Dear friends
I have posted below relevant excerpts from the Scottish Rite page from the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim's website that shows through their own research & that of H. Leadbeater & H.P.Blavatsky that the Scottish Rite & advanced degree Freemasonry is of Catholic & particularly Jesuit origin.
The role of the Stewarts in these Masonic developments is crucial. Aso: Despite the statement that: "In the later form in which it emerges in 1754 both Jacobite and Jesuit connections had been dropped, and the succession, together with certain ceremonial degrees, probably including a form of the Kadosh, had passed into the hands of distinguished French noblemen, courtiers, military officers, and the elite of the professions", my researches have demonstrated to my satisfaction that the Jesuit/Vatican oversight of key Masonic obediences continues to this day.
- TS
Dear friends
I have posted below relevant excerpts from the Scottish Rite page from the Ancient & Primitive Rite of Memphis Misraim's website that shows through their own research & that of H. Leadbeater & H.P.Blavatsky that the Scottish Rite & advanced degree Freemasonry is of Catholic & particularly Jesuit origin.
The role of the Stewarts in these Masonic developments is crucial. Aso: Despite the statement that: "In the later form in which it emerges in 1754 both Jacobite and Jesuit connections had been dropped, and the succession, together with certain ceremonial degrees, probably including a form of the Kadosh, had passed into the hands of distinguished French noblemen, courtiers, military officers, and the elite of the professions", my researches have demonstrated to my satisfaction that the Jesuit/Vatican oversight of key Masonic obediences continues to this day.
- TS
QUOTE | From 1740 onwards, there existed at Avignon, capital of the department Vaucluse, a school or rather many schools of Hermeticism, working in some cases under Masonic forms on the basis of the Craft degrees, with an intermediate structure of so-called Scots degrees. The head of the movement was apparently Dom. Ant. Jos. de Pernety (1716-1801), a Benedictine Monk, alchemist, and mystic. ... W. Leadbeater wrote in “Glimpses of Masonic History” the following: ... The Scottish adherents of King James II, who followed him into exile after the landing of the Prince of Orange in 1688, brought to the English Court at S. Germains (which had been placed at the disposal of the King by Louis XIV) those ancient rites of Heredom and Kilwinning, intermingled with the Templar tradition, to which we have already referred. When King James II fled from England he took refuge at the Jesuit Abbey of Clermont, which had attached to it a College of Clermont in Paris, founded by Guillaume du Prat, Bishop of Clermont, in 1550.* (*The Catholic Encyclopaedia (1913), Vol. xiv, p. 88.) There, most unexpectedly, the King found a Masonic centre, working rites which had been handed down in France from a remote past. An intermingling of two traditions thus took place, and it was at this period - many years before the revival in 1717 - that certain of the ceremonies which are to-day included in the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite were first put together. It is probably this fact which gave birth to that other recurring tradition that the Jesuits were connected with the development of high-grade Masonry on the Continent; and it is from this indigenous French tradition, of which another branch had found its way into the Compagnonnage, that the rituals of French Craft Masonry - so different from the English - were derived. ... Ramsay was born in 1681 or 1682 at Ayr near Kilwinning (though he does not seem ever to have joined that ancient Lodge). He was converted to Ramsay was born in 1681 or 1682 at Ayr near Kilwinning (though he does not seem ever to have joined that ancient Lodge). He was converted to Catholicism by Archbishop Fenelon, whose Life he wrote and with whom he continued to live till his death in 1715. After that he acted as tutor to the two sons of the rightful King James III in Rome. He was unquestionably a learned man, a deep student both of ancient and modern history, a D.C.L. of Oxford University and, like many other prominent Freemasons of the period, a Fellow of the Royal Society. He never appears to have taken much interest in Masonry, though he wrote to Cardinal Fleury, the Prime Minister of France, in 1737 asking his protection for the Freemasons, and stating that their ideals were very high and most useful to religion, literature and the state. He died in 1743. ... According to him, Masonry was founded in remote antiquity and was renewed or restored in the Holy Land at the time of the Crusades. It has affinities with the ancient Mysteries, especially those of Ceres at Eleusis, Isis in Egypt and others. The Crusaders adopted a set of “ancient signs and symbolical words drawn from the well of religion,” which were intended to distinguish Crusader from Saracen, and were concealed under strict pledges of secrecy. The intimate union between the Crusading Masons and the Knights of S. John of Jerusalem is the reason why the Blue degrees are called S. John’s Masonry. The returning Crusaders brought Lodges of Masonry to Europe, and from thence they were introduced into Scotland, where “James, Lord Steward of Scotland, was Grand Master of a Lodge established at Kilwinning, in the West of Scotland in 1286, shortly after the death of Alexander III, King of Scotland, and one year before John Baliol mounted the throne”. ... Our main channel of descent lies behind the Scots Lodges, and first appears indubitably in the outer world in the Chapter of Clermont, commonly thought to have been founded by the Chevalier de Bonneville in 1754,* (*Ibid., p. 94.) but in reality a continuation of that same Order of the Temple into which Baron von Hund was received in 1743, which was derived from the Scottish courtiers exiled at S. Germains and from the College of Clermont. ... In the later form in which it emerges in 1754 both Jacobite and Jesuit connections had been dropped, and the succession, together with certain ceremonial degrees, probably including a form of the Kadosh, had passed into the hands of distinguished French noblemen, courtiers, military officers, and the elite of the professions.* (*Ibid., p. 95.) It was in this Chapter of Clermont and in the Council of the Emperors of the East and West into which it was transformed in 1758, that the colossal work of casting the ancient traditions into a ceremonial rite was to a great extent per formed; and it is in these two bodies, which were yet one body, that the immediate origin of our Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is to be found. ... In the later form in which it emerges in 1754 both Jacobite and Jesuit connections had been dropped, and the succession, together with certain ceremonial degrees, probably including a form of the Kadosh, had passed into the hands of distinguished French noblemen, courtiers, military officers, and the elite of the professions.* (*Ibid., p. 95.) It was in this Chapter of Clermont and in the Council of the Emperors of the East and West into which it was transformed in 1758, that the colossal work of casting the ancient traditions into a ceremonial rite was to a great extent per formed; and it is in these two bodies, which were yet one body, that the immediate origin of our Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite is to be found. ... H. P. Blavatsky wrote in "Isis Unveiled" - Vol. 2 the following: "That bastard foundling of Freemasonry, the 'Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite,' which is unrecognized by the Blue Lodges was the enunciation, primarily, of the brain of the Jesuit Chevalier Ramsay. It was brought by him to England in 1736-38, to aid the cause of the Catholic Stuarts. ... |
Research from map:
great link soulinspiration...
