The Bilderberg Group is having their meeting soon. The mayor of Watford, named Dorothy Thornhill, told the local newspaper something. She said that she is afraid of violent protests at the soon Bilderberg conference. The mayor is exaggerating the situation since protests by real activists have even completely peaceful in its orientation. Dorothy Thornhill is the political leader of Watford Borough County and she is the borough's first directly elected mayor. She told the Watford Observer that she is confident that the police will minimize incidents of disturbances in the area. She loves the fact that the Bilderberg elite wants to have the venue of the Grove Hotel as a meeting. The Watford Observer also reported that almost 1,000 protesters may be present round the cordoned off area of the Grove Hotel (and its immediate surroundings). The local newspaper insists in the stereotype that crowds of conspiracy theorists are ready to storm the Grove Hotel. The reality is that peaceful protesters are known to exist in all Bilderberg Group meetings. Not to mention that it is a conspiracy of the Bilderberg Group being organized by Westerners in 1954. Talking about last year’s conference in the US, the reporter for the Watford observer implicitly expresses doubt that the protesters will abide by the law: “In the main the crowds (at Bilderberg 2012) were kept confined to the lawns outside the hotel, and although the barriers were strictly enforced, there were no reported arrests. Whether Watford can expect the same crowds is yet to be seen.” The newspaper and the mayor are in error, because human beings have the right to disagree with the Bilderberg Group. Folks are against the Bilderberg Group since it is made up of the world's political, financial, and military elite meeting in secrecy (including elected officials). The Grove Hotel is the site of the 2013 Bilderberg conference. It had huge driveways and hundreds of acres of land. There are little areas for protesters to congregate. Journalists and activists could be kept from the actual hotel. We should continue to oppose injustice completely. It is easy to witness that the anti-union attacks, the economic crisis, and the imperialism in the world are totally evil. The agenda of the elite is not only imperialism and the maintenance of economic inequality. It is the advancement of them or the elite to have a monopoly on the use of arms (including the elite having a monopoly of advanced forms of technology). The right of human self-defense and self-preservation is an universal, God given natural law. That principle has been accepted and known even before the Second Amendment was formed. Also, we know more about economics. We know that mainstream capitalism have harmed societies for a long time. We know that the Stalinist version of Communism have harmed societies as well. For example, Goldman Sachs has been caught robbing and thieving the American people. The tragic, horrific events of Bangladesh document that slavery like wages, and horrible conditions will kill human life. Also, the super-rich are pretending to reduce the deficit by targeting the elderly and the poor in cutting $38 billion, but they are increasing the military budget by $700 billion in 2011. See, we see that the financial meltdown was an event exploited by the powers that be in order for them to send more trillions of dollars from taxpayers into the hands of Wall Street corporations and the super-rich elite in general. The small class of insiders now control most of the world's political and economic wealth after the worldwide economic meltdown & the bailout. That is why independent human beings want alternatives to these murderous, archaic systems like cooperatives, Dirgism, or a commonwealth based society. Liberation is not found in the Republican or Democratic parties. It is found in independent human beings fighting for truth and real liberty.
War mongering is nothing new. Now, the U.S. is fighting 74 different wars and many more covert wars. These actions are going on without Congressional oversight and without public knowledge. Linda J. Bilmes and Michael D. Intriligator wrote about these issues. We know that the U.S. military operations are spreading in five continents. There are military facilitates in nations globally. There is a U.S. military presence in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Qatar, Djibouti, Turkey, Bahrain, and even in Kyrgyzstan. American bases are found in Germany, Japan, South Korea, Italy, and the UK. Some bases like the Al Udeid Air Force Base in Qatar can hold up to 10,000 troops and 120 aircraft. That is the headquarters of the United States Central Command. The purpose of the US Central Command or CENTCOM is to be in 20 countries. They are ramping up military training, logistical support, counterterrorism programs, etc. in various mostly Middle Eastern nations. There is still some U.S. military involved in Egypt all the way to Turkmenistan. AFRICOM or U.S. Africa Command supports military to military relationships with 54 African nations. Gosztola points out that the U.S. military is also conducting operations of one kind or another in Syrian, Jordan, South Sudan, Kosovo, Libya, Yemen, the Congo, Uganda, Mali, Niger and other countries. So, there are about 74 nations where America is fighting or helping some force in a proxy struggle. U.S. elites claim that these actions are beneficial to American interests when we have a record economic struggling situation now. There are covert operations that most Americans don't know about. It can be related to Special Operation forces and drones. Some Joint Special Operations Commands work with supporting U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency operations in Colombia and Mexico. Some JSOC have been deployed under the current administration in Iran, Georgia, Ukraine, Bolivia, Paraguay, Ecuador, Peru, Yemen, Pakistan (in the Baluchistan region especially), and the Philippines. These teams can be found in Turkey, Belgium, France, and Spain. Global assassination has been the common policy of America for decades. The wild thing is that the JSOC is not accountable to Congress or the public. So, theoretically, the JSOC can go around killing human beings without due process at all. Even the CIA has its limitations and the JSOC acts almost like the White House's private army. A report by the Treasury Department’s Inspector General reveals that senior IRS officials were aware agents singled out nonprofit groups with the words “Tea Party” and “patriot” in their paperwork. Whether you agree with the Tea Party or not (which I don't on many issues) even they do not deserved to be harassed by IRS agents. The IRS recently sent out an apology, because of their inappropriate targeting of patriot and constitutional groups during the 2012 election. They said that only low level employees were involved in the matter. “It’s the line people that did it without talking to managers. They’re IRS workers, they’re revenue agents,” said Lois G. Lerner, who supervises the IRS division overseeing tax-exempt organizations. On June 29, 2011, Lerner learned during a meeting that groups were being targeted. She allegedly instructed agents to change the criteria for flagging groups “immediately,” according to the report. The Associated Press reported on a draft deport sent to Congressional aides.
The draft reveals that on August 4, 2011, the IRS’ Rulings and Agreements office “held a meeting with chief counsel so that everyone would have the latest information on the issue.” Several months later, the agency changed the criteria for targeting groups to “political action type organizations involved in limiting/expanding Government, educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, social economic reform/movement.” New evidence is shown by some IRS leadership were involved in the oversight situation against Tea Party activists. The Associated Press reported that the IRS harassed patriot groups by sending them long, intrusive questionnaires. They wanted information about their postings on social networks and the political activity of the groups. Tea Party groups complained about the harassment and Shulman told the House Ways and Means Committee that no targeting existed. There should be an investigation about this affair and those in the IRS responsible for this harassment ought to be made accountable for their errors.
Eugenics is real even in the 21st century. Two Australian ethicists want to have after birth abortion, which is very similar to eugenics. Another Australian ethicist has taken up their torch, gleefully celebrating the idea of designer human and in vitro eugenics. Some scientists want to make viable human gametes from human stem cells. Some want to do this by creating embryos and killing it for the sake of getting its stem cells. This technology can be used for selective breeding and create individuals with a type of genotype. The Utopians want to see the time when parents can design their own babies via gender, hair, eye color, IQ, etc. Even now, there are sex selective abortions on the rise in the world. Babies are being killed basically on any kind of disability. The view that human beings with diseases and disabilities are not fit to live is the essence of eugenics. This is what the Nazis believed in plainly speaking. Forced sterilization is also evil and pro-life human beings (including those from across the political spectrum) have talked about this issue in depth for years and decades. Elaine Riddick was forcibly sterilized by evil human beings in the state of North Carolina decades ago. In early 2013, there is the Eugenics Compensation bill being reintroduced in North Carolina. This bill wants to compensate the victims of North Carolina's eugenics and sterilization programs that existed many years ago. This proposal has been supported by Republicans and Democrats. There has been an issue on how the money ought to be allocated, but it is a bill that should be passed nevertheless. Under the current bill, sponsored by both Democratic and Republican lawmakers, each victim would receive a tax-free payment of $50,000 in compensation. A $10 million fund has been set up by the Department of the State Treasurer, according to a press release by Rep. Susi Hamilton (D-New Hanover). From 1926 to 1974, the North Carolina Eugenics Board using coerced sterilizations of about 7,600 human beings. At least half of the states in the Union have similar programs to North Carolina, so it is not just one state. California had as high as 20,000 people being forcibly sterilized between 1906 and 1963. The overpopulation mythology has been a driving force for eugenics and other evils in the world. Abortionist Leroy Carhart characterized a late term aborted baby dead in the womb like putting meat in the crockpot. So, we know their agenda. Their agenda is a dehumanization and anti-life agenda. Now, I am not a reactionary. I am an independent person ideologically. I disagree with forced population control, but I disagree with laissez faire capitalism. It is those in the 1 percent who advanced the suffering of the workers worldwide. They used the 9/11 attacks as a means to suppress constitutional liberties. I realize that faux magic of tax cuts for the rich, trickled down economics, subprime mortgages, and other bad policies never work as a means to engineer a massive growth of the standard of living among all of the people. Already, 30% of Americans are living in poverty, with 30 million receiving food stamps. Ultimately, workers can't ignore destitution and starvation. See, terrorism is not just drone attacks in other lands. It includes financial terrorism where the World Bank, IMF, and other instruments impose economic sanctions against many nations like those in the Third World. The good news is that the movement for human life is strong and more young human beings realize the truth. The truth is that human life is precious and eugenics is an eternal enemy of humanity and God.
One of the most evil portions of the Cold War was when the CIA collaborated with some of the Nazis. The CIA used a Nazi spy network (filled with war criminals) as a means to fight Communism. The CIA wanted to counter the Soviet Union influence in the world when the truth is that the Soviet Union by the late 1970's was not a serious military threat to American soil at all. The CIA compromised the tenet of the tolerance of human rights for the sake of allying with some Nazis (in the name of anti-communism). Today, even in Europe, there are still neo-fascists whose ideological predecessors were the Nazis from the Third Reich. This sick, evil alliance dealt with the actions of the Nazi General Reinhard Gehlen. He was Hitler's top anti-Soviet spy. Gehlen once oversaw all of Germany's intelligence capabilities all over Eastern Europe and the then U.S.S.R. Soon, the war was about to end. Gehlen knew that he had to work with the Allies as a means to live in the peace. Yet, he also realized that the United States and the UK would ideologically battle against the Soviet after WWII. This battle was agitated by Churchill and others. That is why he or Reinhard Gehlen was involved in U.S. intelligence entities as a means to overtly including covertly fight against the Soviet Union. Gehlen surrendered to the Allies as a means for fight in the Cold War. Yalta required any captured German officers to go to the Soviets if they were involved in eastern area activities. Gehlen was still sent to Fort Hunt, Virginia. Gehlen dined with U.S. officials and he talked to them about his paranoia about the Soviet Union. While his ten month stay at Fort Hunt, Gehlen polished his image up. Gehlen lied and said that he was never really a Nazi, but he was just an anti-Communist Crusader. CIA Director Allen Dulles boosted Gehlen. Gehlen Org was Gehlen spy organization. He worked for Hitler once. Later, Gehlen Org enlisted thousands of SS veterans, Gestapo, and Wehrmacht members. This was in violation of Gehlen's promise to America that he would not employ hardcore Nazis. The Org even had folks who administered the Holocaust. These folks included Alois Brunner. Brunner was Adolf Eichmann's right hand man. The CIA and Gehlen supported this man. U.S. officials knew this and they supported Gehlen's movement, because they wanted to fight communism. The CIA via Gehlen connected with former leaders of every Nazi puppet government (like in the Baltics, in the Black Sea, and the rogue gallery of Waffen SS extremists). Gehlen's spy network worked in Central Europe. Gehlen was the head of the Western German secret service or the BND. Gehlen could influence American foreign policy matters in the Soviet Bloc. The Org aided NATO and gave about two thirds of raw intelligence on Warsaw Pact nations. "What we had, essentially, was an agreement to exploit each other, each in his own national interest," said James Critchfield, a CIA operative who worked with Gehlen on a daily basis for eight years. "The Agency loved Gehlen because he fed us what we wanted to hear," an ex-CIA officer told writer Christopher Simpson. "We used his stuff constantly, and we fed it to everybody else -- the Pentagon, the White House, the newspapers. They loved it, too. But it was hyped up Russian bogeyman junk, and it did a lot of damage to this country." Gehlen caused disinformation, because America was too reliant on Gehlen for information on the Soviets. The Soviet threat was soon hyped up. The Russian military intentions were exaggerated. There was the paranoia about a communist conspiracy to take over the whole world back then. Hitler's heirs loved the Cold War since it removed the target of fascists and focused on reactionary aims. Many Nazi war criminals escaped justice during this era of history as well. The ODESSA network allowed Third Reich expatriates and fascist collaborators to find jobs in the Middle East including Latin America (to advance death squads. Some of these Nazis were security advisers). Gehlen tried to neutralize American intelligence according to the retired U.S. espionage officer William Corson. Some neo-fascists organizations agitated against America too. Soon, the Org ironically would have Soviet spies. Many ex-Nazis in Gehlen's group hated democratic America, so some of them enabled the USSR to penetrate West Germany's secret service. Even some U.S. intelligence operatives said that having Gehlen on their team was a mistake. The widespread CIA funding of fascists resulted in the spreading of anti-human and anti-democratic forces all over the Earth. This was a huge error of the Cold War (of allowing Gehlen that much power in intelligence when he should have been tried and convicted for crimes against humanity).
