Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Inspiration and the Requirement to go Forward

3 Tornadoes came into Suffolk, Virginia days ago. Hundreds of homes were damaged and over a hundred people were injured. It was a destructive event. Now, many organizations and charities are assisting plus comforting the victims of the tornadoes. The tornado occured in Suffolk, which is in the region where I live in Hampton Roads. Hampton Roads is a region made up of Southeastern Virginia and Northeastern North Carolina. Suffolk is nearly 30 miles from where I live in Norfolk, VA. I just look at the news coverage of it in local news and in the national news channels. Suffolk is also part of the 7 City family. The 7 cities are Norfolk, Hampton, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, Newport News, Chesapeake, and Portsmouth. The good news is that Virginia is known for transportation, so the development can be quick. A We are Change member from Los Angeles met up with Bob Frum. When the We Are Change reporter asked Frum about 9/11 including his promotion of the evil neo-conservative philosophy, he was angry. Then, Frum used profanity. He assaulted the We Are Change man's camerman. Frum was the one who coined "the axis of evil" phrase in order to advance the Bush administration's policies. Frum accused the person of being at an inappropriate location, but no one was in his booth. The reporter has a First Amendment right to peacefully ask him questions. The increase of confrontations like this tells me something. It tells me about the increase of especially Americans about the nature of the world. The truth is that neo-conservative policy of agitating for wars, the foreign policy of interventionalism, and maintaining hundreds of bases arounds the world like the old Roman Empire isn't working. In fact, it's depleting our economic money which can be better utilized here domestically building up our U.S. infrastructure. Richard C. Cook gave another interesting look on the economy and solutions to our economic problems. Cook gave common solutions like our making our own independent foods, encouraging businesses to buy local, focus on infrastructure building to help our economy (like trains, communication, etc.), and allow Congress to control our monetary system (as mentioned in the Consitution not a group of select beaucrats from the Federal Reserve). European bankers are more powerful than than the FED. Even the Pope and Queen Elizabeth own millions of square miles of lands worldwide. Ultimately, the people and individuals should own their own money. We ought to get out of debt as well. The FED whose over cutting of interest rates and sucking up to international bankers have something to do with trigger the economic disaster in the first place. Neo cons are being taken less and less seriously as time goes on. All of their credibility for their foreign policies has been relinquished. Many of the neo-cons are CFR members and Jesuit Edmund Walsh subscribed to a form of preemptive warfare. The Jeremiah Wright story is a distraction in my mind. The media is obsessing with the story when we should be aware about the new world order, how our civil liberties have been rapidly disappearing, and the police with militarized weapons. Even though Wright is wrong on some issues, he isn't wrong on every point. The mainstream media act like Jeremiah Wright is totally wrong. Media operatives like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity (who is Jesuit trained. Both are controlled by the biggest media mogul in the world named Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch) are obfuscating the truth. They use ad hominem attacks to demonize anyone saying that the U.S. government and al-Qaeda are equal partners when that's true. It's been documented that U.S. intelligence aided Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda even in the late 1990's when the West/al Qaeda network brutalized the region of Serbia. Not everyone in the government are supremely evil, but certain members are. Additionally, Wright is right that governments like America have performed evil biological experiments. One example is the Tuskegee Experiment where innocent blacks were tested with syphilis via the U.S. Public Heath Service (from 1932 to 1972). The innocent black victims were lied to claiming that they were only given treatment from a disease. Wright also told the truth that the government could create AIDS. See, in July 28, 1969, the Department of Defense (DOD) asked for $10 million from Congress to fund the development of a “synthetic biological agent, an agent that does not naturally exist and for which no natural immunity could have been acquired . . ." That is why other authors like Graves and Horowitz believes that AIDS is man-made. What we do know is that a body of evidence made by many mainstream scientists dispute the opinion that HIV alone causes AIDS. Biological warfare and weapons have been talked about by the Elite for a very long time from the NSSM 200 Document to the PNAC document calling to genotype specific biological weapons. Mike Adams from Natural News on April 30, 2008 cited more evidence to back up Wright's view on evil medical experiments committed against black Americans. One easy example is how the EPA was caught testing toxic chemicals on low income children just a few years ago in New York. In 1963, Chester M. Southam, who injected Ohio State Prison inmates with live cancer cells in 1952, performed the same procedure on 22 senile, African-American female patients at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital in order to watch their immunological response. This doesn't mean blacks have a monopoly on suffering evils. Whites, Asians, Hispanics, Jewish people, Arabic people, and all people have suffered oppression and evil throughout human history. I don't see Obama talking about this. It doesn't take a genius to decipher