Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Ted Turner Confronted by Philly 9/11 Truth

From http://www.infowars.com/?p=1807

Ted Turner Confronted by Philly 9/11 Truth

April 29, 2008

Philly calls out eugenicist Ted Turner on his population reduction rhetoric. Ted seems sincerely surprised the commoners would confront him.


From http://www.jonesreport.com/article/04_08/28turner_911.html



Ted Turner: World Needs a 'Voluntary' One-Child Policy for the Next Hundred Years
Philly 9/11 Truth Confront Billion Eugenicist on Calls for 95% Population Reduction

Aaron Dykes / Jones Report.com | April 29, 2008


Okay, so Ted Turner's not a people person. But, he has a plan to bring the world's population down to 2 billion-- a figure substantially less than current numbers-- that he says would allow for a better standard of living... for everyone.

Though it might be trying for the world to adopt the brutal one-child policy of China, it would, ideally, help humanity to avoid the nightmare cannibalism scenario Turner claims we otherwise face in the wake of global warming.

Ted Turner used his Southern charm to calm worries that he longed for 95% decline from current population levels during a question and answer session-- as the billionaire eugenicist was quoted in Audubon magazine more than a decade ago.

"That's not really true," Turner told members of Philly 9/11 Truth. He instead cited 2 billion as the target-- a mere 2/3 reduction of the human population -- which he claims would allow 'everyone' to have a decent standard of living, including a "refrigerator and air conditioner."


The 9/11 Truth activists probed the billionaire on how he would achieve these population goals-- citing policymakers like Henry Kissinger who advocate using 'food as weapon.'

Turner commented, "The way I think we should get there is have a voluntary one child per family for the next hundred years... like they do in China now."

Despite the fact that Turner himself has 5 children, he has put forward this view a number of times before. "We're too many people; that's why we have global warming," he told PBS's Charlie Rose in April. "Too many people are using too much stuff."

"On a voluntary basis, everybody in the world's got to pledge to themselves that one or two children is it," Turner added during the April 2008 interview.

Ted Turner pictured with fellow eugenics enthusiast David Rockefeller, who have both contributed massive funds to population control efforts worldwide.

China's policies have been heavily criticized not only for the gross human rights violations against its dehumanized population, but also for its peer-pressure affect on the rest of the world to adopt similar polices. China, too, started with a so-called 'voluntary' policy which then led to fines and only later to more extreme punishments for having more than one child.

In the name of global warming and environmentalism, children have now been blamed as 'part of the problem' and calls to limit children have now saturated the Western World.

In the third world, Turner has contributed literally billions to population reduction, namely through United Nations programs , leading the way for the likes of Bill & Melinda Gates and Warren Buffett (Gates father, for one, has long been a leading board member of Planned Parenthood and a top eugenicist).

These same figures have also donated vast sums of money for vaccination programs that many have identified as part of the problem.

Members of Philly 9/11 Truth also asked Turner about being the largest land owner in North America. Turner suggested that his vast acreage-- estimated at more than 2 million acres-- was being put to good use, deflecting claims of hypocrisy.

Turner has also been criticized recently for advocating the production of corn-based ethanol, which has now been blamed by the U.N. and others for causing food shortages and increased poverty, particularly in the 3rd World.

Philly 9/11 Truth also confronted the unrepentant Turner after the event to further criticize his involvement with globalist agendas that continue to pursue drastic population reduction at the cost of dignity and respect for the masses of humanity.

In 1996, Turner stated in an interview with Audubon Magazine that a 95% population reduction would be ideal. Below is his quote.

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal."