Saturday, February 22, 2014

The Original Writer of The Matrix and The Terminator Is A Black Woman


sondis says:

February 17, 2014 at 2:31 pm I tried to explain this very thing to a black woman on how, white artists like Robin thicke and Justin timber lake are doing what white people have been doing, all throughout history. Misappropriate and steal black culture. weather it be song, dance, dress, talk ect.. She didn’t want to hear it and didn’t see anything wrong with these artists.


 TrojanPam says: February 20, 2014 at 8:27 pm

@ sondis

 Most black people are so white-identified, they think it’s a compliment anytime whites pay ANY attention to anything we do. That was the REAL appeal of an Obama presidency. It wasn’t about black pride.

It was about WHITE VALIDATION (meaning white people “approved of” and voted for a black man).


diaryofanegress says:

February 17, 2014 at 2:45 pm Miss Pam No shock there. Drakkor, lacking his soul, must steal ours in order to live, breathe and eat. If not for the “originators” in music, what I call the Soulful Six:

 James Brown (from him we got Prince, Micheal Jackson and countless others)
Jackie Wilson
Muddy Waters (he transcended blues and created his own mix of bluesy-jazzy-R&B)
Chuck Berry (who Elvis wanted to be like more than anything)
Ella Fitzgerald ( who invented her brand of ballad-scat-soul music that changed jazz FOREVER)

Nina Simone

 I could go on forever and include my secret boyfriend, Sam Cooke, who was gunned down for wanting to finance the Civil Rights Movement but I digress. This new “blue-eyed soul” nonsense is just another elaborate ruse by Demonic Forces to rob us of our cultural asili. Sadly, manly of our people have no idea of how our Spirituality plays a large role in our creativity.

 Yurugu gets the credit while we get the shaft. Why do you think Michael Jackson was murdered? To prevent him from starting his own record company filled with black musicians. If I were Ms. Stewart, I’d leave the country.


 TrojanPam says: February 20, 2014 at 8:29 pm @ diaryofanegress

 I never believed Michael Jackson died accidentally NOR do I believe Whitney Houston’s death was accidental.

 I agree, Ms Stewart would be safer outside this country — as would most black people who are waking up to what is really going on.

TrojanPam says: February 20, 2014 at 8:48 pm @ mstoogood4yall

 There is a spiritual war being waged against us and it takes all forms:

Legal Even,
Food &
Water and Air

 Until we face this FACT, that WAR is being waged against us, we will keep losing every battle.


TrojanPam says:

February 20, 2014 at 8:53 pm

@ Timothy

 It is not just whites — a similar thing is happening with non-white/non-black people.

 Who imitate black culture (the language, the dress, the music, the dance, even the hand signs) then PRETEND they are NOT doing it While this is not a major problem, I see it as PART of the overall global attempt to reduce black people (and our contributions) to a size that isn’t visible to the human eye.

 Bottom line, we HAVE NO FRIENDS OR ALLIES. We need to work on breaking OUR NEED to be validated by people who are not black. This is all a byproduct of white supremacy and part of the damage done during slavery.

Our only POSSIBLE allies are EACH OTHER — but I fear we will not understand or accept THIS FACT until it is too late. And maybe, not even then.