that site has a lot interesting info.
specifically this diagram caught my attention...
notable mentions are smom and eohsj, as well as the rosy cross bunch.
can't forget saturn/satan at the top.
man... he's such a control freak!
QUOTE | PANSOPHIC RITE The Ill. Bro. John Yarker, Jn.: 33º , 90º , 96º Grand Hierophant of A.P.R.M.M., Initiated and Installed James Heard as the first Vicarius Salomonis, Conservator of the Rite of the Ancient Universal Pan-Sophic Rite of Masonry, (which synthesized all esoteric European lineages in the late 19th century), who transmitted to Ill. Bro. Hugh G. de Willmott, who transmitted to H.S.H. Duc de Palatine, who transmitted to Bishop and Count George Boyer, Grand Archon, Brotherhood and Order of the Pleroma, Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, Sanctuary of the Gnosis (which have authority to transmit the following extant lineages), who warranted the Grailmaster, on behalf of the Temple of the Holy Grail, to carry forth the authorities embodied in the Pansophic Rite, including: • ILLUMINIST (ULTRA-MASONIC): 1. Fratres Lucis (Brotherhood of the Illuminati) 2. Order of the Illuminati (Ordo Illuminatorum) 3. Order of the Martiniste 4. Brotherhood of Luxor • TEMPLAR: 1. Knights of the Holy Ghost 2. Knights of St. John 3. Knights of Malta 4. Knights of the Holy Sepulchre 5. Knights of the Temple • ROSICRUCIAN: 1. Order of the True Rosy Cross 2. Golden and Rosy Cross 3. Order of the Rose Croix of Hiredom • GNOSTIC ECCLESIAE: 1. Order of the Ecclesiae Rosicrucianae Catholicae (Catholic) 2. Hidden Church of the Holy Grail (Protestant, Edgar Waite) 3. Ecclesia Gnostica Ortodoxa • ULTRA-MASONIC and MASONIC: 1. Ancient and Primitive Rite 2. Rite of Memphis 3. Rite of Mizraim 4. Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite 5. Swedenborgian Rite 6. Order of the Rose-Croix of Hiredom 7. Order of the Holy Royal Arch of Enoch |
i emailed the webmaster at The Acient and Primitive Rite of Memphis and Misraim
Bulgarian Sovereign Sanctuary
... i ask to see if they have any info on the ancient rite of atlantis.
another interesting chart was this one which i highlighted with some stuff that stood out for me.

Bulgarian Sovereign Sanctuary
... i ask to see if they have any info on the ancient rite of atlantis.
another interesting chart was this one which i highlighted with some stuff that stood out for me.
Ephesians 5:11 - Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather, expose them.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
John 3:16 - For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is an amazing site for obtaining some info that I have not seen elsewhere before in such precision & detail. I posted seven of its pages to my mailing list. Had a complaint for sending too many in one day!
It is worth copying each page for reference. I don't think I'd got around to posting the page that you got that pic off, buy yeah, that struck me as being most thought provoking.
There wasn't too much on the various Martinist & Rosicrucian orders (which are key Illuminati orders) or the more modern Church of Satan & Temple of Set (presumably due to neither being directly derived from apostolic succession or patent based quasi-Masonic traditions), but covered pretty much everything else.
Leadbeater (see quotes above) has a scandalous bio at Wikipedia & elsewhere, but he states his sources & the evidence presented above is sound. The truth is the truth, whether coming from the devil's mouth or the word of God.
His 380 page "Glimpses of Masonic History" (1926) is available in full here:
The "regular" Masons at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon take great pains to distance themselves from him:
It is worth copying each page for reference. I don't think I'd got around to posting the page that you got that pic off, buy yeah, that struck me as being most thought provoking.
There wasn't too much on the various Martinist & Rosicrucian orders (which are key Illuminati orders) or the more modern Church of Satan & Temple of Set (presumably due to neither being directly derived from apostolic succession or patent based quasi-Masonic traditions), but covered pretty much everything else.
Leadbeater (see quotes above) has a scandalous bio at Wikipedia & elsewhere, but he states his sources & the evidence presented above is sound. The truth is the truth, whether coming from the devil's mouth or the word of God.
His 380 page "Glimpses of Masonic History" (1926) is available in full here:
The "regular" Masons at the Grand Lodge of British Columbia & Yukon take great pains to distance themselves from him: