Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Advice and Strength (You Know the Enemy Hates the Truth. Well, this is the Truth)

TrojanPam on said:
@ negress
I think the STEREOTYPE from the “letter” by the 52-yr-old white male from Texas says it all:
“…until the black man comes to a place where he takes responsibility for his kids and the black woman says no more children until i can support them the die is cast for the black community…”
He acknowledges there are “some obstacles” but doesn’t describe what they are OR who is putting them there (himself and other white people)
So RACISM is the fault of black males and females (the Victims) who can’t or won’t be fathers or responsible mothers not the fault of all those “decent white people with no ill will” who practice it like a religion (and you know he will NEVER write what white people say when no black people are in the room)
Because racism is mostly in the Victims’ imaginations
NOT the fault of
mayors who close 43 black schools in Chicago and give black children “worksheets” instead of schoolbooks (yes, it’s true, in some black Chicago schools!)
or criminal justice system that allows white policemen to shoot an unarmed black male and female OVER 100 TIMES and get away with hit
No, it must be the fault of
a 7-year-old black boy who was EXPELLED from school for telling another classmate that a female teacher was “cute”
and a “successful” black male, Dr. Christian Head, a UCLA surgeon who was portrayed in a memo as a GORILLA being SODOMIZED by his white male supervisor that was circulated during a PUBLIC ceremony he attended with his mostly white colleagues and told to “get over it” (come on, Doc, where’s your sense of humor?)
and the fault of a black mother who was convicted and SENT TO PRISON for falsifying a FORM so her child could go to a better school
and the fault of a black female who was sterilized (her womb removed) when she went for a MINOR procedure in 2008
and the fault of a young black male who was hung from a tree in Mississippi in Dec 2012 and termed a “suicide”
and the fault of Oscar Grant who was murdered by a white transit cop as he lay on his stomach.
And the fault of hundreds of black people who drowned in their attics during Hurricane Katrina in 2005 — less than TEN YEARS AGO — while helicopters flew overhead and the men inside laughing and pointing
That 52-year-old white male from Texas is right, slavery’s over and black people just need to get over it and stop feeling sorry for ourselves — and I’d add that we need to OPEN OUR EYES AND SEE WHO WE ARE DEALING WITH
because a sociopath is a “person” who is UNABLE to empathize or CARE about the harm they do to other human beings and will look his or her VICTIM in the eyes and tell them they are NOT being VICTIMIZED even while victimizing them.
As far as I know there is NO CURE for SOCIOPATHS
so it makes more sense for the Victims of Racism/White Supremacy to STOP looking, hoping, and praying for a “CURE” for racism and for those who practice it,
And spend all our times and energies trying to HEAL OURSELVES


Umoja on said:
Why are whites upset with that post? Simply; they’re extremely repelled by truth pertaining to their beloved creation—white supremacy/racism and who they truly are. Period. Whites tend to believe anything and everything negative pertaining to Blacks; real, imagined or rumored! Notice how he didn’t oppose any of those negatives listed about the state of Blacks. It’s their aggressive need to support and maintain white supremacy; their delusional superiority mindset. You’ll never witness whites opposing any negative depiction of Blacks; real, imagined or rumored. If you listed only those things pertaining to the ills and state of Blacks, OMITTING whites and white supremacy/racism….they would’ve been indeed grateful and delighted; therefore ignoring the elephant in the room which the majority of whites maintain, support and practice…..white supremacy/racism. The room is full of dung now. Which is at the foundation of all the ills and state of the African/Black populous worldwide….white supremacy/racism
You see; this system of white supremacy/racism is founded and maintained on complete and utter lies, deceit and corruption of the highest magnitude….which this system must maintain in order continue. Uncovering the truth would allow this system of white supremacy/racism to collapse….which the majority of whites would rather self-implode.


Mickey on said:
What he also does not realize is that whenever Blacks have overcome their struggles to obtain success, whether it was the over 30 all-Black townships in the American West or highly prosperous Black enclaves like the Black Wallstreet in Tulsa, OK, Whites did one out of two things:
1. Take over the towns, or
2. Destroy the towns (and its inhabitants.)
We all know which route was chosen for Black Wallstreet. It is also said that the city was bombed from the air using aircrafts that the Whites used to drop sticks of dynomite to attack the city and its residents. Blacks were also marched into detention centers during the attacks.


C on said:
After leaving some Info and agreement on this site, I’ve had a Troll , my computer won’t do it for me, telling me mu email is wrong, uh huh, can’t even send an e-mail. I’m just now trying to see if this prints out! What a day it has been. This just shows me that we must have something SO powerful that they’d fight THIS hard to stop me and some others! WOW! here goes…..


Bry on said:
The next 2-3 months are going to be VERY interesting. What drives them insane is that lack of a feeling of control – it’s literally the only thing in all the universe that they care about.
As we gain knowledge of self and the knowledge that our creator’s (the creative principle) plan is what is what’s really behind things, the illusion of theirs that we’ve fallen for over and over again is finally seen through, and as it becomes transparent we regain our minds accompanied by correct behavior that works towards our empowerment.