Monday, February 27, 2012

Santorum: “Separation Of Church, State Makes Me Want To Vomit” (Rick needs to be reminded that his Church ought not to make policy here in America)


1 minute ago (11:37 AM)
Rick Santorum is starting to turn into David Koresh. He seems to be developing a “god complex” even though he says “Obama thinks he is better then you”. Founding fathers didn’t want a country where the government ran religion like it did in England. Talk about being out of touch with the average American voter.
6 minutes ago (11:33 AM)
Hand Rick a bucket....

Reagan 10/84 “We in the United States, above all, must remember that lesson, for we were founded as a nation of openness to people of all beliefs. And so we must remain. Our very unity has been strengthened by our pluralism. We establish no religion in this country, we command no worship, we mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are, and must remain, separate.”