The FED is fighting against just a simple audit of its activities. The Washington Post even blasted the Federal Reserve Transparency Act as an unserious answer to a serious question. This Act isn't extreme at all. The Post is mostly liberal and it unusually used harsh language as calling the bill "wrongheaded in the extreme." The Post falsely accused the legislation as destroying financial markets' faith in the FED, ruining the U.S. dollar, and undercutting public faith in the justice system. This comes after the fact of the FED's hyperinflation decreasing the value of the dollar. The Post's views are like saying that the Postal Service letter carriers should drive around in tanks since the Army does and they consist of uniformed government employees. The bill or HR 1207 in the House and the bill is under the name of the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act (or S. 604) in the Senate would simply amend Title 31 of the U.S. Code to remove restrictions on how the Government Accountability Office can audit the Fed. The GAO would be able to examine the Fed’s discount window operations, funding facilities, open market operations, and agreements with foreign banks and governments, and would be required to tell Congress what it discovers by the end of 2010. The audit wouldn't even immediately shut down the FED or fire the FED's Board of Governor. It won't overrule the FED's decisons. The current legislation would just find out what is going on in the building. The Post seems to not want transparency and accountability in terms of investigating what the FED is going. The Post admits that the FED has expanded in an unprecendeted extent and no current law provides a clear way to hold the FED accountable. This is contradiction for them to reject auditing the FED. The dollars is worth 1/12 of its value when the Federal Reserve came about in 96 years ago. Even the intelligence agencies must report to Congress but not the FED. The FED has racked up an 11 trillion dollar national debt plus more $13 trillion in dubious loans and bailouts. The FED refuse to tell where the money is gone. Chairman Ben S. Bernanke has refused to tell Congress. The Federal Transparancey Act would change that. The FED doesn't have oversight of its operations. The majority of the House want some changes. The Federal Reserve Transparency Act has 276 cosponsors — 177 Republicans and 99 Democrats. So far in the Senate, the Federal Reserve Sunshine Act, introduced by independent Sen. Bernard Sanders in March, has 17 cosponsors. While 14 are Republicans, including 2008 presidential nominee John McCain, two of the three Democrats, Russell Feingold and Tom Harkin, are along with Sanders among the most liberal members of the upper chamber. Some in the Post don't realize the serious problem of no real oversight of the Federal Reserve. Sunshine on the FED is a good thing. Even people in Congress want changes to enhance our economic freedom.
Jobs are important in our economy. We are in an economic recession and future is uncertain. Barack Obama beleives that his stimulus law will create long term economic job growth, because of the investments he made. His stimulus law isn't perfect and growth of the economic is very slow. Unemployment levels are extremely high in many states like Michigan, California, etc. People from CNBC tell the American public that signs of a recovery are here. Some believe that these people are lying. Our spent money has been gone for a while. If there is not a corresponding and reliable, ongoing source of income to offset your purchases, don’t make the purchases. U.S. Jobs Reports have shown many negative job gains in this recession. This recession and economic problems started before Barack Obama and before George W. Bush. This economic war against the people got a serious boost when then President Bill Clinton signed onto the North American Free Trade Agreement (or NAFTA) and GATT or the General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs. Even numerous Democrats opposed these agreements. NAFTA and GATT was treasonsous and it harm the business interests on the American people in many ways. NAFTA and GATT eliminated many trade protections that are necessary to preserve our high standard of living. It gave Mexico the peso problems of the 1990's. We have 310 million people who once enjoyed a standard of living that was the envy of the world. Now, our wealth is decreasing in bad way that other nations can unfairly compete against us in terms of labor, regulations, and manufacturing jobs. These trade deals didn't rapidly create wealth or manufacture jobs in America, it made our most reliable export to be raw goods (these goods are manufactured in foreign lands and then sold back to the American consumer). NAFTA and GATT are similar to financial elites creating a plan to reverse and destroy everything that made the United States a superpower (and the most highest standard of living in the world). Even George Bush 43 was a strong supporter of these free trade agreements himself. Republicans and Democrats also allowed this tradegy to occur in 1993. The time doesn't exist anymore when a high school graduate could get a job in an American factory where a family wage income exists (with benefits and retirement savings). Nowadays, people will have to go to college (or get into a trade school), have connections, etc. to achieve even a middle class income. Many of the descent manufacturing jobs are now being held by nations like China, India, Indonesia, and Vietnam. There are foreign workers given HB-1 visas to work alongside and compete with the workforce now in America. So, creating real jobs ought to be a priority. There is nothing wrong with trading with other countries or helping out foreign workers. Yet, the national priority should be to help our American workers primarily. NAFTA and GATT ought to be eliminated with real trade policies in replace of them if the jobs in America ought to increase to the level of a high standard of living.
