Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Domestic and Foreign Policy Crises.


A Florida school district canceled a Professor's Civil Rights lecture on civil rights history is not surprising. The Florida Governor is a person who wants to whitewash real American history under the guise of being against "critical race theory" (which is not taught in any public school). Far right extremists don't want racism to be exposed in public, because they benefit from the system of racism. Also, they want to promote a sugarcoated, lying version of American history. American history was filled with bloodshed, terrorism imperialism, and other evils not just about heroes who fought to make America better. Privilege is a sociological fact documented by tons of studies. Racial discrimination and systematic racism are realities that Governor DeSantis doesn't believe in, because he is a liar. The bashing of great black authors like Toni Morrison, the suppression of anti-racism voices, and the hatred of progressive values all relate to the views of the neo-fascist Republican Party.


The Supreme Court will decide another case on affirmative action. Ginni Thomas or Clarence Thomas' wife has many conflicts of interests by supporting groups who hate affirmative action and are pro-Trump extremists. Ginni (who works with groups directly involved in Supreme Court cases) has ties to the Council on National Policy as the CNP is a far-right organization. Affirmative action is in risk of being gone in America, because the Supreme Court is mostly conservative. Previously, the Supreme Court has ruled by race can be one factor out of many factors in determining college admissions. The case involved opposers of affirmative action from Harvard University and UNC. The common lie shown by some is that affirmative action promotes discrimination or it's just a quota system. The truth is taht affirmative action is a process where fairness is made, because then and now the super wealthy and others have privilege in getting resources in American society. We don't live in a meritocracy where people of every color are treated fairly. That is why federal government intervention was necessary to combat injustices. Affirmative action has been a positive force to allow many people, especially black people, to experience opportunities that grown their careers.

Now, one of the most important foreign policy issues in our time is the conflict between Ukraine and Russia. Tensions haven't been this large among America and Russia since the Cold War. It's that bad, and many people like Alexander Vidman fear that war might happen in the country of Ukraine. There are about 100,000 Russian troops on the border of Ukraine now with tanks, missiles, etc. Also, Russia is allied with Belarus as Belarus is run by another authoritarian like Putin. So, Putin is encircling Ukraine. America has sent millions of dollars' worth of military equipment to Ukraine. Diplomacy among America and Russia (among U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov) continues with no progress. This is a bad situation where Europe could see the most massive war since WWII. This situation has existed for decades. In its modern manifestation, this crisis started in Ukraine in 2014. In this crisis, Russia is not clean, and the West is not clean either. 2014 was when the Ukrainian Revolution took place. The revolutionaries wanted the elected leader Victor Yanukoyvch gone from power. The problem was that many of the rebels were members of the far-right Right Sector group in Ukraine. Nevertheless, the US government, NATO, and the EU supported the overthrow of Yanukoyvch (who wanted closer ties to Russia). Many in Eastern Ukraine opposed the new government. The Minsk  II agreement caused a ceasefire in the civil war where the Donbas Peoples' Republic would have autonomy. 

Now, the Biden administration is pushed by the neo cons to have a more hawkish tone. We know who Putin is. Putin is an autocrat, an oligarch, a dictator, a far-right nationalist, and an enemy of democracy. We are clear on that. Yet, we should not take the bait from him and other to advance some war. War should be avoided, and we have the right to use diplomacy to call for a peaceful resolution. America wants no Russian control of Ukraine, and Russia doesn't want Ukraine to be part of NATO. The UK and the US are sending highly advanced anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. The leader of Ukraine is President Volodymyr Zelensky (who has executed anti-democratic policies according to the UN). British aircraft is having surveillance over the region too according to Sky News. Menendez has gone over the line to say that if Russia invades Ukraine, then expect casualties of many Russians in body bags. We are in the process of negotiation not war mongering rhetoric. Russia's is doing reckless acts like sending 1,000 pieces of military equipment, using its navy to have exercises, and other actions. Russia seeks to have war games off the coast of Ireland, risking damage to cable fires in the ocean. Therefore, all parties should follow the Minsk II Agreement, and independent international arbitrators should have involvement to prevent some unnecessary war among Ukraine and Russia.

One GOP lawmaker wants a demand of books from school libraries. This plan is part of overt censorship (under the guise of making people not feel "discomfort"). Far right extremists want to sugarcoat real American history and brainwash people to believe in the lie that everything in America must be shown comfortably. The truth is that not all truth is comfortable. Sometimes, you have to be uncomfortable with evil in order to end it. This agenda is about the far right trying to eliminate conversations about race, sex, and other issues in order to suppress the rights of minorities plus maintain privilege.


By Timothy