For years, people have exposed Austrian economics. Now, even Henry Makow has written about this issue. In 2012, a revolutionary thinking is arising. We aren't going to accept establishment views no matter how it is wrapped up into. I woke up for a while about what Ron Paul's and his Austrian economic agenda was really all about. The philosophy of libertarianism has been influenced by many people like Bernard de Mandeville. Peter Goodgame has written about this issue as well. Mandeville believed in following man's carnal desires. Ironically, Satanism believes that man's carnal desires is liberating for man instead of following spiritual righteousness. De Mandeville's "Fable of the Bees" outlines his views conclusively. The elite from the foundations to other groups fund libertarianism. For example, Mises (an architect of modern libertarianism) allied with the globalist Coundenove-Kalergi. Coundenove-Kalergi was a pro-Jesuit agent desiring an European Union like system in the world. Ok, Mandeville was born in the Netherlands in Rotterdam at 1670. He moved into England during the William of Orange's accession to the throne. He was linked to the Blasters and the occult Hell Fire Clubs of the late 1700's England. He wrote satire too. Free marketers like Freidrich von Hayek praise Mandeville as a mastermind and a great psychologist (whose views were before or anticipated those of David Hume, Adam Smith, and Charles Darwin). He loved the Fable of the Bees. Modern Austrian thought came from Carl Menger. Mandeville believes in self interest and the material well being. Austrian economist and theocrat Gary North loved "The Fable of the Bees" as the most important poem in the last 300 years. Mandeville wanted liberty for man to pursue his basest material and carnal instincts. He viewed evil, selfishness, and licentiousness leading into prosperity. That sounds like Satanism to me. According to Mandeville, "Evil is the grand principle that makes us social creatures, the solid basis, the life and support of all trade and employment without exception." Even Romney said that: "...I'm not concerned about the poor..." Hayek, Mises, and definitely Ayn Rand dismissed altruism and solidarity as hindrances to a society's economic success. In other words, gaining money is more important than loving humanity. That's false since tolerating vice in society can corrupt it. David Rockefeller helped Ludwig von Mises. Mandeville think that there must been poorly educated laborers to maintain a nation's wealth. Following in Mandeville's hoof steps, Mises emphasized that "men are born unequal and that it is precisely their inequality that generates social cooperation and civilization." Anarcho-capitalist Murray Rothbard didn't accept Mandevillie's views, but he wanted parents to have a legal right to not feed their child (or starve them) for having a free market in children. The libertarian Ayn Rand believed that man must have a duty to himself primary and do what he wishes (not to help others). Ayn Rand admirer Ron Paul shows occult hand signs, and is linked to a Masonic GLO. When you see Marxism and Austrianism, you see a pattern. Both ideologies oppose nationalism, some of their members have hostility toward religious expression, and they support unrestricted free trade. Marxism/Communism and Austrianism are 2 sides of the Hegelian Dialectic. It's more powerful than the Left/Right paradigm since more people are escaping that paradigm daily (but not on economic issues). Libertarianism is right to promote individual liberty and freedom for human beings. Libertarianism (in my opinion) is wrong in denying that public power can help humanity or that any strong government intervention is wrong. Some have exploited libertarianism as a means to advance social Darwinianism or a dog eat dog philosophy. This doesn't mean that the government should control all aspects of society. That's tyranny. Yet, the government should protect people's liberty, have defense, use taxes, build up vital infrastructure, and promote the general welfare of the people. That is why if Ron Paul takes 1 trillion dollars out of the budget, this will cause a deflationary depression over night. People will take to the streets. The poorer 99% will pay for this policy as well.
Now, you have Australian ethicists wanting to have after birth abortions. There are "ethicists that are college professors in Australia that believe in pro-infanticide views. This view has been popularized by the American professor Peter Singer in that Peter calls for the killing of infants after they are born (or after birth abortions). Their names are Alberto Giubilini with Monash University in Melbourne and Francesca Minerva at the Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public Ethnics at the University of Melbourne. They write that in: "...circumstances occur[ing] after birth such that they would have justified abortion, what we call after-birth abortion should be permissible.” The believe in infanticide. They believe that parents can kill newborns if they don't need it or if the infant doesn't work in the favor of the parents. They want infants to be killed if there are instances where the newborn would be putting the well-being of the family at risk, even if it had the potential for an “acceptable” life. The authors cite Down’s syndrome as an example, stating that while the quality of life of individuals with Downs is often reported as happy, “such children might be an unbearable burden on the family and on society as a whole, when the state economically provides for their care.” They feel that they should kill newborns if the newborn has Down syndrome (and the parents are poor or lack social, economic, or psychological abilities to care for the child with Down syndrome). Giubilini and Minerva say that merely being a human being is not enough to warrant a respect for a person’s right to life. To kill newborns that have a disability is sick, but this is the new stage in the battle for life. The 2 researchers don't even consider the newborns human beings. This refutes the lie that no one is pro-abortion. These 2 scientists prove that there are pro-abortion people in the world. There are the horrors of partial birth abortion too. The arguments in favor of partial birth abortion are very similar to the arguments in favor of infanticide. We can't allow innocent human beings to die. To judge human life immediately outside of the womb as worthy of death is a slippery slope indeed. In fact, there is no such thing as a potential person. There are persons existing in the world. Wesley J. Smith, the prominent American bioethics attorney, says bioethics now contains no ethics whatsoever in the following words: "...Or to put it another way, too often bioethics, isn’t. On the other hand, to be fair, the ancient Romans exposed inconvenient infants on hills. These authors may want to take us back to those crass values, but I assume they would urge a quicker death...."