that these eugenicists, corporate elites, and evil folks in government don't care for our national identity or our health. Jeremiah Wright is accurate that the American government gave chemical weapons into Iraq to fight the Iranians in the 1980's. For example, Howard Teicher (a former Reagan official and National Security Council staffer) admitted to he and Donald Rumsfeld went into Iraq to make sure Iraq had weapons to win the Iran-Iraq war. Even GE funded Iran nuclear reactors. Kurt Nimmo wrote The US Department of Commerce licensed 70 biological exports to Iraq between 1985 and 1989, including at least 21 batches of lethal strains of anthrax. Iraq has a very long history and it was the home of many advanced civilizations. Arabic nationalism was strified with British colonalism in the region. Even after WWII, the West interfered with Iraq with the CIA coup of Qasim in the 1960's. Iraq expelled the Jesuits in 1969. Ironically, in 2003, Bush allowed an invasion of the country with Jesuit trained Generals like Patraeus and Casey. The media is focusing their attention on Wright also to make much of the public ignorant of government created evil biological programs spanning many decades. Barack Obama is forced to talked about this issue by distancing himself from the man. He said that Wright wasn't his spiritual advisor, but his pastor to his church. McCain, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton are puppets funding by the political elite and special interests. You've got John McCain meeting with the Rothschilds (Lord Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild were hosting a fundraising for him. The Rothschilds are a famous banking family with ties to the Knights of Malta, the Vatican, and the British Elite). Judicial Watch is accused of McCain of doing this since these Rothschilds are foreign nationals. Then, Hillary today will meet up with Bill O'Reilly, when Rupert Murdoch funds Hillary. Globalism is still here and a notorious threat to the world. Mark Memmott and Jill Lawrence from USA Today at April 29, 2008 describe how John McCain is still promoting the "League of Democracies." This organization McCain wished is to revive democratic solidarity and trying to bypass gridlock in the United Nations. His excerpts from his speech outline the League of Democracies as a group trying to form an international order of peace based on freedom. McCain wants a summit of world democracies. The concept of world democracy was promoted by 33rd Degree Freemason Manly P. Hall in his literature. John McCain hopes to use this group to take on AIDS problems in sub-Saharan Africa, Zimbabwe political instability, etc. He wants to this to occur without Russia's or China's approval. What's the truth? The League of Democracies is nothing more than an added layer of a foreign entanglement. There is nothing wrong with trying to stop AIDS in sub-Saharan Africa or helping people. Yet, we don't need of league of democracies in other to do it. We have Constitutional and legal channels already in existence in order to work with other nations. Also, we're a Republic not a Democracy. A democracy is mob rule. In other words, if 51% of the people decides your fate, then it's there without nothing you can do about it. An actual true democracy inhibits the rights of the minority in a society. There is a Democrat commercial criticizing McCain over the Iraq War and other issues. Even though the Republicans almost unamiously voted for the Iraq War, so have the majority of Democrats. The Democrats can complain all they wish about the Republicans not ceasing the war. Yet, when Bush asks for another $100 billion to continue the war, the Democrats give Bush the money. One of the ways to end the war is the cut the funding not continuing it.

John Walsh from the AMW Safety Center at April 28, 2008 writes in favor of DNA sampling from all felony suspects not just convicted criminals. I agree with Walsh that criminals should be brought into justice and that child predators are evil human beings. Although, in the past couple of years (especially after 9/11) he have been increasingly advocating anti-civil liberty policies in the world. Now, he's teaming up with the son of the a Nazi, adulterer, pro-abortion California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. Arnold's ally was former Papal Nazi Kurt Waldheim (who was the Secretary General of the U.N.). Him and Schwarzenegger subscribe to more DNA sampling. He passed Proposition 69 which gets DNA from suspects with felonies, not just convicted people. That is immoral since it treats suspects as guilty before proven innocent. Not to mention, it's a violation of people's privacy. The justification for that view is that even if that person is proven innocent the government still controls that DNA. Who's to figure out if the government will carefully perserve your privacy and DNA records afterwards. Mike Whitney from the Online Journal on Tuesday, at April 29, 2008 blamed the Federal Reserve for many of the global famine and economic problems in the world. Riots are globally in Haiti and Egypt. There is double digit inflation in the developing world like in Indonesia, Vietnam, and India. Why is this occuring? The reason isn't necessarily a shortage of food. One reason is the weakening value of the U.S. dollar resulting in speculation and making commodities like foods' prices go higher. Since many nations are so dependant on the dollar, the value of high prices in foods spread across the globe. Presently, Central banks and the political/religious elite control most of the wealth in the world from the Vatican to the Pilgrim Society. Other factors like biofeul ethanol production, the centralization of wealth, etc. contribute to the problem as well. "Rice, death and the dollar", is an article written By Otto Spengler, from the Asia Times. Otto Spengler wrote that global rice population is hitting a record high of 423 million