Steven Ertelt from on July 24, 2009 wrote about lawmakers confirming that the health care bill promotes euthanasia among the elderly. There are 2 Republican leaders in the House that confirm that parts of the health care restructing bill promotes euthanasia. A leading patients rights advocate is worried about the effects of the legislation. Betsy McCaughey is the former New York lietutenant government who is now a patient's rights advocate. She notes that the quasi-government health care plan would require end of life couseling for seniors. She says that the counseling would focused on telling seniors on how to end their lives sooners. There is a statement talking about these fears (from House Republican Leader John Boehner and Republican Policy Committee Chairman Thaddeus McCotter in a statement to The pair says that Section 1233 of the House drafted legislation encourages health care providers to provide their Medicare patietns with counseling on the use of artifically administered nutrition and hydration plus other end of life treatments. This section the pair believed, "...may place seniors in situations where they feel pressured to sign end of life directives they would not otherwise sign..." They want that part of the law to have an open public debate since euthanasia that is encouraged by the government is wrong. They call this section as a throwback to 1977 when the old Department of Health Education and Welfare proposed federal promotion of living wills for costs savings purposes described as enormous. Some (like Cardinal Joseph Bernardin of Chicago, but I disagree with Romanism as a theology) believed that the government back then encouraged people to die sooner since human life is reduced to a utilarian cost benefit calculus plan (that is used to serve fiscal policy without moral considerations being implemented). Right now, Oregon and Washington legalized assisted suicide. Montana is given conditional approval of it depending on the outcome of a state Supreme Court decision. The slipperly slope for euthanasia and mercy killing (plus physician assisted sucide) is a real threat especially after 3 state legalized physician assisted sucide. A false health care reform is a type of reform that rejects to protect the sanctity and dignity of all human life. McCaughery told Presidential candidate Fred Thompson's radio show that she disagrees with a measure that can be used to kill off elderly Americans. "One of the most shocking things is page 425, where the Congress would make it mandatory absolutely that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session," she said. "They will tell [them] how to end their life sooner. The bill calls for the recommendation of "palliative care and hospice" in the mandatory counseling sessions, which is pain relief as patients die. The House bill requires "an explanation by the practitioner of the continuum of end-of-life services and supports available, including palliative care and hospice, and benefits for such services and supports that are available under this title."
The measure also recommends a discussion on "the use of artificially administered nutrition and hydration," which suggests that elderly patients could be advised not to receive it, which would hasten death. So, we should reject euthanasia completely.
9/11 Blogger from July 26, 2009 reported on how a 9/11 Blueprint for Truth is to debut on Colorado public television. This comes after the success of the recent historic broadcast of 9/11 Press for Truth. The state of Colorado is about get 9/11 truth more. The 9/11 Truth Movement has grown expotentially in recent years. Shari Bernson (who is the Executive Producer of KBDI and she made an appearance at the Visibility 9/11 with Michael Wolsey) made the major announcement that KBDI will again make hsitory when PBS will world premier Richard Gage's excellent documentary called "9/11 Blueprint for Truth." This is occur on August 15, 2009 from 7:00-9:00 pm. mountain time. KBDI made history within the 9/11 Truth Movement when they aired 9/11 Press for Truth during one of their periodic fund drives in June of 2009. This endeavor was a success and the entire 3 hour broadcast was repeated 6 more times. People have called it an amazing night with full of emotion from A to Z. The group made history by doing this (the KBDI crew included Bob McIlvaine, Ray, Kyle, and others). Their professional was great. Members of Colorado 9-11 Visibility will be on hand to answer phones and Richard Gage AIA will be in the studio for interviews during the fund raising breaks. Please let KBDI hear from you. Let them know how much you appreciate their courage in airing 9-11 documentaries and you want to see more. If it is within your budget, let KBDI know with a donation on August 15, 7:00 – 9:00 pm mountain time. 9/11 Press for Truth has been respected by many critics. The story of the New Jersey widows has been very credit since they want answers about the cover up of the events revolving around 9/11. The documentary was created in 2006. Ray Nowosielski, Paul Thompson, and Kyle Hence wrote the film. It uses tons of accurate information to prove that the ISI and the U.S. government funded al-Qaeda and the Taliban (including the hijackers), the 9/11 Commission covering up vital information, why the U.S. military defenses failed to intercept the hijacked aircrafts during 9/11, and other important issues. So, 9/11 Truth will never die.
