws. This will end up at the Supreme Court. The BATFE is sending out letters believing that federal laws supersede state laws in dealing with firearms and ammunition. The future is uncertain if the Supreme Court takes in a case pertaining to this issue. The Obama administration is filled with anti-gun people, so we have to be knowledgeable about the Second Amendment. None of this comes as a surprise to Gary Marbut, President of the Montana Shooting Sports Association. Marbut was directly responsible for the Montana Firearms Freedom Act. In a letter sent to his members of MSSA, Marbut points out what he views as little concern over the letter and how it was expected. Marbut is not concerned that much about the letter since the letter was not an official import and it was limited in its scope. Montana is right to promote their state constitution and promoting gun rights in their recent pro-sovereignity law. The Second Amendment is here for a reason and states have the right to pass legal pro-gun laws if they desire.
Health Care is an important issue to discuss. Barack Obama claims that his proposal is the only solution to cut down the cuts of premiums, focus on preventative care (which can decrease the end of medical surgery that can lower total health care costs), increase choice, and make health care access to be given unto all Americans. His bill has been called for changes even among Democrats since they're questions about funding for the plan, the cost of it, and the deficits. The goal of access of health care for all Americans is a legitimate goal, but we have to find the best solution for this complication. Some criticize the health care plan since they believe that Barack Obama want unelected officials to control Medicare. How this would work is that the “Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology” with a fifteen member board. One of the main functions of this bureaucracy will be to apply a formula based on the age of the individual and the number of years the patient will benefit from a drug or treatment. If you have a bad denominator because of age, you are out of luck. The decision will be made by a nameless, faceless bureaucrat in Washington, who has no knowledge of your value to society or your contribution to your family or community. New Agers and Hitler believed in culling out population (even the elderly to promote their agenda). Raham Emanuel (who is Obama's chief of sttaff)'s brother Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel is a member of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology board. He's a close advisor to Obama on healthcare. Ezekiel goes as apart was wanting to rescind the Hippocratic Oath which admonishes doctors to do no harm and to do all that is necessary to save the patient. I don't believe in taking oaths, but saving the patient is perfectly fine with me. Emmanuel believes that doctors should be oriented to cost factors rather than patient care. How many physicians, who become close to the patient and families they treat, will be willing to practice this cold, cold delivery of healthcare once the Hippocratic Oath is extinguished. The overwhelming majority of physicians have consciences. Taxes on private insurance is proposed to fund the public plan. This plan could pay for abortion, and other things. This plan will have end of life counseling for senior citizens (from page 425 on people every 5 years among folks in Medicare). Critics like Betsy McCaughey said that this will try to brainwash the elderly to end their life sooner. This is wrong since senior citizens shouldn't be forced to have end of life procedures at all. Dr. Wolf Wolfensberger warned 20 years ago in his book, "The New Genocide of Handicapped and Afflicted People" about how the elderly in American hospitals today are denied life support from antibiotics, basic resusication, food, water, etc. This done to mentally challenged people, the handicap, and the elderly. This is transpiring long before Barack Obama has ever took office, so Obama isn't to be blamed for these immoral tradegies. So, health care reform should never exist without extremist proposals though. We have to have competition, but we should never violate our liberties (i.e. Big Pharma, HMOs, etc. should never do whatever they want whenever they want) or promotes poisons in the process.
Some people are fighting to help poor and minority citizens to enrich their lives with a just and fruitful education. There is a person who is named Steve Perry. He is the founder and principal of the Capital Preparatory Magnet School in Hartford, Connecticut. He wants solutions in the black community including fighting for improvements in education. He says that his program sent 100 percent of their graduates into the college of their choice. They work with poor students and some of them are the first generation of their families that attend college. He help to create other programs like college preparation via a 6 week summer program, after school tutoring and in school academic advising. I remember such academic advising when I was in high school many years ago. He talked with single mothers as well. Single mother struggle a lot to bring the best quality of life possible among their children. Perry believes that his program is a replacement toward failing schools. Sometimes common sense solutions can increase educational success like no fixed, centralized curriculum, educational diversity, etc. Perry assembled a team of many races since educational improvement knows no color. He worked with manget schools (or places that are publicly funded and publicly themed based schools. They compete with unions and are subordinate to the local school board). Perry has a year round college preparatory uniform school for grades six to 12. Now, their schools try to be independent of union control in terms of organizing the cirriculuim and they don't that much care about money as long as results are achieved. A new superintendent from Hartford is more tolerant of Perry's proposals. Perry Capital Prep rejected some of the agenda of the highly centralized district and and the educator's union. Today, his schools are a success since Capital Prep's 80 percent black/Latino, 60 percent poor students attend one of America's top high schools, according to US News & World Report. Truly, independent solutions are the real prescription to improve the success rate of education among our youth.
Archaya S is a shill and many realize this. Keith Thomspon and Chris White have exposed her for many months in their Zeitgiest exposes. That's great. Her famous book is called the "The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold." Here's a summary of her anti-Christian errors. She claims that the 12 signs of the zodiac influenced the creation of the 12 apostles by Jesus Christ. That's false since the division into the celestial sections did not occur until a meeting of the International Astronomical Union in the 20th century. She lies and said that the Hebrews were moon worshippers when the Torah forbade worship of the stars or the Hosts of Heaven. Archaya S is wrong to assume that Krishna was crucifixed like Jesus Christ. There are absolutely no Indian gods portrayed as crucified. She believed that the Gospels were only penned in 150 A.D. That's false since the Christians Clement and Polycarp wrote quote their writings of the apostles years before 150 A.D. The p52 papyrus mentioned a moment ago dates to around 125. p75 dates to between 175-225. Regardless of what she says Jesus Christ's existence has been confirmed by even secular writers, which includes Tacitus, and others. She gets the history of Freemasonry completely wrong. She believes that the Rock relating to Peter is Masonic, the carpernter lable is a Masonic symbol, and that Josephus knew of the Masons (and that he was one). The problem is that modern Masonry came about in the Grand Lodge of 1717 A.D. So, it would be impossible for Jospehus to be a Mason. The New Testament include teachings against Masonry like being against death oaths, that Jesus Christ is the only way to Heaven (thereby rejecting Universialism,), etc. She shows no evidence that the story of Lazarus rising from the dead is an Egyptian myth. Her other sources aren't scholars at all. Acharya S's real name is D. Murdoch. She believes in the lie that Christianity is responsible for atrocities when Jesus Christ would never support the Crusades, Inquisition, Holocaust, the international slave trade, etc. The people who either originated or carried out these evil deeds aren't Christains, but either sinful people who are fake Christians (like Papists) and non-Christians. Atheist movements in the 20th century murdered over 100 million people in the 20th century alone (especially by Mao, Stalin, the Khmer Rouge, and others).
By Timothy