Immigration is a part of human culture. It is very special part of not only human culture, but in the Latino community including all communities of the human family. My views of immigration are the same for the past years. I looked at both sides of this issue and one clear thought persists in my mind. It is the ideal is that human rights are valuable and immigrant rights are human rights period. There is no exception and there is no equivocation when it comes to human rights. Either we advance it or we don't. I am opposed to the Arizona SB 1070 law. In a victory for those who support a humane immigration policy, the Court overturned three sections of SB 1070: Arizona cannot criminalize unlawful presence in the United States, or working without papers; and the decision to arrest someone for unlawful presence in the U.S. is solely a federal issue. The Court made clear that the enforcement of immigration law is reserved to the federal government. But unfortunately, the Court unanimously upheld the most controversial provision of SB 1070, at least for the time being. Section 2(b) requires state officers to determine the immigration status of anyone they stop, detain or arrest if they have “reasonable suspicion” the person is an undocumented immigrant. Although the Court didn’t address racial profiling in its opinion, how can this statute possibly be enforced without considering skin color, language and clothing? Now, immigration reform should be fair (to all human beings including African Americans living here) and not repressive as repression is negation of human rights. Even some Democrats want some harsh worksite and border enforcement as a tradeoff for a fair legalization program. Not to mention we should not allow a guest working program that will allow a source of cheap labor for Agribusiness. Cheap labor depresses the wages of all workers. No worker should be exploited by any multinational corporation. Instead, we need due process, family reunification, expand legal immigration with expedition, and have legalization in a fair fashion. There ought to be stronger labor law enforcement for all workers regardless of citizenship and immigrant status. The current President Barack Obama have made record deportations (in about 1.2 million deportations in his first term and over 400,000 in 2012 alone) and the reactionary Republicans act like he is on some amnesty agenda still. This is wild. According to 2011 figures, nearly one quarter of those deported were parents of children who were born in the US and are citizens. When the President is not radical enough for them to the anti-immigration reform crowd, then you know we have a group of extremists on our hands. The ACLU has criticized the federal database as some have proposed in the immigration reform bill. The requirement amounts to the imposition of a police-state style electronic national ID system, in which every worker in the country would be tracked by the authorities in Washington. Clearly, such requirements would serve to discourage immigrants from coming forward, either due to inability to pay the fines and fees, fear of deportation, or both. Also, NAFTA and other free trade agreements have used corporate exploitation of society that damaged the economies of America including Mexico. Any immigration policy should be fair among all human beings for immigrants ought not to be made neither inferior nor superior to the rights of any human beings living in America. There have been thousands of immigrant workers and supporters marching in Washington, D.C. to demand legislation to give legal status to millions of undocumented immigrations in America (as a means to offer them full citizenship). The House Republicans want a more reactionary bill than what the Senate is proposing. The Senate bill has strengths and weaknesses, but even that bill is better what some in the House GOP is advancing. There should be social services granted to human beings. The reactionary lie is that immigrants collectively want to overrun American society and take the wealth including jobs of Americans. The vast majority of immigrants are not criminals nor haters of humankind. They are human beings created in the image of God. It is very hypocritically for those who are not the indigenous human beings of America to lecture anyone on harsh anti-immigrant policies.
By Timothy