Sunday, April 27, 2008

Support the Troops/ Support the Suicide of the Troops

Support the Troops/ Support the Suicide of the Troops

Sunday, April 27, 2008

1000+ Iraq Troops and Veterans attempt suicide per month (and steadily increasing). Many of them are successful. 100,000+ Iraqi Veterans have been clinically diagnosed with PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder). Most of these veterans are suicidal, addicted to illicit drugs or addicted to prescription drugs.

Little does the common war-monger know that by "supporting the troops" they are supporting the slaughter, drug addiction, disfiguration and suicide of the troops. If the war-mongers really supported the troops they would be calling for peace and an end to the war. Don't let them fool you. They do not "support the troops" They only support the murder and suicide of the troops. That is the truth and reality of the situation.