Religious Liberty issues is a global issue not just in America. Activists claim that a Christian woman was executed in North Korea. North Korea publicly executed a Christian woman last month for distributing the Bible. That is banned in the communist nation according to South Korean activists. Ri Hyon Ok is 33 and was accused of spying for South Korea and the United States (including organizing dissidents). She was executed in the northwestern city of Tyongchon near the border with China on June 16 according to a report from an alliance of several dozen anti-North Korea groups. Ri's parents, husband, and 3 children were sent to a political prison camp. This camp is located in the northeastern city of Hoeryong the following day according to the report. It cited unidentified documents saying that these documents were obtained from North Korea. It showed a copy of Ri's North Korea government issued photo ID. It's impossible to verify these reports about the secretive nation of North Korea since the government tightly controls the lives of its citizens and doesn't allow dissent. On Thursady, an annual report from a state run South Korean think tank on human rights in the north said that public executions, though dropping in number in recent years, North Korea still carried out these executions because of crimes ranging from murder to circulating foreign movies. North Korea lies about claiming to guarantee the freedom of religiion for its 24 million people. The reality is that it restricts religious observances heavily. The cult of personality sorrounding the national founder Kim II Sun and his son (the current leader Kim Jong II) is a virtual state religion. The government only authorized 4 state churches. They are one Catholic, 2 Protestant ones, and one Russian Orthodox. They cater to foreigners, but ordinary North Koreans can't attend these religious places. However, defectors and activists say more than 30,000 North Koreans are believed to practice Christianity secretly. That's a violation of religious liberty for those North Koreans. Do Hee-youn, who is a leading activist said that North Korea view Christian forces as a threat and they have done public executions (including the arrest and detention of North Koreans as being prevalent). The Investigative Commission on Crime against Humanity allege in its report that in March that North Korean security agents arrested Seo Kum Ok (who is 30 years old). Ok is another Christian near Ryongchon and the North Korean authorities tortured her. The agents alleged that she was attempting to spy on a nuclear site and hand over the evidence to South Korea and the U.S. (when there is no conclusive evidence for this). The report said that it remain unclear if she sruvived or not. Her husband and 2 children disappeared as well. This is tyranny in the 21st century. The commission said that it was seeking to try to take North Korean leader Kim to the International Criminal Court over alleged crimes against humanity. Activists believe that Kim Jong Il must of knew about the atrocities occuring in his country, which includes murder, kidnapping, rape, and extermination of people in prison camps. North Korea should reform itself. I don't believe in invading a nation, but speaking out against this evil going on in North Korea is a legitimate thing to do. Religious liberty should be promoted worldwide.
Daniel Tencer from Raw Story on Monday on July 27, 2009 described about how Lackawanna residents are happy that the extreme Cheney plan was axed. Lackawanna is a location in New York state and it's a Buffalo suburb. Six people from the place were covicted terrorists. The people in the town are happy that Vice President Dick Cheney's push to use the U.S. military to arrest the man was shot down. The Buffalo News articles reported that Lackawanna Mayor Norman L. Polanski Jr. said that he wouldn't expect anything less from the Bush administration. He doesn't want the military to come in. The Raw Story reported on last Friday that ex-Vice President wanted to use the military to arrest 5 members of the Lackawanna Six who were on US soil in 2002, when the terrorist cell was disrupted. The Lackawanna Police Captian Ronald Miller told the Buffalo News that if you bring the military then a panic will ensue. A resident told the News that Cheney's idea was kind of crazy. Peter J. Ahearn is a retired FBI agent who was in charge of the bureau's Buffalo office at the time of the Lackawanna Six arrests. He told the News that he and then-U.S. Attorney Michael Battle both strenously disagreed with the view that the Lackawanna Six should be designated as "enemy combatants." “There was a lot of armchair quarterbacking going on, people outside the FBI who just didn’t understand the process and the law, and that included the Department of Defense, the CIA and others,” the News quoted Ahearn as saying. He said that this issue involved miitary justice vs. the rule of law. Ahearn believes that the if the military arrest the suspects, then it would be illegal since the people are U.S. citizens. That's a violation of the Posse Comitatus Act that forbids the use of the U.S. military on domestic soil to act as a law enforcement agency. He called the actions of calling the suspects enemy combatants unneccessary, because the they were American citizens (plus the Department of Justice and the FBI commented that this is an issue of the rule of law). Yet, Ahearn gave credit to President George W. Bush, who he said was “in the middle” of the tug-of-war over Cheney’s proposal, and ultimately decided against it. “The president absolutely made the right decision,” Ahearn said. The reality is that military drills on American soil have increased in the 21st century. We have to be careful and make sure that there is a seperation between the military and domestic law enforcement components in American society.
Sarah Palin is officially not the Governor of Alaska. She was a controversy figure with controversy herself. She is right on some issues and wrong on other issues (espeicially pertaining to foreign policy issues). Days ago, she gave her final speech as Governor of Alaska. She was calm and admant about points. She blame the media for excessively and unfairly criticizing her and her family. She doesn't want the media to demonize the new Governor's family at all. Most of the media has been unfair toward her, but even Sarah Palin made errors that easily provoked the media to attack her. She is certainly a lesson teacher. She teaches that we shouldn't be ashamed of being pro-life or pro-Second Amendment. At the same time, if you're in politics, you should to the best to your ability articulately define what you believe, your proposals, and have legitimate experience to carry on with that journey. Palin was questioned on her experience. Liberals and neo cons like David Frum of course criticized Sarah Palin as being divisive figure. Frum has the nerve to lecture Palin on divisiveness when he supported the destructive war in Iraq plus the war on terror that murdered thousands of people. That's ironic since the Rockefeller Republican John McCain (which Frum wanted to win the Presidency) lost the election. It wasn't Palin's fault since ultimately the responsible party of the defeat lies at the Presidential candidate of John McCain. McCain wasn't a conservative and he still lost. What does that tell you? It tells you that being fake and not standing up for real values will cause you to lose the election. Sarah Palin was duped by the CFR-controlled mainstream media as a tool to demonize real conservatives and by the CNP crowd to promote globalism as well.
By Timothy