Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Jesuit information in late December 2010 (I don't with this site's promotion of Seventh Day Adventist though)


The main thrust behind the Idiot jew bashers is to claim that Rothschild took over international banking. They do this based on charts and graphs that show names of guys like Warburg, Kuhn-Loeb, Rothschild, Rockefeller, etc as owners of the Federal Reserve, The Bank of England, etc. But these go only as far back as the 1800's and no more. So what you have to do is explain how the Templars were the first International bankers, only to be crushed by the papacy and have their wealth taken and eventually given to what would become the Maltese Knights. International banking is a scam that goes back to the Templars. They lost and the papacy crushed them and international banking wound up in the hands of the Gentile Black Nobility lines such as De Medici, Guelph and Hapsburg. And yes I would say their power is in the order I just listed them in terms of how those three relate to each other. Now you must also consider the fact that the Guelph line which spawned the German Saxe Coburg Gotha line that gave us the English Windsors, also intermarried with one of the papal bloodlines. It was either Aldobrandini or Orsini. In fact, I think the De Medici's were in a similar predicament. I have seen a chart on page 180 of Williams' book PAPAL GENEALOGY that shows Aldobrandini's Orsini's and de Medici's together in one giant family tree illustrating the marriages of five generations. The de Medici couldn't really get anywhere until they married into a papal blooline.

Craig you are also correct about the Pallavicini's. I would never have heard of them if it weren't for you. And then to my surprise, I found them to be heavily exposed in Carol White's book THE NEW DARK AGES which exposes the British plot to take over the world. She even talks about nazi collaboration as well as talking about the Pallavicini bloodline, the Cecil bloodline and many other things.

If you want to put Jew bashers on the spot and really make them feel ashamed of themselves, start listing off books that they would have never read. Mention Carol White's book. Mention even John Coleman's book where he talks about how the Angleo Saxon British elite used their Canadian born William Stephenson to help create the Mossad.

Vatican, Coleman, THE CECILS


Also mention this thread.

Mind controlled slaves with squinty eyes

Why are some Rothschilds victims of mind control programming if they supposedly run the world, which would mean all satanic mind control networks are used BY them, not ON them?

There was a great internet essay called THE NEXUS BETWEEN ZIONISM AND ROMANISM. That bulletin board that essay was posted on is down but google cache has saved page two from it at least. Darn I wish I had copied and pasted that whole thing.

You should also bring up the work of Barry Chamish and ask why if the Jews run the world, and do it from Israel, that Peres is working to give the Vatican control of East Jerusalem? Why did he cabbage Sharon with a poison cup?

And if they try to say that Ignatius of Loyola was a Jew, tell them that the source of that information was John Tollell, and he was the one I exposed on the old Unhived Mind board as writing those anti Fritz Springmeier diatribes. Ignatius of Loyola was not a Jew. Even if he was, explain that a certain Gentile papal bloodline used him to create the Jesuits. FARNESE! The same bloodline where King Juan Carlos of Spain has a maternal, not paternal, link to. Furthermore, we know some like to claim it's not jesuits, but jew-suits because a couple may have been Jews. When that happens you give them this old Eric Jon Phelps email extract I have seen pop up.

These maxims teach that Gentiles rule the Jesuit Order. And indeed, true history proves this. Loyola was never a Jew as he was the son of one of the highest Spanish grandees in the court of Ferdinand and Isabella. Laynez, the second Jesuit Superior General was in fact a Jew and for this reason in 1593, after a huge falling out within the Society, a statute was passed forbidding any Jew to be within the Order. Ex-Jesuit E. Boyd Barrett confirms this policy in his The Jesuit Enigma and Rome Stoops to Conquer.

This link talks about the Vatican in Israel AND the truth about Ignatius' genetics.
