December 28th, 2010 at 10:36 am
I am truly an avid Ron Paul supporter and will continue to be. But this article is downright ridiculous. I would go further to say that this kind of talk will end the Tea Party faster than supporting the wars will.
I am very surprised at Dr. Paul’s approach here, given what he already knows.
Here are my vehement objections:
1) There is ABSOLUTELY NO DOUBT that Social Security has been a total blessing to millions of people, literally bringing old people out of the gutter, to live later years in dignity. To ignore that, which he does, causes people to stiffen with mistrust.
2) To suggest that Social Security should be eliminated because the Trust Fund has been continually raided and mismanaged is stupid. And besides the stealing, the fund probably went sour along with all the other illicit bank activity. He should be addressing the real problem.
3) To suggest that the “situation is getting worse” is also not accurate. The system itself will be used by less and less people as our older population will soon wane, even if it is temporary.
This country is rich beyond belief. Its the trade laws with slave nations that are killing us. The globalists are trying to bring us down and the world banks have become the mob. That is the real problem. If our government remained legal we would be prosperous and Social Security would be highly popular, by any party, left or right.
4) And lastly, the most ridiculous thing of all… To suggest that THE AVERAGE AMERICAN CITIZEN HAS ANYWHERE NEAR A SAFE INVESTMENT IS THE HEIGHT OF STUPIDITY. Even if people were able to contribute to a bank account that earned no interest, the usefulness and durability of that is in serious doubt, especially if the money has no value. And some idiotic neocons are ACTUALLY SUGGESTING THAT THE RETIREMENT AGE BE RAISED TO A FEW YEARS BEFORE THE AVERAGE AGE OF DEATH. That may be fine for a healthy person with a desk job, but that is totally ridiculous for the average wage-earner.
If this is the kind of talk, if this is the issue that is most important to Ron Paul, then LET HIM JOIN THE AUSTERITY SCREECHERS, THE WORLD BANKS, AND THE INTERNATIONAL MOB WHO ARE TAKING POSSESSION OF WHOLE ISLANDS IN GREECE. And d___ him.
Paschar Reply:
December 28th, 2010 at 11:09 am
Couldn’t agree more.
Even with all it’s faults, it’s one of the best social programs ever enacted. SS has kept MILLIONS of people from true homelessness and poverty. Whatever the reason they ended up needing SS, I’m glad it’s there for them. How you take care of your weakest citizens, says a lot about you as a people, and unfortunately for most commentators here, it’s clear money is more important than people.
I tell you what, all the tough talkers, you wanna save a few precious dollars, go fight to end all the BS wars, fake homeland security and the myriad of other complete wastes of money, THEN you can talk to me about giving an 80 yr old $800 a month just to live.
So next time your sitting in church pretending to be so self righteous and listening to how Jesus wanted everyone to help each other regardless of circumstance, just knowing deep down you are a true Hippocrate. But don’t worry, just go find some right wing blowhards to tell you how justify being a greedy a___ again.
December 29th, 2010 at 11:06 am Austerity why Dr. Paul? After I paid a few hundred thousand into to it I have no right to my money? Why not cut government pensions starting with congresses? Most government workers don’t pay into social security and there for aren’t entitled to collect SS (funny they hate SS so much). Or go after the real problem fed and corporate global control of our government budget. Bogus wars, troop postings around the world do nothing but steel resources and give Americans a bad name.
December 28th, 2010 at 8:35 pm The new “catch phrase of hatred” from the neo-cons and tea partiers will be “entitlements.”
The will foster hatred for the seniors that built and fought for this country. They will foster hated for anyone that has lost their job due to the Ponzi schemes of Fraud Street/banker elite. And it will hide the theft of TRILLIONS in taxpayer money by the corrupt politicians the last 30 years.
Make no mistake, the politicians have NO INTENTION of EVER paying you back for your forceibly deducted Social Security and Medicare/caid payments.
The elites want nothing more than a “class war” to divide “the haves” versus the “have nots.” The neo-cons will be leading the charge followed blindly and ignorantly by the tea partiers.
You will see a massive “hate” effort spawned by the neo-con globalists, otherwise the theft of TRILLIONS will be discovered and their continuing game of robbing the elderly, the poor and working class of America might end.
surgethis Says:
December 28th, 2010 at 6:31 pm
How far right wing tea bagery of Ron Paul to suggest Social Security is bad for this country. I agree with cutting military spending and especially agree that we should investigate the Federal Reserve and take back control of the money supply … but doing away with Social Security? No f*#king way!
