Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009 Developments

The Police State is ever real in America. The Obama administration said that they will distribute 1 billion dollar grants to hire 5,000 local police nationwide. The money is a downpayment on the stimulus law in his attempt to help the economy. Police agencies nationwide wanted a total of about 8.3 billion dollars in stimulus funds. Obama has promised to seek funding for at least 50,000 new police officers. The catch is that the federalization of police is happening now. Created by the 1994 Omnibus Crime Bill, the COPS program has played a major role in federalizing law enforcement. As our country careens into a depression, the COPS program is providing funds to hire new police and to keep police on the payroll in states and municipalities facing severe budget cuts. Andy Dorr is the Assistant Director of the Grants Administration Divison for COPS. He said that the agency's Hiring and Recovery Program provides funding to rehire officers who have been laid off or scheduled for lay offs as a result of budget cuts (in a Justice Department podcast). Texas civil libertarian Scott Henson believes that the COPS subsidies have issues because there are cash strapped state and local governments. William Griggs believe that the federal government might nationize the police if problems continue (just like the FEDs nationalized GM). Apart from seeking full employment for armed tax-feeders, Obama’s police state “stimulus” package is underwriting the purchase and deployment of portable electro-shock torture devices, also known as Tasers. For example, South Carolina's The State reported that Columbia, SC's police officers will use tasers via the $116,000 in federal stimulus money. Before they get their lethal new toys the police will have to undergo training about the “do’s and don’ts” of officially sanctioned “pain compliance.” Yet, on previous performances, it’s doubtful than any of them would face repercussions for violating black-letter prohibitions on the use of Tasers against non-violent subjects. Tasers are known to kill people and cause heart problems on victims. Police brutality exploited taser use on many occasions. Homeland Security made X3, which is a new taser that can harm 3 victims before reloading. The deal is that federalization of hte police and tasers are serious problems in the United States of America.

Hal Turner is a racist. Now, Turner is trying to save himself and stay out of prison for being accused of threatening to kill federal judges. The racist talk host Hal Turner admitted in court that he is an FBI informant according to the Chicago Breaking News Center. People have talked about him being an informant from North Bergen, New Jersey for months. Assistant U.S. Attorney William Hogan tired to dismiss Turnet admission. “Hogan said Turner may have had some contact with the FBI as an informant but that it was quite some time ago,” reports Jeff Coen. Recent evidence, however, reveals that Turner has continued his relationship with the feds. He is famous for calling for the eradication of Jewish people. He is a Neo-nazi. Richard Evans wrote that hackers gain access to his forum server and found that Hal Turner had a correspondence with an FBI agent that was apparently Turner's handler. Researchers like Brian Glick and others have proved that in COINTELPRO, the FBI armed, directed, subsidized, and protected the Klan and other racist groups like the "Secret Army Organization" of California. This is why it's commonplace for the FBI for unleashing informants and provocateurs. Back in 2008, it was found that FBI informants were in the center of a supposed terror plot that was aimed at the Fort Dix Army base in New Jersey. One of the informants recieved almost $240,000 in taxpayer money for his role in the operation. 2 FBI informats manipulated 7 residents of Liberty City, FL to attempt to blow up the Sears tower in Chicago. The reality is that they didn't have the resources to do it and the informant posed as an Al-Qaeda representative (some have called this a case of entrapment). Each of the informants (whose names are Abbas al-Saidi and Elie Assad) earned more than $130,000 for their services to the FBI. The FBI lured people to get cash and bags of marijuana. Soon, the accused terrorists in NYC were charged with plotting to blow up synagogues and military jets. There is the McDavid case in 2006. The FBI informant named Anna infiltrated peace and justice rallies plus anarchist meetings. She pushed McDavid to do something criminal (along with Lauren Weiner and Zachary Jenson who are charged with knowingly conspiring to use fire or explosives to damage property). Anna taught the 3 people on how to make the bombs, supervised their activities and threatened to leave them if they didn't start to do something according to writer Jennifer Van Bergen from Raw Story. 3 of the people were charged in January 2006. The history of FBI provocation is related to Hal Turner who issued threats against federal judges. Hal was arrested in June 3, 2009 for issuing threats against 2 politicans in Connecticut and a state ethics official. He was re-arrested on June 24 and charged with issuing threats against judges of the United States Court of Appeals in Chicago. His arrest comes in the time when the DHS was criticized for its "rightwing extremism" report. The report compared returning veterans, defenders of the 2nd Amendments, pro-life activists, patriot groups, etc. to white supremacists and terrorists. Ironically, the FBI worked with Morris Dees' Southern Poverty Law Center in a joint effort to find whtie supremacist groups. The SPLC is known as a far left group that is right to promote equality, while at the same time demonize even non-racist conservative, becaust they disagree with them political or ideologically. That is why a declassified FBI memo reveals that the SPLC had informants at Elohim City on the eve of the Oklahoma City bombing. “If I told you what we were doing there, I would have to kill you,” Dees said during a press conference. It's obviously that the FBI-infiltrated members of Elohim City had involvement in the OKC bombing. Turner won't expose the Vatican link to the new world order for obvious reasons (since it ruins his anti-Semitic lies. The Vatican has a notorious anti-Jewish history). Now, we see that Turner is a racist front man for the real elite seeking conflict in other to control our lives plus violate our civil liberties in America.

There were terrorists arrests in North Carolina on Monday. The federal indictment came against the gang claiming that the Raleigh drywall contractor Patrick Boyd and his associates wanted to have violent jihad abroad. The Associated Press reported that these people engaged in military style traiing at home. Boyd is a poster child for "white al-Qaeda." He was trained at a terrorist camp in Afghanistan in the late 1980's and fought against the Soviet occupation of that nation. Boyd was associated with the Hezb-e-Islami or the Party of Islam. The Hizb-e-Islami was led and founded by Gulbuddin Hekmatyar. He was selected by the Pakistani ISI and the CIA to wage jihad against the Soviets. Hekmatyar was a drug dealer with support in Afghanistan. He was loved by the CIA and ISI and the US worked with him for over a 10 year period (That is why over half of all U.S. aid to the mujaheddin went into his faction according to Alfred W. McCoy and Robert Dreyfuss). Drefyfuss believed that CIA Director & Knight of Malta William Casey liked Hekmatyar because each person wanted to extend the fighting beyond Afghanistan into the Soviet Union. By 1984, Hekmaytar had a close relatisonhip with CIA-ISI operative Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden at that time ran the MAK (or the Maktab al-Khidamat), which is a front organization that funneled money plus arms to mujahideen. The MAK was nutured by the ISI, which was the CIA"s main conduit for conducting the covert war against Moscow occupation. MAK was also known as al-Kifah and its branch in New York was called the al-Kifah Refugee Center. This branch played a pivotal role in the 1993 WTC bombing and also had CIA ties (see the History Commons profile on Gulbuddin Hekmatyar). Hysen Sherifi left for Kosovo to go and endorse violent jihad, but it isn't clear if he did fighting. Hysen is indicted and he solicited funds to support the mujahedeen in April of 2009. After the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 the CIA/ISI contrivance al-Qaeda was used in Kosovo. The reason is Al-Qaeda helped the ethnic Albanian extremists of the KLA mount their terrorist campaign against Serb targets in the region (The U.S. funded Al-Qaeda groups in Bosnia and Kosovo. The USA sided with the KLA or the Kosovo Liberation Army to fight against Slobodan Milosevic in March 1999). The 1999 Congressional RPC report reported on the Bosnian pattern that was replicated in Kosovo. “With the complicity of NATO and the US State Department. Mujahideen mercenaries from the Middle East and Central Asia were recruited to fight in the ranks of the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in 1998-99, largely supporting NATO’s war effort,” Michel Chossudovsky wrote in October, 2001. The KLA was armed and trained by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency and Britain’s Secret Intelligence Services MI6, together with “former and serving members of 22 SAS [Britain's 22nd Special Air Services Regiment], as well as three British and American private security companies,” according to The Scotsman, 29 August 1999 (see previous link). So, Hysen Sherifi and Daniel Patrick Boyd (who are accused of terrorism in North Carolina) are either patsies or intelligence operatives. Such people are key in false flag terror operations. North Carolina are now conducting NLE 09. NLE 09 deals with an exercise that deals with the aftemath of an national terrorist even outside of America. This exercise wants to focus on how to prevent terrorist events here and protecting U.S. critical infrastructure according to FEMA. NLE 09 wants to build up national prepardness in an intregrated system. The feds now caim that they have prevented a terrorist attack in NC when these accused people wanted to have jihad in foreign nations. This comes in the time of the propaganda about the DHS document comparing peaceful citizens to terrorists as well. In June, the Washington Tiems released information about a supposed al-Qaeda recruiter who claimed that he can smuggle a biological weapon into the United States via tunnels under the Mexico border. In the video, Abdullah al-Nafisi suggested that al-Qaeda might want to collaborate with “members of native U.S. white supremacist militias who hate the federal government.” This propaganda of extraggerating terrrorism and demonizing people is commonplace in our time and day.

Preterism is a strong heresy embraced by many Dominionists, Papists, and other skeptics of the Christian faith. Preterism is the prophetic view that every prophecy of the Book (including in the Book of the Revelation) was fulfilled by 70 A.D. absent the Second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Some of their proponents believe Nero was the Antichrist. That's false since Nero never set himself in the Temple of God as found in 2 Thess. 2;4. Nero never had a global economy that was dependant on a mark from him and he was destroyed by the coming of Jesus Christ (as found in Rev. 13:17 and 2 Thess. 2:8). Nero wasn't even the Empire of Rome during ca. 100 A.D. when the Book of Revelation was completely. The Ecumenical Hank Hanegraff (who calls himself the "Bible Answer Man") believes that most of the prophecies from Revelation are fulfilled except the coming of Jesus Christ. Full Preterists believes that Jesus Christ returned invisibily in 70 A.D., which is a lie. The Antichrist haven't arrived since the Gospel isn't preached among all creation yet, global government isn't here yet, and this false theology gives people a false since of confidence. It gives people to ignore God's warnings people of the signs of the end times. New Agers like Benjamin Creme support Preterism as an excuse to say that the Antichrist is pass and his false Messiah is a true world leader, which isn't true. Creme said that if we don't follow his false Christ of Maitreya, we will be buried by him. This false Maitreya will never buried the truth at all. The Bible says that the future Antichrist will be given full “power … over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations” (Rev. 13:7). The Jesuit Order via the Jesuit Alcasar created the Preterist doctrine as a means to decieve Protestants in not condemning Romanism as an Antichrist system. Many Reformers and other Christian leaders like Wycliffe, Tyndale, Luther, Calvin, etc. have called the Pope the Antichrist. The Reformation broke down much of the power of Rome, so the Vatican used the Counter Reformation to stop the spread of the Protestant gospel in Europe (Jesuits were apart of this agenda as well). The Jesuits then and now want the Protestant Reformation to end. They have infiltrated government, involved in war, support the Ecumenical Movement, and done other nefarious actions for centuries since the early 1500's. So, Preterism is heresy that should be exposed completely.

