Saturday, March 31, 2012

News in a new Era (of late March 2012)

The war on our social services hasn't ended with 2012. U.S. House of Representative members approve a plan to destroy Medicare, Medicaid, and food stamps. It is a part of a budget resolution. This resolution wants to have the privatization of Medicare, the elimination of Medicaid, food stamps, and many other federal entitlements benefits. This resolution represents both parties' goal of slashing spending on social programs. All Republicans (except 10 people) majority in the House supported the resolution. Those 10 who oppose it wanted even bigger cuts, which is sick. As if the huge cuts weren't enough for some reactionaries. Democrats voted against the resolution, but they offer less drastic cuts in spending (and token tax increases on the wealthy). No resolution from both parties desire to increase spending, so the American economy can radically improve in the fifth year of economic slump and mass unemployment. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is the House Budget Committee Chairman. He called fort he abolition of Medicare. Medicare is a successful program that helps out the elderly. It was passed by Lyndon Baines Johnson in 1965. The current budget plan passed the House, but not the Senate. This year's resolution is more sweeping and reactionary. The reason is that it wants 5.3 trillion dollars in spending cuts over the next decades. The supporters of this plan wants to reduce the federal deifict, but the bulk of the resolution will go to reward the wealthy with tax breaks (the abolition of the estate tax and the Alternative mininum tax. This can make the Bush tax cuts for the super rich permanent and lower the top inocme tax rate from 35 percent to 25 percent). The major spending cuts targets programs for the poor and the lower paid sections of the working class. According to a study by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, 62 percent of the $5.3 trillion in spending cuts come from “programs that serve people of limited means.” If implemented, the cuts would drastically increase income inequality and poverty. The resolution plans for record cuts in Medicaid, subsidies for low to moderate income people, and 134 billion dollar cuts in food stamps. There are cuts in Pell grants and other programs that help low income college students. This proposal is again a disgrace and satanic in my opinion. The budget will cut 200,000 children from Head Start, deny food stamps or WIC food commodities to 1.8 million infants, children, and pregnant plus nursing women. There are more cuts in transportation, federal employee, etc. The lesson here is this plan is about austerity period. They or the reactionaries worship deficit reduction and they don't care about the poor literally. In order to accomplish this goal, the Ryan plan would raise the age of eligibility for Medicare from 65 to 67, and end Medicare as a federal entitlement for all those now younger than 55. Anyone who turns 65 after 2023 would be relegated to buying private health insurance with a government grant that would be capped, shifting costs to the individual. Unlike last year, however, Ryan modified his Medicare plan slightly to obtain a Democratic co-sponsor, Senator Ron Wyden of Oregon. The Ryan-Wyden plan would give those under 55 the option to stay with traditional Medicare, but only under financing options that would make the federal program unviable. The House rejected alternatives to the extreme Ryan plan. This is all the more reason why we should have progressive policies in terms of helping human beings and taxation policies. These are the same policies that Ron Paul, Alex Jones, and the Austrian Economic crew promotes. They promote a gradual banning of any federal public program to help society period. This is why that crew says that we can't do it all right away, but in a slow process. The Republican Study Group even wanted more cuts since that group is made up of Tea Party activists.