You’re damn right Mr. Paul … there will be a huge ruckus if you try to change it or do away with it … because 1) the argument that it’s a drain on the system is B.S. and 2) the program is working incredibly well keeping grandma off the street and digging in trash cans for cat food.
If there is a better plan that doesn’t allow Banksters to get their grubby thieving hands on that money then I am all ears. But there are many more items we should be cutting or at least reviewing before messing with this program …
Don’t be a tea bagger Ronny.
henry_george Says:
December 28th, 2010 at 5:03 pm
social security is public longevity, disability, and medical insurance for the elderly and disabled.
i suppose it isn’t insurance if a banker isn’t making a profit on shuffling paper or fictional values of gold, is it ron paul? usury is a sin. usury is no toil in the soil. usury is not labor. usury is not production. usury is not capital.
there is not a difference between a bureaucrat, banker, insurance agent, and land lord. they tend to make a profit doing nothing and tend to use fraud and government to increase their profit. the insurance corporations gave us obamacare. ron paul’s desire to deregulate usury gave us the financial crisis. ron paul’s desire for a world gold standard brought us the great depression. ron paul’s desire for competing currencies was debunked by adam smith in 1776 and the colonies (states) were banned from using them by the u.s. constitution.
eliminati Reply:
December 29th, 2010 at 2:34 am
Social Security is not a welfare check. Tens of thousands of dollars have been deducted from my paycheck for 44 years. Sure, there are people who do get checks even though they never paid anything into it. To me, it is not an “entitlement” or a “benefit”. I have paid into this all my working life. I propably won’t live long enough to get back all that I have paid into it. Good that your finances are in such good shape. I do not see anything wrong in getting back a portion of the money that I have paid into it. No I don’t feel guilty. It’s my money. They took it from me and I want it back.
Septeus7 Says:
December 28th, 2010 at 3:08 pm
Ron Paul is assaulting the U.S. Constitution with this nonsense about about running out of creditors and stating that “You will collect benefits only if future tax revenues materialize as hoped; the money you paid into the system is long gone.”
Government spending on SS or any other program is not dependent on taxes. The United State is a monetary sovereign and therefore the FED is required by law and the U.S. Constitution it to credit the the accounts of Federal government with the credit needed to support it’s spending.
According to the Constitution all US debt is not to be questioned. All Banks in the United States are required to except government debt i.e. bonds. We do not depend on the so-called creditors because all government bonds are required to sell even if the FED is the only buyer.
Government checks DO NOT bounce and Government bond auctions DO NOT fail.
I suggest Ron Paul reads the 14th Amendment to the US Constitution.
Quote: “Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. . . .
Notice that the word “including” does not exclude any other public debt authorized by law including Social Security obligations i.e. the U.S. government debt to the People under the terms of that law.
Ron Paul is questioning the sovereignty of the United States and promoting the NWO austerity agenda.
He is now officially an enemy of the United States and it’s people.
All Patriots during this time must understand 3 things. Anyone not bringing any issue other the following 3 is working for the NWO.
1. There must not be a single tax increase on the People (Individuals)
2. There must not be a single cut to social spending and the People’s economic rights falsely called entitlements.
3. There must be total Austerity for the Criminal Banks and Corporations (Tax them, prosecute them, and banish their activities and drive them from the Temple of our Civilization).
Death to the FED
Death to the Austerity Agenda
Death to the NWO
For more on this issue I suggest you read this blog post “”
akat Reply:
December 28th, 2010 at 3:08 pm
Good luck, my friend. Curse you Ron Paul for introducing this topic. As of 2009 SSI took in $808B and paid out $686B, so there was a $122B surplus. There will be a surplus again this year. There has been a surplus for years. I have paid into SSI for 44 years, generally the maximum. Now you start talking about a ponzi scheme. There is a SSI trust fund. It is full of I.O.U.’s that are specially issued Federal T-Bonds. What is the U.S. T-Bond not of any legal value now? You need to get your head on straight and follow through with some of your other good ideas and not puppet is classic Republican ripoff the hard working middle class in the name of austerity bull. The SSI system is not currently broken, but the congress is very broken. Every year for about 30 years I have received a notice from the Federal government that age 65(now 66) I will be paid so many dollars from the SSI fund. This certainly sounds like the Federal government is saying this is a pension plan. What is the Federal government and your word worth nothing? As for this stupid talk about allowing younger workers to go into a private plan, how has the 401k Wall Street robbery of pension funds worked out so far?