Steven Ertelt from on July 28, 2009 reported that Oakland still wants to stop the pro-life Pastor Walter Hoye from expressing his First Amendment rights on abortion. Prosecutors from the city of Oakland are trying to stop him again from providing women with abortion alternatives. Hoye is an African American pastor. He appeared outside the Family Planning Specialists abortion center until the city passed a law prohibitng him. Hoye went into jail after he was convicted, because a local ordinance targeted the free speech rights of pro-life advocates. Hoye returned to the abortion center in June. Hoye has been ordered by a local judge to stay 100 yards away from the abortion center, but he says he plans to provide abortion alternatives information to women anyway. In response, an Alameda County prosecutor went back to court hoping to convince the judge to order an injunction using the new Oakland law, implemented specifically to target Hoye. That puts a "bubble zone" in place within eight feet of women entering any local abortion business. At a hearing Monday before Alameda County Superior Court Judge Stuart Hing, deputy district attorney Masanao Morimoto revealed he wants to ban Hoye for life from appearing at the abortion center. That's evil since all people have a right to protest. The initial motion asked for a three year probation for Hoye from helping women outside the abortion center. The new papers the district attorney filed with Hing on Monday asked for a permanent ban. The California Catholic even admitted that the district attorney acknowledged that Hoye has appeared outisde the abortion center without breaking the law. The official claimed Hoye's offers of help to women considering abortion put them at emotional distress because: "the activities [Hoye] would like to believe are benign can cause significant psychological distress to an individual seeking assistance with often difficult family planning issues." Catherine Short of the Life Legal Defense Foundation represented Hoye. She talked with the Catholic newspaper on the case She said that: "The district attorney is now arguing the standard pro-abort line," she said. "They are arguing that Rev. Hoye should be banned from ever going to the clinic because his mere presence could upset some women. They have abandoned any pretense of 'seeking justice,' which is the prosecutor's duty. This is now blatantly ideological." Short said that the district attorney's office have spent an unprecendented amount of time and effort to stop Hoye from helping women. The court from Judge Hing want to see if a permanent injunction is needed and whether Hoye's case has been concluded (in 2 cases). The district attorney told the court he will appeal any ruling against the position of the city in defending its free speech limits. Meanwhile, Hoye's appeal of his conviction and of the law itself is still pending. The district attorney hates the First Amendment obviously.

"Rev." Jesse Lee Peterson is something else. He is one of the slickest neo-conservatives around. Many neo cons like Bill Cunningham like him since he criticize the black community in sometimes unfair and offensive ways. Peterson has his BOND group that does try to help community in some ways, but Peterson promotes stereotypes and false generalizations against his own people. Recently, Peterson accused Colin Powell of voting for Barack Obama solely for race, which isn't true. He's right on many social issues and exposing the mistakes of many people like Prince Hall Mason Jesse Jackson and Louis Farrakhan, but he said that blacks in the Superdome turned it into a ghetto when the reports of murder and rape have been exaggerated. Also, Peterson won't hire blacks with so-called "African" sounding names. Peterson haven't discussed real black history about Egypt, Nok, Ghana, Songhai, etc. to black youth to strengthen their resolve. I guess this guy forgotten about the theft of votes during the 2000 Election and how Bush's family tree (which are made up of many Republicans) aided Hitler and the Nazis. Plus, Prescott Bush was friends with many of the racist, eugenic robber barron industrialists. In 1969, George H. W. Bush and others supported the population control of black people when the population rate of blacks were stable in that period. If there was any man who is a hater of his own people, Peterson is the one. Me and my little brother call him a hater of his own people. He is that whether he likes it or not. I have no problem with Peterson's help with many blacks in the West Coast, but I do have a problem with his unfair stereotypes against most black people. Most black people aren't living as savages or lack moral character as Peterson lyingly assumes. Peterson lies by calling most black people racist, most blacks have a socialist mindset, etc. He is so racist against his own people that he said that blacks are lazy, which is a libel. Blacks have worked hard for centuries in American society. Peterson has also attacked black talk radio as an "anti-white, anti-American, anti-black conservative" outlet that preaches hatred of America, hatred of whites, hatred of Jews, and hatred of black conservatves like himself. Tons of black radio hosts are independent and don't hold on to the Left/Right paradigm at all regardless of Peterson's lies. Jesse Lee Peterson said that most black preachers embrace a social gospel of preaching the Gospel (or teach hatred of Israel, When it comes to sex, you can’t trust a Black preacher, Black preachers are racists, etc.), which he hasn't used statistics to back up that assumption at all. I've seen many black preachers and most aren't racists. He also attacked the National Association of Black Journalists and other black professional organizations after he got ripped to pieces during a 2002 debate forum they held. Jesse Lee Peterson seeks out political alliance with white supremacist and racist groups like National Alliance (whose leader is Glenn Spencer). Spencer is funded by John Tanton. Tanton is a population control advoacte (population control has been ties to eugenics. Tanton is a radical environmentalist) and bashes immigration. FAIR, which Tanton co-founded, received $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund between 1985 and 1994 . The Pioneer Fund is a group that believes in the deception of racial inferirority of non-white people to white people and they support eugenics. This isn't unusual for Jesse Lee Peterson since he said that black men are not worth anything. The truth is that all human beings have worth and have value. Peterson is anti-Christian by preaching lies. That alone makes me reject this man's agenda 100%. I've got to be real. What Peterson doesn't talk about is how the new world order is real, how eugenicists have targeted blacks for extermination via Planned Parenthood (the only exception is when he in front of an audience), that many strides have been made by the black community, the war on terror is a contrived occurence, that the War on Drugs has been an anti-civil liberty failure, and that many laws like the Patriot Act are a violation of our rights. See, he talks about some real issues, but he won't cross that line and see that both major parties are bought and paid for by the same people. He's no different than the George Soros-funded Think Progress site, but more with hatred against his own people.

