Sunday, October 25, 2009

Jesuit Murder of Faisal and Sadat (plus more Jesuit information)

Jesuit Murder of Faisal and Sadat

Posted by EJP on Oct 21st, 2009 and filed under Radio. You can follow any

Bible-believing Protestant and ex-Papal Roman priest John Claudius Pitrat is quoted in his Americans Warned of Jesuitism, Or The Jesuits Unveiled (1851) as he refers to early colonial America from 1620-1775 as the land of Protestant refugees driven to escape the Pope’s Inquisition raging in every capital city across Europe. Addressing the Jesuits, Pitrat states on pp. 147, 148:

“We will never forget that our forefathers, the first inhabitants of the American land, were compelled to leave their native country, to come to bury themselves in unknown and far-distant wildernesses to escape your tyranny and cruelty. . . . and if you are not stopped and carefully watched in America, you will prove to the United States that they warm in their bosom a snake that will kill them.”

The Jesuit assassinations of Sunni-Wahhabi-Islamic Saudi Arabian King Faisal (1975) and Sunni-Islamic Egyptian President Anwar Sadat (1981) are covered as to “Why.” Faisal was responsible for the 1973 Oil Embargo that threatened to frustrate the true purpose of the Pope’s Yom Kippur War (returning the Sinai to Egypt, not the loss of the Pope’s “Kingdom of Jerusalem” re-established in 1948), Sadat attacking Israel through the Sinai at that moment. Two years later Faisal paid with his life, the victim of “the leaden bullet.” Sadat made an even more fatal mistake: he entered into a peace agreement with Israel! Bad boy! Because a peace treaty is utterly forbidden to be consummated between any Arab nation and Israel (the Pope’s Arab-Israeli Conflict to be continued at all costs), Sadat was assassinated in broad daylight during a military parade and review by the Black Pope’s unified, International Intelligence Community perfected during the era of the Pope’s Cold War Hoax. Both Faisal and Sadat were Islamic Freemasons who became disobedient to their occult masters, the Jesuits, for which they paid with their lives.

“The Arm of the Church is Long!”


I find it very funny when Jew-baiters are confronted with articles like the following they start running for cover:


Peres calls for Vatican control of Christian sites

By Jack Khoury

Tags: Pope Israel

President Shimon Peres is urging the government to yield control of key Christian holy sites to the Vatican, a position believed to be opposed by Interior Minister Eli Yishai.

The Vatican's longstanding demand that Israel transfer sovereignty of key Christian sites to the Holy See has created dissension among senior officials in Jerusalem.

The Interior Ministry has vowed to retain control of the sites, calling relinquishment a "sacrifice" of Israeli sovereignty.

"This matter is under the minister's authority, and he is not prepared to sacrifice Israeli sovereignty, even if it is only symbolic," Yishai's spokesman Roi Rachmanovitch said.

Peres is pressing the government to agree to the Vatican's request that Israel surrender control of six religious sites, among them the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth; the Coenaculum on Mount Zion in Jerusalem, where Jesus is said to have held the Last Supper; the Gethsemane, which sits at the foot of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem; Mount Tabor; and the Church of the Multiplication, which hugs the Kinneret's shore.

Peres is lobbying Yishai to concede the sites to the Catholic Church, Army Radio reported, but not all officials agree.

"If we were sure that this great gift to the Christian world would bring millions of Christian pilgrims here, then we would have a good reason to think about [agreeing to the demand]," Tourism Minister Stas Misezhnikov told Army Radio. "But since we are not certain that this will happen, why should we hand out gifts?"

The dispute between Jerusalem and the Holy See threatens to cast a pall over next week's visit to the Holy Land by Pope Benedict XVI. Vatican officials have made clear they intend to reiterate their demand during the visit that Israel hand over control of the Coenaculum, Army Radio reported.


Yup, 'tis true Antisionist. I am too knackered to find the correct interview (or dig through them), but I was apalled. They really showed their hand & became Gatekeepers for Rome Extraordinaire!

If anyone finds the link & time-code (of the Red Ice interview - I think that they did two on different dates) then please post for the benefit of others. I hate digging through interviews that I've already listened to (despite hoarding them all for "archive purposes" - LOL! Who knows why?), but swear that it is absolutely true.

