Thursday, July 30, 2009

Terri Schiavo Documentary Wins More Awards, Schindler Family Helps Disabled


Terri Schiavo Documentary Wins More Awards, Schindler Family Helps Disabled

by Steven Ertelt Editor
July 29, 2009

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St. Petersburg, FL ( -- The Terri Schiavo Story, a highly-regarded documentary on the life and euthanasia death of the disabled Florida woman, continues to rack up new awards. Meanwhile, the Schindler family continues to help disabled patients whose lives are threatened by doctors or families.
Schiavo was killed in a painful starvation and dehydration euthanasia death over the course of nearly two weeks when her former husband won a court order to kill her and the documentary presents facts that the mainstream media distorted.
Earlier this year the Terri Schiavo Story won the 2009 Jubilee Award at the San Antonio Independent Christian Film Festival.

Now, the film has won the 2009 Crown Award for Best Documentary at the ICVM conference (International Christian Visual Media).
In addition, the Dove Foundation, known for their high standards in family entertainment and their "Family Approved" Seal, has given "The Terri Schiavo Story" its highest rating of five stars.

Meanwhile, Bobby Schindler, Terri's brother, says the foundation he and his family created to help people like Terri is receiving a growing amount of calls for help.
"Over the past few months Terri's Foundation is experiencing a significant increase of calls from family members asking us for help in a variety of health care treatment situations," Schindler explained.
"Most of these are dealing with people who are facing withdrawal of medical care. These calls have been coming in from across the nation. This increase in calls is alarming," he said.
"These calls come in from everyday families who are faced with having their loved ones killed simply because they need extra care or have potentially life threatening disabilities," Schindler continued. "Sadly, too many in the medical community are now deciding that some people should die because their 'quality of life' does not meet some standard that is being subjectively established."
"Terri's Foundation fights every day for the families faced with these situations, trying to protect their loved ones from a strong euthanasia movement," he said.

Schindler says, in an email to, that the health care bills pending in Congress could add to the concerns.
"And despite the warning from health care experts that a government controlled health care system will only add to this growing problem, potentially exposing countless of our most vulnerable in harm's way, we will remain committed to fight," Schindler said.
Schindler talked about the kind of ethic society needs to embrace.
"We believe no one is unworthy of life, and the most vulnerable among us deserve nothing less than our unconditional love, compassion and care," he said.

Related web sites:

Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation -

Buzz up!




Florida Statues Prohibit Deliberate Acts to End Life

765.309 Florida Statute: Mercy Killing of Euthanasia Not Authorized; Suicide Distinguished. -- (1) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to condone, authorize, or approve mercy killing or euthanasia, or to permit any affirmative or deliberate act of omission to end the life other than to permit the natural process of dying. (2) The withholding or withdrawal of life-prolonging procedures from a patient in accordance with any provision of this chapter does not, for any purpose, constitute a suicide.

458.326 Florida Statute: Intractable Pain; Authorized Treatment. -- (4) Nothing in this section shall be construed to condone, authorize, or approve mercy killing or euthanasia, and no treatment authorized by this section may be used for such purpose.
782.08 Florida Statute: Assisting Self-Murder. -- Every person deliberately assisting another in the commission of self-murder shall be guilty of manslaughter, a felony of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.775.082, s. 775.083 or s.775.084.

Florida's prohibitions against assisted suicide protects not only the terminally ill, but also the disabled, the elderly, the chronically ill, the severely handicapped.
Withholding food and water by mouth is a deliberate act to end life and is prohibited in the Florida statutes! "Helping" Terri kill herself is assisted suicide and is also prohibited in the Florida statutes.

Read the Florida statutes: 2003->Ch0744->Section 3215" target=_blank>Rights of incapacitated persons; 2003->Ch0744->Section 2025" target=_blank>Change of ward's address; 2003->Ch0744->Section 3145" target=_blank>Guardian education requirements; 2003->Chapter 825" target=_blank>Neglect of vulnerable persons; 2003->Ch0825->Section 103" target=_blank>Exploitation of vulnerable persons
Back to Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo: Collusive Law Breaking in Attempts to End Terri's Life
Scientology and Terri Schindler Schiavo: The Death Connection




Terri Schiavo Died One Year Ago Today -- A Look Back
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by Steven Ertelt Editor

March 31, 2006

Pinellas Park, FL ( -- Terri Schiavo died a year ago today. She passed away after enduring 13 days of a painful starvation and dehydration death that six state and federal courts declined to prevent.
While her family still remembers a loving daughter and sister, her death was the beginning of a renewed debate about euthanasia and end of life issues.
Terri died on a Thursday morning at Woodside Hospice, and Paul O'Donnell, a Franciscan monk who had been a spokesman for the Schindlers during the two weeks of agony she endured, confirmed her death that fateful day.
"It is with great sadness that it's been reported to us that Terri Schiavo has passed away," he told reporters.

Terri's Medical Condition Very Serious Before Death

Earlier in the day, Terri's brother, Bobby, saw her the most in her last 48 hours, described her as "very gaunt" in a morning visit and noted that her medical condition deteriorated rapidly the night before.
"It's her 14th day without food and water. You can imagine, it is not a pretty sight," he said shortly before her death.
Terri's parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, Bobby and sister Suzanne Vitadamo were in Terri's hospice room visiting with her until about 10 minutes before she died.
Father Frank Pavone of Priests for Life visited Terri Thursday morning with her family. He said Bobby and Suzanne were ''sitting there praying, holding her hand, stroking her hair."
Michael Told Terri's Family to Leave
Although Terri's parents and family were with her 10 minutes before she died, Terri's estranged husband Michael prevented them from being with her at the moment of her death.
O'Donnell indicated that, at the end of their scheduled one hour visit, police instructed them to leave.
"At that point, they pleaded with the police -- the police were acting under the orders of Michael Schiavo - that Michael allow them to stay in the room as Terri was about to pass away," O'Donnell said.
The Schindler family agreed to be in the room at the same time as Michael, if that would persuade him to let them stay. Police passed on the plea to Michael, who denied it and instructed police to threaten them with arrest if they did not comply with his wishes to leave.
"They not only escorted them out of the room, but also off the hospice property. Within ten minutes, it was reported that Terri passed away," O'Donnell said.

Terri Tried to Say She Wanted to Live

Almost a week before her death, Terri tried to tell a family attorney that she wanted to live.
Barbara Weller, one of the attorneys for Terri's parents, told the disabled woman, "Terri, if you would just say, 'I want to live,' all of this will be over."
Weller said Terri desperately tried to repeat Weller's words.
"'I waaaaannt ...,' Schiavo said. Weller described it as a prolonged yell that was loud enough that police stationed nearby entered the hospice room.
"She just started yelling, 'I waaaannt, I waaaannt,'" Weller explained.

Terri Responsive Until Death, Prayed With Family

In one of the more remarkable evidences that Terri was responsive and interacting with her family, a Catholic priest who prayed with the Schindler's before Terri's death said the disabled woman closed her eyes for the prayer and opened them when it was complete.
"She was very responsive -- closing her eyes when I said, 'Let's pray together, Terri,' opening them up after the prayer," Father Pavone said.
He indicated Terri was smiling and "returning the kiss of her father" as well as "turning her eyes to me when I spoke to her."
Terri Never Wanted to Die
Though her former husband Michael alleged Terri told him numerous times she didn't want any extra measures taken to keep her alive, a close friend of Terri's disputes that claim.
Diane Meyer told the courts that Terri never would have wanted to die this way.
After viewing a documentary on Karen Quinlan, another disabled patient who was the center of a national euthanasia debate, Terri said courts and doctors wouldn't know what Karen wanted.
"Where there's life, there's hope" Terri told her friend.

Neurologists: Terri Wasn't PVS

Before her death, two leading neurologists said Terri was not in a persistent vegetative state.Dr. Joseph Fins of New York Presbyterian Hospital/Weill Cornell Medical Center reviewed Schiavo's medical records for the Florida Department of Children and Familles.
Fins indicated Terri's condition may have been misdiagnosed and that she was more likely in a state of minimal consciousness rather than a PVS patient as courts and many media outlets alleged.
Dr. William Cheshire of the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, also believed Terri was minimally conscious rather than a PVS patient.

Media Anticipated Terri's Death

CBS News came under fire for prewriting and posting to its news web site a story claiming Terri Schiavo had died -- three days before her death.
"Surrounded by stuffed animals and medical equipment in her small hospice room in Pinellas Park, Fla., Theresa Marie Schindler Schiavo died," the pre-written story said.CBS News spokeswoman Sandy Genelius told that the story was "a draft that was stored on the web site" but not intended to be accessible to the public. She said the story was accidentally saved to a portion of the web site accessible to search engines and she told that CBS News "removed the story as soon as the error was discovered."
Courts Refused to Stop Terri's Euthanasia Death
Circuit Court Judge George Greer initially ordered Terri's death in 2000 and her feeding tube was removed twice before. The second time, Florida Governor Jeb Bush lobbied state lawmakers to pass a bill that would allow him to protect Terri's life.
They did, but the bill was ultimately declared unconstitutional.

During the third time Terri's feeding tube was removed, Congress passed legislation to protect Terri and the measure received President George W. Bush's approval.
However, three Florida and six federal courts ignored the bill's mandate to halt Terri's starvation and hold new trials related to the Schindlers' lawsuit.Related web sites:

Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation -


Myths Exposed about Terri Schiavo

So you can't stop the truth from coming out.

-By Timothy