Secret Societies are here. One easy way for folks to understand them is about the Illuminati. Many people use disinformation about the origin of the group, but here are some facts on the real Bavarian Illuminati. Adam Weishaupt, the occultist Kolmer, and others created the Illuminati to rebel against mainstream religion and the monarchy in May 1, 1776. Weishaupt wanted the public image of philanthropy and charity as an excuse to gain more recruits. Many German educators, Masons, and some Protestans joined its ranks. Adam lied and said that his group represented true Christianity. The Illuminati had oaths and degrees like the Minverals or novice, Illuminatus Minor, etc. Weishaupt was the head of the group and issued spies all over Europe to spread his dogma. Weishaupt held the title of Rex and under that was Illuminatus Major (which were the top level circle of initiates). The secret police of the Order killed anyone who tried to inform the authorities about the conspiracy. This band was known as the “Insinuating Brethren” and had as its insignia an all-seeing eye. Code names were common in the group like Weishaupt called himself Spartacus. Other members of the Bavarian Illuminati thers were called Cato, Marius, Brutus, Pythagoras, Socrates, and Hannibal. Weishaupt based his pyramidal order as similar to the Jesuits since he was trained by them (and died in good graces with the Vatican before he died). Doctors, musicians, lawyers, ministers, politicans were apart of it. In the Bavarian Illuminati's peak, its membership reached hundreds of people at least. Some of the occultists and elite at that time worshipped Reason (or Nature) as God which is heresy. Von Knigge allowed German and French people to join Weishaupt's movement. The two leaders of German Freemasonry, Duke Ferdinand of Brunswick and Prince Karl of Hesse, joined the Order, thus bringing the whole of German Freemasonry under the control of the Illuminati for a time. Authors and great researchers believe that the Illuminati's influence spread into the French Revolution. French Count Honore Gabriel Mirabeau was a new disciple of the Illuminati. His recruits were Duke of Orleans, Brissot, Condorcet, Petion, Sieyes, and others (which are Jesuit-trained folks or Freemasons) were leaders of the French Revolution. The Duke of Orleans was the leader of the Grand Orient in Paris and was a key Illuminati. The Illuminati's offshoots via the Grand Orient lodges controlled the Jacobin Club houses in Paris (according to John Robison's "Proofs of a Conspiracy") to mobilize the Revolution. It's definitely true that Illuminati principles of hatred of the monarchy, the bashing of mainstream religion, the promise of an Utopian society are bedrocks of the French Revolution. The Bavarian government banned the Illuminati by 1784. In 1788, after the suppression of Illuminism in Bavaria, Karl Bahrdt and Baron von Knigge attempted to revive it under the name of the German Union (according to the book, "The History of Germany" by Wolfgang Menzel), which soon came to control the book selling and publishing business in the German lands. However, it was not until 1810 that the Order was revived in what is now Germany, this time under the name of the Tugendbund. The League of the Just is another offshoot of the Bavarian Illumianti that according to authors commissioned Karl Marx to write the Communist Manifesto in 1848. The League changed its named after that into the Communist League. As James H. Billington, a respected scholar who is now the Librarian of Congress, illustrates in his exhaustively documented 1980 study Fire in the Minds of Men: The Origins of the Revolutionary Faith, it is from “Bavarian Illuminism” that “the modern revolutionary tradition” descends. Billington believes that the Revolutionary mindset (like fire in the minds of men) that has been related to the revolutionary components of the Bavarian Illuminati influenced Fabian Socialism, Bolshevism, Utopian movements, and other movements.

By Timothy