Friday, January 28, 2022

Issues Shown on late January 2022.


The common lie shown by many far-right extremists is that progressive people collectively are blamed for many of the problems in American society from social issues to the economy. Let's look at history to refute that pernicious lie. When deindustrialization existed to benefit a limited number of multinational corporations without real alternatives, that was done by the far right. When tax policy made massive tax cuts for the super wealthy, that was a conservative policy. When cuts to welfare existed massively and the War on Drugs spread, these actions are far right actions not progressive ones (as it is nothing progressive about sending nonviolent drug offenders to prison for more time in some cases than rapists or assaulters of people). Even the Welfare Reform Act was supported by conservatives too. The Iraq War was supported by neo-conservatives, and the massive push to censor anti-racism books in schools is a far-right invention. The push to glorify police brutality, to whitewash real American history, and to whitewash the January 6th terrorist insurrection at the U.S. Capitol are far right deeds. The far right wants to blame the black community for all crime in America, but they ignore that crime is not a racial deal. Crime is wrong and evil, and crimes has harmed tons of people. Not to mention that black people have spoken out against crime for a long time. The movement to promote voter suppression laws in Texas, Florida, and across America is done by the far right, not progressives either. Redlining, gentrification, and the hatred of reparations for black Americans are far right conservatives' ideals not progressive views. Therefore, we have to look at history for real. To blame progressives for everything is not only ahistorical, but it's a lie. Extremists omit that the Constitution in Article I, Section 8 is clear that Congress has the right to make laws to spend money to build up the general welfare of American society. They omit that we certainly need the federal government to protect our environment, to protect our civil rights including our civil liberties, to regulate the economy justly, and to ensure equality plus justice for all.

Breaking news is that on TN school board banned the book of Maus which is about the Holocaust. This censorship is not only anti-Semitic but evil. Yesterday was the day of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. Today, we always have the right to condemn bigotry and intolerance. We must know about the Holocaust as it harmed many people of every color, especially Jewish people. Six million Jewish people were murdered by the Nazis during the Holocaust. We have seen the growth of anti-Semitism worldwide. It's one thing to have a political view. That is fine. Yet, it is wrong to blame a whole race of people for everything evil in the world. Anti-Semitism is not a legitimate political view. It's hatred. Banning legitimate books that teaches people about the evils of the Holocaust is unjustified and appalling. What's really profane is to prevent future generation of people from learning about the Holocaust. January 27, 1945 was the date when the Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated by the Red Army. Many of my late ancestors were WWII veterans and one of my ancestors was a member of Normandy (who helped to liberate Jewish people and other victims of Nazi tyranny). The relative who was involved in Normandy was a man named Leslie Goffigon Jr.  So, this day is personal to me and other human beings.

Governor Glenn Youngkin of Virginia have always shown his colors. He is a Trump acolyte. He acted slick with his rhetoric and behavior. He was sworn in as Governor on January 15, 2022. There was a lot of pomp, and he talked about his views on many issues. He wants to cut so many taxes, that his policies to get money away from K-12 education investments and the roads. The truth is that not all taxes are evil. Many taxes are needed to build up society, despite what far right people say. He wants to ban teaching on "inherently divisive concepts," which is code for Youngkin not waning teachers to teach about the real history of America (which included divisive topics, racism, slavery, etc.). He supports the Heritage Foundation policy adviser Angela Sailor as the new director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. The Heritage Foundation is a far-right think thank that hates affirmative action, social justice, and resistance against police brutality. Critical Race Theory is not taught in schools, but this governor signed an executive order to ban it from being taught in public schools. Youngkin wants a police officer stationed at every school which is impossible to do.  He talks about on environmental causes in some cases. He worked for the Carlyle Group for 3 decades.

The breaking news is that Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire from the court. This is historic as President Joe Biden has the opportunity to choose a new Supreme Court Justice. President Biden made a campaign promise that he promised to choose a black woman to be on the Supreme Court if he has the chance to do so. As a black man, Biden must fulfill his promise for real. He must do the right thing, and that he must pick a qualified, progressive black woman to be on the Supreme Court. We expect this to exist. We want a black woman to be voted on by the Senate to gain official confirmation. Biden said that every justice has the right to decide what he or she is going to do and say on their own. We all want a black woman to be on the Supreme Court. 

Days ago, was the Birthday of Sister Anita Baker, and she is 68 years old. She is one of the greatest singers of all time. Her music has been influenced by the quiet storm and jazz. She has been popular with her ballads and other songs. Baker won 8 Grammy Awards and has 5 platinum albums with one gold album. She is a mezzo soprano with a vocal range that extends her register to at least 3 octaves. Toledo, Ohio is the city of her birth. Later, she was raised in Detroit, Michigan. When was 16 years old, Baker performed at Detroit nightclubs. By the 1970's, Baker in the funk band called Chapter 8, and Chapter 8 released the album of Chapter 8 in 1979. Ready for Your Love was the song with Baker and bandmate Gerald Lyles. Baker's I Just Want to Be Your Girl was popular too. Her solo album started with The Songstress. It came out on May of 1983 being groundbreaking. It had songs like Will You Be Me Mine, Angel, and You're the Best Thing Yet. Rapture was her second album being released in March 1986. Its songs had Sweet Love and Watch Your Step. Caught Up in the Rapture was one of the most romantic songs of all time. She worked in gospel music too. By the 1990's, she released Compositions and Body and Soul. I Apologize won her a Grammy. In the 21st century, she has released more music. Only Forever was a song when she released in 2010. She loves her 2 sons. By 2013, Anita Baker was inducted into the Michigan Rock and Roll Legends Hall of Fame. She earned her Lifetime Achievement Award from BET in 2018. I wish Sister Anita Baker more blessings. 

By Timothy