ons in the 2007-2008 crop year. Yet, rices are going up, becaue only 7% of the rice supply is exported because local demand is met by local production. Hence, the local demand cuts the rice supply for export therefore the price increases in foreign countries. The high inflation of the dollar is sent overseas. The reality is that cutting rates have been done. It hasn't work. The solution would be to rethink our whole economic system. It's time to reject this collectivism where power is controlled by the hands of the few. Another Global warming skeptic has been unfairly targeted. ERIC BERGER from the Houston Chronicle at Tuesday, on April 29, 2008 reported on William Gray. Gray was threatened to have lose his support in his seasonal forecasting. Gray says that global warming scientists are brainwashing our children because no evidence exists of a hurricane/global warming coorelation. His own Colorado State University terminated his promotional support. Gray believes that the freedom to express his dissent with anthropogenic global warming is being blatantly strifled. Global warming is readily promoted as an excuse for neo-eugenicists and population control advocates like Ted Turner in the advocacy of controlling our lives and decreasing the human population. They have an anti-human view of things without realizing that mankind historically created legitimate technologies that have cleaned plus improved the environment. More informaiton is coming out about the Arizona State Senator Karen Johnson questioning 9/11's official story publicly. She said that she was a truthseeker and asked questions about the event. Karen said that many in the Arizona legislature have her opinion about 9/11 but are afraid or speaking up. Karen committed that a Commission would never have existed without the Jersey Girls who are activist group of widowed mothers and wives from New Jersey and New York who have continued to question the events of 9/11. Henry Kissinger (a noted advisor to Pope Benedict XVI) left being the head of the CFR-infiltrated 9/11 Commission because of conflicts of interests.

The Jersey girls asked him about his ties to the Bin Laden family and Kissinger stepped down. She helped passed a 9/11 monument with private money without any state involvment. The phrases exposed the government having prior knowledge of that attacks and the backing off of the intelligence agencies in the months prior to 9/11. That's easy to prove of course and even mainstream news articles outline these facts. Karen Johnson is right to promote individual rights and a balanced budget. I strongly disagree with Karen's membership on the board of the Church of Scientology’s Citizens Commission on Human Rights. Scientology was invented by L. Ron Hubbard, who was an extremist. Hubbard's literature bashed the disabled and he supported Aliester Crowley (a Satanist, a degenerate, a Freemason, and an evil man who colloborated with British Intelligence). Scientology teaches falsehoods like how an alien being created the Earth and the physical world. Scientology's dogma is similar to Gnosticism. Pastor Joe Schimmel found a secret OT8 document where Hubbard bashed Christianity and wants to derail the coming of Jesus Christ. Tom Cruise, Catherine Bell, and even Isaac Hayes are members of Scientology. Scientology are known to be complicit in harrashment plus some believed that they have a role in the murder of Lisa McPherson. Therefore, Scientology is a cultic group and Karen Johnson should never have any colloboration with them at all. It isn't unusual to see abortion as a serious problem in the United Kingdom
. Steven Ertelt from Editor at April 29, 2008 focused on a leading pro-life are upset over a British government report. This report says that abortions are done on teenagers and girls as young as 12 years old. This report came after Britian marked the 40th year anniversary of Britian legalizing abortions since 1967. The health department data also shows 138 girls aged 13 had abortions in 2003, which increased to 142 in 2004. It even mentions that girls as long as 10-15 12 year old girls have abortion each year. Joanne Hill, who is a spokeswoman for the British pro-life charity LIFE says that more teenage abortions are there because of some aspects of sexual education that sex is okay as long as contraception is involved. Steven writes that over 200,000 abortion occur annually in Britian with the number growing. It's time to express on what we believe in. There is nothing wrong with being pro-gun, pro-family (This isn't a left/right issue since the vast majority of conservatives, libertarians, liberals, and independent want the improvement of families), pro-life, and respecting our national sovereignity plus our national identity. There is nothing extremist about being opposed to the Iraq War or the war on terrorism in general. Afghanistan and Iraq had no direct involvement in 9/11. I don't believe in going into foreign countries killing people who have nothing to do with harming me, my family, or my country at all. I believe in our rights like having opposition to the Real ID Act, the USA Military Commissions Act, and the USA Patriot Act (created in Jesuit Georgetown University with personages like Viet Dinh). The truth is that we should have inspiration to do what is right. We should remember our past, but focus our energy in the present and future. We shouldn't have fear of anything but God. We should speak about paranoia or fear mongering, but solutions and being meek. Also, you should take nothing from me at face value, but research my words to see if I'm telling you the truth. The reason is that from time to time, I make errors. Also, you ought to be an independent human being and use your God given thinking to find the truth for yourself and help other people. That's why we were created on the Earth in order to worship God, follow his commandments, and help other human beings.

By Timothy