Saturday, December 26, 2009

Foiled Terrorist Bombing in Detroit: An Excuse to Expand the Bogus War On Terror

Foiled Terrorist Bombing in Detroit: An Excuse to Expand the Bogus War On Terror
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Kurt Nimmo
December 26, 2009

The explosion of what witnesses describe as a firecracker on Northwest Airlines Flight 253 from Amsterdam to Detroit on Christmas arrives at an opportune time for the Obama administration. The alleged perpetrator, Umar Farouk Abdul Mutallab, like shoe bomber Richard Reid before him, appears to be an incompetent patsy. Mutallab told investigators he was on a mission from al-Qaeda and he got the explosive materials for the botched attack in Yemen.
Associated Press report on the botched bombing places blame on al-Qaeda
Yemen is a new front in the war against the manufactured enemy al-Qaeda. Not only is the United States providing assisstance to the Yemeni government to bomb supposed al-Qaeda bases in the southern part of the country, but Saudi Arabia conducted airstrikes against targets in the north. Mohamed al-Anisi, the Yemeni national security chief, told told the Saudi Arabian newspaper Okaz that his forces were cooperating with Washington on attacks and accused Iran of aiding Houthi Shiite rebels. Earlier this week, a Saudi Ministry of Defense official said 73 Saudis were killed fighting the Houthi rebels, according to Deutsche Presse-Agentur.

Earlier this week al-Qaeda exploited an anti-government rally in Sanna. “Al Qaeda militants made a rare public appearance in restive south Yemen on Monday, telling an anti-government rally that the group’s war was with the United States and not the Yemeni army, residents said,” Reuters reported on December 23. “The West and Saudi Arabia fear al Qaeda will take advantage of the Yemeni government’s focus on a Shi’ite rebellion in the north and rising secessionist sentiment in the south to spread its operations to the kingdom, the world’s top oil exporter.” An explosion during the demonstration killed three people.
The Yemeni government raids killed 23 children and 17 women, not al-Qaeda, according to a report filed by AlJazeera.

The failed bombing of Flight 253 provides an excuse to expand the GWOT into Africa. “The alleged bomber’s nationality and his apparent origination in Nigeria raised immediate questions about airport security in Africa’s most populous country, where corruption, organized crime and crumbling infrastructure have long hobbled an otherwise oil-rich government,” reports The Wall Street Journal. “The alleged attempted bombing of a Detroit-bound jet by a Nigerian national Friday raises new concern over possible extremist Islamic activity in Nigeria and West Africa, a corner of Africa where al Qaeda so far hasn’t put down significant roots.”
Ethiopian and U.S. intervention in Somalia was justified to the international public under the pretext of fighting terrorism and al-Qaeda. “Ethiopia has become a regional surrogate or proxy for the United States and Britain. This is evident from the coordination of the U.S. military and Ethiopian troops in Somalia,” Global Research noted in January, 2007.
“America’s renewed interest in the Horn of Africa dates to November 2002 when the US military established its joint taskforce in Djibouti, now the base for 1,800 troops, including special operations forces,” The Guardian reported on January 13, 2007. “By then, the west had good reason to fear that Africa had become an arena for al-Qaida, and that the failed state of Somalia could become a haven for the organization’s operatives.”

Ethiopia invaded Somalia with US encouragement and military assistance after the Islamic Courts Union (ICU), an Islamist militant group that ruled much of the country, made military advances. On January 5, 2007, al-Qaeda second-in-command Ayman al-Zawahiri — the notorious CIA operative in Afghanistan who was shepherded by the western intelligence asset the Muslim Brotherhood — issued a message urging Somalis to fight against the Ethiopian invaders.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t

The ICU is a classic intelligence fabrication. It was armed by none other than Victor Bout, described as the world’s biggest illegal arms dealer. Bout worked with CIA front companies in Afghanistan. He also worked with the United Nations and African warlords, according to investigative journalist Wayne Madsen.

“Unified Quest 2008″ underscores the importance of Africa in the bogus (and highly profitable) GWOT. The May 2008 United States Army War College war game included representatives from several NATO countries, Australia, and Israel, along with the private military contractors the Rand Corporation and Booz-Allen. Among scenarios examined during the game were the possibility of direct American military intervention involving some 20,000 U.S. troops in order to “secure the oil,” and the question of how to handle possible splits between factions within the Nigerian government. The game ended without military intervention because one of the rival factions executed a successful coup and formed a new government that sought stability, reported the Stop NATO newsgroup.
Obama has defined the Africom mission to be within in the parameters of U.S. national security and the larger globalist agenda. “America has a responsibility to advance this vision, not just with words, but with support that strengthens African capacity. When there is genocide in Darfur or terrorists in Somalia, these are not simply African problems — they are global security challenges, and they demand a global response,” he said during a speech delivered on July 11, 2009. “Our Africa Command is focused not on establishing a foothold in the continent, but on confronting these common challenges to advance the security of America, Africa and the world.”
Africa Command was established October 1, 2007 as a temporary sub-unified command under U.S. European Command, which for more than two decades was responsible for U.S. military relations with more than 40 African nations. Africa Command was formally activated October 1, 2008, during a public ceremony at the Pentagon attended by representatives of African nations posted in Washington, D.C.
In addition to paving the way for expanded incursion in Africa, the failed bombing provides an excuse to further harass an impose police state measures on airline passengers. “President Barack Obama, vacationing in Hawaii, ordered heightened security, calling for ‘all appropriate measures to be taken’ after receiving a briefing from national security officials, a White House statement said,” reports Bloomberg. Obama considers yesterday’s incident as an attempted terrorist attack.
Airport security was increased around the world today. “The Department of Homeland Security said passengers may notice additional screening. Security at airports in the U.K., continental Europe, Canada, parts of Asia and Australia was increased today, and a European Commission statement said the authorities are in contact with Dutch and U.S. officials,” BusinessWeek reports this morning.

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