The Department of Homeland Security seems to fear violence from Occupy Wall Street when many of the violence have been provoked by feds. The DHS has been known for years to spy on political activists. The concern of the Occupy Wall Street movement has been found by a leaked document, which was obtained by Rolling Stone Magazine. The DHS was created under the auspices of protecting America from terrorist attacks. Now, it's trying to monitor and keep tabs on citizens that express their First Amendment rights. “The five-page report – contained in 5 million newly leaked documents examined by Rolling Stone in an investigative partnership with WikiLeaks – goes on to sum up the history of Occupy Wall Street and assess its “impact” on everything from financial services to government facilities,” writes Michael Hastings. The documents prove that the DHS found information about the Occupy Movement via Twitter feeds from OWS activists. This again proves that the federal agency is spying on social media as part of a chilling effect on free speech. This refutes the claims made earlier this month by DHS representatives about the agency only wanting to create messages relating to natural disasters. Homeland Security’s fear that the demonstrations could lead to violence is summarized in the final paragraph of the document. “The growing support for the OWS movement has expanded the protests’ impact and increased the potential for violence. While the peaceful nature of the protests has served so far to mitigate their impact, larger numbers and support from groups such as Anonymous substantially increase the risk for potential incidents and enhance the potential security risk to critical infrastructure (CI).” The DHS has monitored Occupy Wall Street demonstrations. Also, the DHS has worked with others to use raids on OWS camps across the nation. The Federal Protective Service (or part of the DHS that is used to proved security for government buildings) arrested photographers at Portland's Terry Shrunk Plaza during an Occupy event. This proves that the FPS is now operating as Homeland Security's secret police unit. Since 2006, the FPS has been used to spy on dozens of peaceful dozens of peaceful advocacy groups. The FPS monitored scores of lawful protests and political rallies in the name of national security. In 2004, the FPS arrested a veteran for the crime of complaining to his local VA office in Des Moines. The DHS is targeting activists from the other side of the political spectrum that is about cracking down on free speech. In one case, the DHS hired a private Israeli security firm to spy on anti-tax protesters in Pennsylvania, characterizing the group as a terror threat. Given the fact that the DHS has reinvented itself as a secret police force whose primary objective is to spy on political activism, it’s unsurprising that Egypt’s notorious state security service, complicit in the imprisonment and torture of anti-regime activists, last year decided to re-brand itself as “homeland security”. The Department of Homeland Security has been exposed time after time again.
Popular Culture is still going on. The passing away of Whitney Houston was strange to say that least. When people knew that she passed, people still partied in a sick fashion. Bobby Brown's sister Leolah said that Whitney's death was not accidental. Some view Whitney's death as celebrity ritual killing. Leolah Brown told similar words to Access Hollywood. Leolah's attorney advised her not to say who or what she believes killed the singer. Bobbi Kristina was found asleep in the same bathtub the night before Whitney died. The Forbes article reported a guest complaining about water cascading into their suite from Whitney. Leolah is also extremely concerned for Whitney’s daughter Bobbi Kristina, claiming that “she is not safe right now." She is basically saying: “The shady people who got Whitney are now after Bobbi Kristina." She defended the actions of Bobby Brown. No one knows the total details of Whitney Houston's passing. Toxicology reports are coming in the future to figure out some information on the events that were related to the death of Whitney Houston. Before she died, Whitney Houston wanted more creative control over music and movies. Before her death, Whitney Houston produced or executive produced over 10 films. Her last film will be a remake of the 1970's film called "Sparkle." "Sparkle" is like our generation's "Dream girls" or the "Temptations" television miniseries. Whitney Houston didn't have enough time to talk about the film's real meaning. Whitney Houston wanted Aaliyah to play Sparkle, but she passed away in the plane crash in August of 2001. See, Whitney was about to produce more of her own label, production company, and more products (but control it).
By Timothy