Monday, February 24, 2014

Monday News in late February 2014

Many people want economic democracy. The world should be better and we oppose oppression. February is the third anniversary of the 2011 revolt in Wisconsin. This was when workers and protests occupied the state capital and mass protests existed against the reactionary attacks on workers. Wisconsin was the largest among the protesters in that time. There are still protests across America against foreclosures, austerity, and an unjust economy. Such movements inspire the Occupy Movement, which rebelled against Wall Street. Movements like these are a revolt against big finance capitalism. Capitalism advances a corrupt and unfair economy. The government in West serves the interests of the wealthiest before meeting the necessities of the people. People know what the truth is. The truth is that social and economic justice are pristine goals to fight for. Occupy Wall Street issued its own Declaration of the Occupation of New York City that outlined their grievances. Many people have outlined solutions to our issues too. So, we should love to have an economic democracy agenda. There should be the building of institutions owned and controlled by communities as a means to protect the planet. Wealth should be built in an equitable and democratic fashion. So, the rule of money by oligarchy is weakened. A democratized economy shifts political power away from concentrated capital to the public and further empowers people by meeting their basic needs for shelter, food, education, healthcare and income. So, we should find ways to create a new economy that serves the people. What can be done? There should be the establishment of healthy institutions to grow the economy and an ending of the system of white supremacy including imperialism. An economic democracy is when the people do not cede power to mega corporations, big finance, or a professional elite political class. People shared wisdom to build an economy that strengthen communities and build wealth for all. Economic power should be democratized and empower the people control their own economic lives. There can be cooperative solutions as a means to create wealth for humanity. Economic democracy deals with the concept of the commonwealth. The commons includes not only roads, land, water and resources but also the knowledge and technology developed, often with public dollars, which has been built up over generations. Economic democracy stands in contrast with neoliberal economics. Neoliberalism privatizes public goods and seeks to commodify everything possible to create profit-centers while cutting public services in the name of austerity. Economic democracies deal with universality, equity, accountability, transparency, and participation (or the people having a role in the decision making process). Such solidarity economics have been growing in Latin America and other places in the world. A fundamental belief of economic democracy is to build from the bottom up, starting with local communities.  A report this week from the Institute for Self Reliance found that communities with buy local programs have seen local businesses grow three times as fast as communities without such programs and businesses report a 75% increase in customer traffic. Many food co-ops have helped people get food more locally. Also, we need carbon free, nuclear free energy economies to occur in helping Nature. We should still fight for increasing the minimum wage, so a living wage can happen. That is why democratized economics have been a great way to create global change in the world. Also, there is nothing wrong with the federal government providing the general welfare of society either. The general welfare ought to be promoted. 

Too many of our people embrace pessimism. Pessimism is not a solution. Real revolution takes sacrifice, courage, and strength. We live in a new generation and in a new time, but core truths remain irrespective of time or generation. The fundamental truths of self-determination, black solidarity, and Black Power are eternal truths that should never be shed irrespective of generations. Now, things can happen in a holistic approach. First, we have to know ourselves and our enemy. WITHOUT THE KNOWLEDGE OF SELF, NOTHING CHANGES FOR REAL. We have to respect our humanity and love our BLACKNESS ETERNALLY. WE HAVE TO KNOW THAT THE SYSTEM OF WHITE SUPREMACY IS AN ENEMY. Also, individually, we are leaders. The real Revolution will take time to develop, but that doesn't mean that it won't come. If we hate the conditions of society, we have every right to fight for revolutionary changes via working in charities, speaking up, boycotting, advancing self-defense if necessary, fighting to create black owned institutions, working in our communities, educating our people, defending our people, and joining independent organizations (dedicated for black liberation). We need political and economic empowerment and Dr. Claud Anderson gave many great ideas on that. Many of our people are fighting for our liberation day in and day out and their sacrifice should not be minimized here. So, we have to ally with Brothers and Sisters doing the good work. This process will not be immediate now, but we have to continue. Giving up and doing nothing is not a solution. We have every right to fight and to educate. Also, many of the slaves’ families were split up all of the time involuntarily and slaves suffered much more unspeakable atrocities than us, but they persisted and won battles despite obstacles. We can win. There is the decrease in the black crime rate overall since 1970. Teen black pregnancy rates have gone down rapidly since 1992. Over 90 percent of all black marriages are between a black man and a black woman. We have many Brothers and Sisters who are strongly working in green programs, anti-violence crusades, and other efforts to make a difference. We have to inspire our people that they can be greater and better than their current circumstances. You can inspire and be an example as a means to execute change. We all can do something and I reject giving up. It is not in our blood to give up or in our ancestors’ mentalities. No, we continue to fight despite the odds. We are living witnesses of overcoming the odds throughout history. We just need to continue to have faith and do action. I am not naïve since we have a very long way to go, but we have to link up with conscious Brothers and conscious Sisters (BLACK UNITY IN COMMON CAUSE IS A GREAT THING. Dr. Umar Johnson, Neely Fuller, Jr., Trojan Pam, Paul H, and others have made some excellent plans on how to get things going too) to make plans, to develop strategies, and to develop solutions. They or the racists hate a strong, progressive, and intelligent black man and strong, progressive, and intelligent black women in the Earth. That is why they call a black man standing up for himself an ABM or a black woman doing the same an ABW (which are racist, false stereotypical characterizations). So, being intelligent and standing up for black people is cool and legitimate.

What more can be said about Malcolm X. He was a living representation of black manhood in action. Before and after his Hajj, he expressed compassion, strength, and he spoke truth to power. He was a strong spokesman for black liberation and he loved black people. He not only spoke about justice, but he spoke on the need for us to have a firmer linkage with our Brothers and Sisters in Africa (including all over the globe). Malcolm X taught us about courage and the necessity of us to love plus respect our black physical features and our black heritage. He was right to advocate self-defense and self-determination among black people. He was once in the Nation of Islam and the NOI's influence on Malcolm X can't be understated. The FBI and the CIA (2 wicked organizations who killed humans globally, spied on people illegally, and they advance the agenda of imperialism plus authoritarianism even today) followed him everywhere. He was a real threat to the establishment all of the time. I want to mention this point too. Malcolm X challenged Dr. King to be more militant in public. Dr. King was a little naive in the beginning. Malcolm X inspired Dr. Martin Luther King to strongly agree with these following truths: that we must love our black identity, that there is nothing wrong with Black Power, and we should confront imperialism in the strongest terms possible. Malcolm X opposed the Vietnam War early on too. That is why Dr. King advocated black freedom schools and black cultural events as part of his Poor Peoples Campaign in early 1968. When Malcolm X publicly exposed the psychology of the wickedness of Western society and how it harmed humanity (along with wanting America to be made accountable for its crimes against then 22 million African Americans. He gained supporters among African & Asian nations to do this in front of the U.N. Also, Dr. King wanted to work with Malcolm X. Malcolm X and Dr. King shook hands and planned on working on more collaboration on fighting the system of oppression), then the enemy wanted him eliminated. Malcolm X and Dr. King spoke to each other on the phone. In February of 1965, Malcolm X and Dr. King agreed to have a meeting and work together on common solutions to create black liberation. That is a fact. THEY WERE PLANNING TO HAVE FURTHER BLACK UNITY. Malcolm X allied with progressive African leaders like Tanzania's Abdul Rahman Badu. Malcolm X evolved further intellectually and criticized capitalism too. Malcolm X was one of the first men to use the term African American in public view. After his Hajj, he continued in his fight for liberation. He believed in pan-Africanism and he endorsed gender equality (as he wanted a progressive society where women ought to have education and real opportunities in their lives) just before he passed. Not to mention that the FBI infiltrated and try to play the divide and conquer game in much of the black liberation movement. That is why UNITY is such an important concept to be embraced strongly in the black community. When we have TRUE UNITY and fight for justice (along with using tons of proactive steps), then we are a real force to be reckoned with. One bodyguard of Malcolm X was aided by the NYPD named Gene Roberts. The FBI via BOSSI and other groups infiltrated the OAAU. Real folks know that real Muslims or real people of faith never killed Malcolm X. Malcolm X was murdered by a group of people in full support and funding by the Western state entities. Malcolm X had never forsaken his core convictions (of embracing black solidarity, being anti-imperialist, loving black self-determination, and believing in self-defense if necessary against the oppressor). He always stood by black people and Africa. He just said that he will judge a person based on their deeds not on their skin color (and the deeds of white racists have been blatantly offensive, degenerate, and evil). His Hajj was about him gaining more insight about the world. It was never about him compromising his core convictions to please a racist society. RIP Malcolm X.

 Yes, ACTIVISM against these injustices is a key function of our lives. WE CAN'T BE SILENT WHEN OUR CHILDREN ARE BEING MURDERED IN THE STREETS BY BRUTES. WE CAN'T BE SILENT ABOUT THE EVILS OF IMPERIALISM AND POLICE BRUTALITY. WE CAN'T EXPRESS SILENCE ON ECONOMIC EXPLOITATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION. SO, WE ARE NOT SILENT. Our oppression and our plight have been minimized by mainstream society for a long time. When the masses of people (of other backgrounds) experience overt injustice from crooked police, unjust laws, etc. then many those who wouldn't of care about our plight would start to care about their own plight. We have been victims of brutality for decades and centuries in North America, while many whites (especially in the middle class or upper class) never suffered these things in a massive scale like black people have suffered. We have to care about our own interests even if others refuse to care about us. WE ALL WE GOT. KARMA is an Universal law. When the evil white supremacists harmed the environment, harmed our people, and did unspeakable acts (that I can't mention here), then the Universe will respond back. The Universe is responding back by us as black people standing up against them, by more of us waking up to our spiritual, human value, and more events coming on in the world. The murderer explicitly, in a premeditated fashion, chooses to get his gun and voluntarily killed the young Brother. He thought about it and he referenced music. Michael Dunn harassed the youth and he came back to kill. These are facts. Many of these racists refuse to respect the humanity of Jordan Davis. Ironically, they want to humanize Michael Dunn when he expressed no true humanity in his actions. You noticed that the murderer expressed no remorse about his actions and no regrets. So, he has no humanity in his soul. Michael Dunn is a disgrace. Why is it so difficult for some to open their eyes and profoundly realize that Michael Dunn committed first degree murder? It is like that you have to have every dot crossed when dealing with the death of an innocent black human being, but if a white man was murdered like that, these same people would want to literally try to send the death penalty against the guilty party. Yes, we have to be honest when dealing with ignorance. HONESTY IS THE BEST POLICY. You are correct on doing what is right. We have to do what is right regardless of the consequences. NOTHING CHANGES UNLESS WE CONFRONT AND FIGHT EVIL. GOOD IS SUPERIOR TO EVIL. The African American juror is young and hopefully she can open her eyes later on. She needs to know about the how vicious system of racism/white supremacy has harmed the black community then and now (and how that system currently uses stereotypes and other slick tactics in maintaining the status quo). It is obvious that Michael Dunn is not a good guy, but a murderer who is desperate for making perverted, false rationalizations of his deed.

There are many things that should be known. First, I do agree with infrastructure development in Detroit. That is a great thing. The issue is that Detroit's local power has been taken over by unelected managers and many reactionary, corporate forces (much of corporate urban planning have been done in secret). Private corporations and foundations are using money to advance the austerity agenda. You will notice that the sacrifice is given mainly to the poor, the workers, and not the super-rich. Real estate moguls like Quicken Loans founder Dan Gilbert is advancing heavily this privatization agenda in Detroit. The city is being restructured in service of the rich not all of the people, especially the poor. The state imposed bankruptcy against Detroit is against the state of Michigan's own laws. With most pensioners already at or near the poverty threshold (pensions range between $19,000 and $34,000 per year), the cuts will drive a substantial portion of the city’s 24,000 retirees into destitution. Tens of thousands of workers who gave their lives to the city, and were legally promised money for a secure retirement, are being kicked to the curb. So, this plan is very much slick since the banking elite has exploited Detroit for years and decades. So, independent urban planners from Detroit should have a leading role in handling the issues in their own city (not Wall Street interests). There should be a real audit of the city and democratic related development programs to improve the city. A multifaceted approach is needed not a one size fit all solution. I would not worry about Detroit though. Detroit is filled with strong people, great locations, great music, great culture, and Detroit will bounce back into another level no doubt. We see this scheme as the bondholders to strip city worker pensions, health care, and other resources from the people of Detroit. Some want the further privatization of city resources and the transfer of control of the Detroit Institute of Arts. The cuts in pensions are aimed at establishing a national precedent, using bankruptcy courts to override benefits that are explicitly protected by the state constitution. This process was sanctioned by Judge Steven Rhodes in his December 3 ruling. Most city workers will have their pensions cut by up to 34 percent, while police and firemen will face a 10 percent cut. In addition, cost of living increases for all pensioners will be eliminated for at least a decade, meaning that the real value of payouts will steadily decline. The city’s main union, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) Council 25, issued a statement criticizing the deal, but the unions have played a central role in the bankruptcy proceedings. After first agreeing to $180 million in concessions, AFSCME executives have been jockeying to defend their interests and their role in the exploitation of workers, including through their control of the new health care VEBA. AFSCME has aggressively advocated for the sale of city assets, including the art at the DIA. The city has committed $265 million to a new stadium controlled by the billionaire Mike Illitch when folks are suffering in Detroit now. The UBS and the Bank of America has extracted hundreds of millions from city revenues. This counterrevolution is about redistributing wealth into the pockets of the corporate and financial elite. The big picture is that anti-democratic entities are forcing Detroit to follow their demands with the masses of the people involved. The Democrats and Republican want this austerity, privatization agenda accomplished. Trillions of dollars have been sent to select banks and workers’ rights are being violated in the process.

By Timothy