Monday, March 26, 2012

There Are Trayvon Martins All Over The World


Voice Of TruthModerator4 hours ago
"we must realize that being a Black man or woman is not a stigma: It is our God-given birthright. Let us all stand as one. Let us all have the ethnic pride to walk proudly in our own brown skin and claim our Blackness."
Amen! A very riveting and well-written piece of journalism that rivals the best writers on any news site I've come across (and there are many, including the majors). I hope this article stays on the front page instead of being quickly whisked to the "Older Posts" after a ton of new articles get published. This is the best of NewsOne for sure.
The whole world has embraced Hate instead of Love. The racism in Russia and the former Soviet satellite countries is rooted in deep intrigue and complex origins. Racism is but one fruit off the ugly, eternally condemned Tree of Hate. If we want the Tree that has the fruit of Racism to do, we all have to stop contributing to it in or own individual ways. Some of us hate racism as I do, but do some of us also commit acts of violence due to uncontrolled anger? Are not some of us guilty of domestic violence or of neglecting our children? have not some of us lied on others to get our way in the workplace or other areas of life? Has not some of us broken our marital vows by committing adultery or other sexual sins, leading to bitter spouses who become angry and resentful? I can go on and on, but the point is, while we all uphold racism as an ugly fruit off that ugly tree, we can't destroy it completely if we don't also destroy both the other fruit as well as the roots.


Kellea TibbsModerator1 hour ago
I grew up in Cleveland. It's always had an interesting relationship with race, most Blacks on the East Side, most White on the West Side. I did attend integrated schools on the East Side and I was a group of early integrators in my suburban elementary school in the late 70s ad Cleveland was one of those "forced bussing" (forcing non-segregated schools to integrate by bussing Black students to schools clear on the other side of town) metropolitan cities which was always awkward, especially when the bussing policy ceased. Now on the cusp of 39, having lived in several states and cities in my professional career, and often being in places where there are not too many others who resemble me, my theory on race relations is always that White people can always choose to live in places in America that are far away from Black people but Black people can never move to any place in America where we will ever be free of White people. I have lived in places where folks are comfortable the way it is, not a lot of diversity, and they like it. We, unfortunately, don't and won't ever have that option in America for the simple fact that White people set up the institution of racism so that ALL options to achieve the "American Dream" were their options first and ours maybe second. There is a reason inner cities exist the way they exist and there is a reason that suburbs and rural areas exist the way they exist in America. It was all done purposefully and don't let them fool you into thinking that it was all an accident how America is laid out. The Native Americans are concentrated in certain areas of America for a reason and I really hope that, in light of the Trayvon Martin case, parents are teaching their children about America's "REAL" History and making them aware of how much farther, unfortunately, we have to go.


shippper2009Moderator4 hours ago
there's discrimination in all of these countries named above without a doubt. however when you look at the actual statistics at the chance of innocent minorities getting murdered by the police (the people that are supposed to protect them) its almost never happens in those countries but it happens all the time in the good ole usa.


WillisModerator1 hour agoin reply to APaige
Only problem with your argument is that it's so moot it's ridiculous. Simply put it's too isolated of surface area on the planet to even compare. You also totally missed the point. Go back and read the title of the article "There are Trayvon Martins all over the world". Not "It's hard being a white person all over the world" cause it's simply not. You bring up the fact that white people get attacked in South Africa and Zimbabwe two places where they killed, enslaved and pillaged natives to settle land. I don't condone any of what happens to white people in those particular areas, but at the root it's totally different.
Try being black any where on the planet besides Africa. Now think about the fact that white people can go practically anywhere besides those two places you mentioned and not fear for their life. I'm sure there's areas here and there where if you aren't native people will treat you differently no matter what. Point is you can't even try and compare a black person out of their element with a white person out of theirs. The margins are just too great and extreme. I'd like to see Russia but I'm no fool. I'd be good as dead or a dead man walking. I'd like to see these parts of Europe that are mentioned in the article, I just know it's probably best not to. Austria? I'd love to see it. Black people aren't that welcome. Germany? Where to even start. Only safe place is probably Heidelberg because of the U.S. military presence. I hear there are districts that are off limits if you want to live like Dusseldorf. White people don't have to worry nearly as much about what neighborhoods they are allowed to go. They stay away from, as they like to call it "the ghetto", anyways if they can help it. If they do, they certainly don't outweigh where black people can go.