The more information that comes out about Zimmerman, the more the truth can come about. Zimmerman was convicted of assaulting a woman and assaulting a police officer. Yet, we don't hear anything about from reactionaries at all. Joe Oliver is the defender of the killer George Zimmerman. It doesn't take a genius to figure out about how he thinks about issues of race. LOL. I don't take shots. I show the truth. Now, we know that Oliver advances white supremacy since he denies that the c word is a slur and he tries to downplay of murder of the innocent black teenager named Trayvon Martin. He won't even expose white supremacy publicly. His manerisms and his attitude denotes an acceptance of corporate culture. Black people ought to never adhere nor submit to the status quo or the tranquilizing drug of gradualism as Dr. Martin Luther King said before. We should submit to strength, righteousness, peace, and justice. These awe inspiring concept can arose strength, inspire thinking, and move hearts foward into constructive activities. Now, Oliver didn't spend a lot of time with Zimmerman. Oliver was just an ex co-worker of Zimmerman. These racist hypocrites lecture about the Stand your ground law, but the Florida police arrested James Dooley (a black male). See, Dooley claims the stand your ground law as his defense. The Stand your ground law didn't prevent Dooley from experiencing an arrest, due process, and a criminal charge. Why not Zimmerman? We know the answer to that question. So, Zimmerman should have due process and be arrested within the concept of probable cause. The evil done to Trayvon Martin is occuring now against brothers and sisters throughout the world not just in the wilderness called America. When a criminal murders an unarmed black person with no criminal record at all, then we have a problem here. People of numerous backgrounds and ethnicities are speaking up for Trayvon Martin. The liars like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity won't report on a black person (from Cameroon) being attacked with acid from a white racist either in the UK. There was a black girl being assaulted in South Carolina while she was just playing soccer. This is an epedemic of violent attacks by evil, degenerate souls. is so hypocritical to condemn Al Sharpton's civil disobedience calls in response to the murder of Trayvon Martin, but they advocate civil disobedience (in other cases) to oppose the new world order agenda. can cry about the New BPP (who didn't attack anyone period in the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin murder. I don't agree with the New BPP in every issue, but they are right to promote self defense and black cultural solidarity), but they refuse to expose Ron Paul's hatred of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Now, Alex Jones is promoting the slander that Barack Obama wants to stir a race war. What? Barack Obama isn't perfect and he deserves legitimate criticism on foreign policy, his refusal to advance a public option, his support of the Patriot Act, and many other issues. Although, even the President isn't trying to forment a racial war. It is true that the international bankers wants a divide and conquer strategy along class and ethnic lines, but a black person promoting their own cultural identity isn't about racism nor advancing evil divisions at all.  No one call all white people devils regardless of what Jones cries about. What people that look like me mention is that white supremacy is real and it ought to be obliterated from the face of the Earth period. Alex Jones and Ron Paul refuse to expose how eugenicists historically (then and now) advance the anti-immigration agenda. Police brutality and police repression of human rights are key ingredients of the new world order agenda too. I don't agree with fascism, racism, or Communism. I just agree with common sense and true harmony (that doesn't relate to ignoing our problems, but enacting militant steps in order for our complications to be solved diligently). People don't want revenge or vengeance. Individuals just seek out justice. Morality isn't just about following just laws. It's about following compassion, tolerance, and true love for your fellow man. God's Spirit would want us to improve our conduct, to have the journey of spiritual growth, and to eat the manna of unconquerable truth.

One aspect of popular culture is the control of TV networks. One kingpin in America is Sumner Redstone. He controls VH1, MTV, and yes even BET. Redstone admits that his major goal is to make a profit. He's a pure capitalist and these networks heavily benefit by promoting gross, false stereotypes, mayhem, and social nihilism on television. Even 20 years ago, the stuff back then was more tolerable than today. We live in a new time and a new age where anti-intellectualism is promoted. Tons of young and old human beings have insecurities, they use a record amount of prescription drugs (for anxeity or depression. I know colleagues all of the time of many background saying to me straight up that I need to take prescription drugs everyday for an issue). Redstone also owns Viacom and CBS, so he is a very powerful man. Like many people like him, he funds charities and other likeminded avenues to cover up the obscene programming in those various networks. Obscenity isn't just about obscene imagery or anti-moral rhetoric, but the war on terror. The war on terror is an obscenity. The actions of military industrial complex, the privatized prison system, and the war on Drugs are obscenities in our world as well. They (or the corporate elite) don't care about the common people. If they did, they would advocate the redistribution of the wealth to help people and the elimination of the Beast system domination the globe presently. It isn't just people like Redstone, but there are tons of other kingpins of numerous backgrounds that agree with the idea that society must confirm to some pop star image. The truth is that more folks are waking up about Secret Societies, popular culture, life in general, and the corporate executives dominating the Babylon of the entertainment industry. We know the stories of the secret stories of celebrities and so-called entertainment stars. This industry have their sellout agents. What I have learned is that the overt sellouts like Jesse Lee Peterson aren't the real threats since we know how to expose them. The dangerous sellout is the chameleon. The chameleon is a prized agent of the elite. This sellout knows the games, and tries to unite with the community. On the other hand, behind the scenes, this person promotes violence, drug usage for recreational purposes, hatred of women, the emasculation of men, and profanity (in societal culture). These types of sellouts (They have an obsession with claiming to be pro-black, but won't deal with their own people in a real, forthright fashion of self-improvement without evil. Some of them refuse to date or marry their own people for foolish reasons while claiming to be pro-black. That's a load of garbage on their part. These types of found in Hollywood. I don't have to mention their names, because their names are well known like so many celebrities) are a part of the industry too. The sellouts cry and say that we're judging them on their eccetic tastes. No. We aren't since there is no sin in being different, having diverse interests, speaking with an unique accent, speaking with great, eloquent diction, honestly accepting an alternative political philosophy, and loving intellectual hobbies. It is not sin to be you or to be what you are born to be with love and tolerance. Yet, it's a sin to treat your own race as socially inferior (expressing fear or disgust toward your own people), while treating the white race with worship, unlimited respect & support, and genuflection. That's the point. It's not how someone talks like. It's how someone acts like. We should promote people in a more unique light. We don't need to sugarcoat problems, but we should show the world our lawyers, doctors, engineers, plumbers, teachers, preachers, althetes (who don't submit to the world), and other leaders in our community.

I think that Vigilant Citizen and other sites plus people have done an excellent job in exposing this character named Raffles van Exel. He hanged out with Hollywood celebrities and corporate bigwigs like Clive Davis. He's been called an insider. We know about his scandals as well. He's been accused of being a drug dealer and exploiter of the suffers of drug addiction. He even was around Michael Jackson during Micheal's trials and tribulations. He is pictured with the self-hater, confused man OJ Simpson. Near the time of Whitney Houston's passing on home, Raffles van Excel (yes, he worked with Brandy's little brother Ray J) was around her. Van Exel was around the following people before they died: Peter Lopez, Nicole Simpson, Mike DiLeo (or Michael Jackson's ex-manager), Michael Jackson, etc. Researchers found out that the sick man Raffles took pictures of Whitney in her casket and then sent these pictures to the National Inquirer. Raffles admitted to taking evidence from Whitney's room. Why would he do that. He has no ties familially to the Houston family. Yet, he has this much access to the celebrity community. Some speculate that there is more to the story than meets the eye (or he might of been an insider that facilitates the sacrifice of stars). Raffles van Exel said that he had to remove items from the room in order for the room to be emptied. He didn't admit the types of items that were removed from her room. The Los Angeles County Coroner's Officer said that Whitney Houston died of an accidental drowning in a hotel bathtub with the effects of an atherosclerotic heart disease and cocaine use. This is interesting since women have high rates of experiencing heart disease symptoms in America (not just men). The investigation of Houston's death is still ongoing. Van Exel getting rid of some of the evidence can be potentially a case of obstruction of justice. If people like me know of this information, the elite knows completely about this story. He said "Someone had to do it" which is creepy to say the least. The man is obviously a slick exploiter and investigator of the celebrity community. In other words, he's an informant with connections with possible drug running. Raffles isn't the only person that should be exposed. This situation is much bigger than just one man. Everyone involved should be exposed publicly.

There is nothing wrong with real religion and real spirituality. I don't agree with the 501 c 3 church agenda, because it allows the state to dominate religious expression in the church. Religious freedom should be absolute and paramountly promoted in all religious places. Most people realize that lewdness, prejudice, unjust hatred, deception, murder, adultery, and other actions are morally wrong. The moral relativism that is promoted in society is so common place in Western society that this vice is found in political sphere in the world (not just in America). The good news is that God gives people an open invitation to repent of their sins before death, so they can meet up with God Almighty in a good space. Repent and changing your ways are better than living the life of sin and corruption. People know the truth even in the young generation of Generation Y, Z, and new kids from Generation Alpha. Media propaganda isn't just shown by FOX News as exposed via the documentary "OUTFOXED: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism." It exists among the military industrial complex, foreign government, and transnational corporations globally. 9/11 was the major quintessential event that increased the growth of the slick, so-called "benevolent" Western police state in the world. That is why you see the breaking up of our civil liberties and the constant bashing of people possessing firearms legally in their own homes. A law abiding man or a law abiding woman has the right to defend their family. It doesn't take a genius to realize any form of tyranny has occured in human history utilized the tactics of stealing weapons from innocent human beings. The JPFO website has thoroughly described that historical fact from the history of the Nazis to the evil Armenian genocide period. We still have secret, occult societies like the Order of Death (or Skulls and Bones), the Bohemian Grove, and Freemasonry whose membership make up some of the movers and shakers of the world. The CFR is a mid level organization that fronts for more powerful groups like the Bilderbergers, the Pilgrim Society, and the Vatican/Jesuit network with tons of international influence of world affairs. The FDA or the Food and Drug Administration deals with regulating the spreading of foods and drugs inside of America. Now, they deny BPA as a dangerous substance when BPA has been complicit in harmful risk factors among human beings. For example, scientists have found that BPA can increase the risk of depression, infertility, breast cancer, etc. Many nations other than America ban BPA because of its dangerous composition. So, we have a lot of work to. Yet, we will win in the end. The truth always wins out.

By Timothy