The Collapse of Detroit: Ground Zero for the Globalist’s Deindustrialization Agenda
Aaron Dykes
October 31, 2009
“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” – Maurice Strong, 1992
It’s a history where the bankers have embedded themselves into the economy, building up infrastructure for a time, then bringing down the system within the United States in concert with the international economic warfare and the rise of global government.
It’s the collapse of Detroit, and like the Great Depression of the 20th Century, the looming Greater Depression of the 21st Century, and the collapse of Building 7 and the Twin Towers, it was a staged collapse. This stage of the game is De-industrialization.
Inside this agenda is a plan for global government to emerge from the ashes of the once great United States and for the era of national sovereignty itself to subside. To achieve their goal, an economic squeeze is placed upon the nation and environmental pretexts are being used to strangle independence and viability– in America it has been the NAFTA, GATT, WTO and United Nations treaties that have wrecked her integrity and pillaged her productiveness.
A subsequent volume of ‘Fall of the Republic’ will further detail the staged-collapse of America’s economy, and Detroit is the most-detailed ground analysis yet undertaken by the Infowars team in preparation and research for the film. As this video of Detroit shows, its decline began in the Late 1950s and early 1960s with the collapse of the Packard Plant. We witnessed boarded-up abandoned houses, cities being reclaimed by nature and ethnic demography hardening into areas divided into sub-cultures and readied for control through community demagogues.
A key agent of the Rockefeller family, Dr. Richard Day, the National Medical Director of the Rockefeller-sponsored Planned Parenthood, told a meeting in March 1969 that American industry will be sabotaged and shown to be uncompetitive. He said:
“The stated plan was that different parts of the world would be assigned different roles of industry and commerce in a unified global system. The continued preeminence of the United States and the relative independence and self-sufficiency of the United States would have to be changed… in order to create a new structure, you first have to tear down the old, and American industry was one example of that.”
“Each part of the world will have a specialty and thus become inter-dependent, he said. The US will remain a center for agriculture, high tech, communications, and education but heavy industry would be “transported out.”
This is Agenda 21 in action—the agenda for the 21st Century as set by the globalists who run the United Nations and other key international mechanisms. The bankers most assuredly created the crisis now underway:
Across the street from the Ford Piquette plant where the first industrial assembly line for mass-production was born, we talked to locals riding through on their bikes in the crisp of fall. Up the block, old Packards were buried under fall leaves on the side of the overpass. One guy looked out of a job, his clothes were disheveled and I wondered whether or not he might be homeless (he wasn’t). After he began to rattle off a short history of the development of the engine valves, he told me that he was formerly a master technician in one of the plants. Now, only a relative fraction of those jobs remain.
Schemes for ‘planned obsolescence’ and other changes in the big Auto sector contributed to a competitive disadvantage in a market that became increasingly globalized and vulnerable to the low wage workers set-up to take over production. Not only the Auto Sector itself, but the wide array of related and complimentary industry was hit. Part makers and sub-contractors all saw their jobs evaporated overseas. That meant not only competition with low-wage Third World nations (via “that giant sucking sound” Ross Perot warned about), but it also meant wrestling with the nebulous global octopus sucking out the heart of America through treaties, trade agreements, debt instruments, loans, aid and more all controlled through binding international vehicles such as the IMF.
Today, Detroit looks like a war zone. The slowly rotting corpse of what had been America’s backbone, the leading city in the industrial “Rust Belt.” Today, those cities are on the decline and scheduled to be bulldozed, shrunk and returned to nature. Detroit, Flint, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Memphis. These centers of production and high-wage working class jobs are now collapsing in every sense. Their city governments are broke. Foreclosures range around 1 in 5 in the worst areas. Neighbors are in decline. The last jobs are about to go.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
One local told us about the recent suicide of the head of a failed plant in the Del Ray neighborhood inside Detroit. The factories jobs had been lost and unemployment benefits were about to run out. As an outsider, it was becoming difficult to keep track of the many former factories, standing as relics. I wasn’t clear about the details of the scenario, but the desperation seemed to underscore the worst parts of the Great Depression many hoped was gone for good. Many areas, including the collapsed pillars on the top floor of the Packard plant, literally resemble Roman ruins. It is a study of what once was, a city based on an abortive concept. Detroit is frozen in decline, the post-industrial society has fully sunk in. Slow death since the onset of globalization had atrophied a sector once poised as a boon of wealth.
It’s not a question in Detroit of the price of socialist management or the folly of capitalism’s greed. Big Auto could have been easily saved, just as the home foreclosures could have been stopped. Instead, Washington turned over all financial control and gave out trillions to Wall Street and foreign, globalists-owned banks. The distinction is the intentional shedding of an entire productive sector by the same Robber Baron class who raised up American industry, bled it over the alter of the global economy and looted its assets, drying up its labor opportunities, and leaving a shell for historians to study and thrill seekers to marvel at.
President Obama, while publicly positioning himself as a supporter of middle class workers, privately worked to destroy unions, cut benefits and bust opposition. His promises to renegotiate NAFTA were exposed during the 2008 campaign as mere “campaign rhetoric” after economic advisor Austan Goolsbee told Canadian officials that no real “change” would take place. Denials from the Obama camp were made, but Canadian officials reconfirmed that these statements were made.
Now, under the auspices of climate change policies and sustainability efforts, including emissions cuts, fuel standards and other ‘green’ production requirements, Detroit Auto is forced to be competitive within the confines of lower performance, higher cost green chic designs. The public has proved less than enthusiastic about these measures. The government-owned GM and Chrysler will be shells of their former selves, and Ford will be forced to tow the line and face the danger of being handed off piecemeal to firms like Italy’s Fiat, a company deeply embedded in the Bilderberg group which has long worked to dominate in unified, no barrier common-markets.
Experts featured in ‘Fall of the Republic’ have explained that the biggest key to Detroit Auto’s collapse was the parasitical investment banking structure. Although CEO and corporate greed factors in to problems auto has had, targeted de-competitiveness and the weight of ill-advised leveraged and derivative-based assets are what brought auto down.
William K. Black, former bank regulator, trader Max Keiser and historian Webster Tarpley all explain how the firewall between investment and commercial banking that was set-up under the Glass Steagall Act in the wake of the Great Depression was destroyed by then-Clinton, now-Obama financial goons Larry Summers and Robert Rubin
Max Keiser, Alan Watt and John Perkins explain how public projects were shifted from public good measures and converted into vehicles for the transfer of publicly held assets to private hands. Bought-and-paid politicians in all countries of the world have been involved in deregulating and privatizing water and utility services, they have handed over land seized through imminent domain to partner companies and looted the pensions and public welfare systems. In short, the takeover by elites– including royalty, robber barons, Wall Street and environmental organizations– has indeed taken over the economy through the current economic crisis.
Foreclosures nationwide are expected to go suddenly from 1 million homes to 6 million homes. Detroit, Flint and the others are canaries in the coalmine, in terms of the American economic landscape.
As ‘Fall of the Republic’ details, and key subjects in the film, including Gerald Celente, detail: a nation producing almost nothing, importing nearly everything and printing money based on nothing is one scheduled for collapse and subject to reintegration into the global structure.
The sound of the circling IMF vultures loom overhead; its target has weakened. It has stopped moving and collapsed on the floor. If it doesn’t get back up soon, it never will. This is America’s last chance.