The total disarmament of every weapon on the face of the Earth has been one goal of the elite for decades. When John J. McCloy was the Chairman of the CFR, he wrote in 1956 that: "...In my view we must be ready to consider the most far-reaching proposals, including those for total disarmament, universal, enforceable and complete with international controls and inspection.” On January 1, 1961, JFK designated McCloy as his principal disarmament advisor and negotiator. Kennedy addressed the UN Gerneral Assembly to mention (in September 25, 1961) that: "...Let us join in dismantling the national capacity to wage war…. The program to be presented to this assembly is for general and complete disarmament.” Yet, John F. Kennedy is quoted as to have supported the Second Amendment. Richard Gardner was a Rhodes Scholar, a Trilaterialist, and a CFR member. He wrote in the CFR's Foreign Affairs from April of 1974 that he wants a new world order to get around national sovereignity. He wants to get to rid of national sovereignity piece by piece (without a full frontal assult). This plan came after Norman Cousins (along with UN Secretary General U Thant and leading New Ager Donald Keys) had founded Planetary Citizens. Planetary Citizens was affiliated with Planetary Initiative for the World We Choose. In 1983, they held a Congress that criticized the ideology of nationalism. They criticized national sovereignty as outmoded. This is false since nationalism and national soveregnty can stabilize people groups and make geo-political situations more harmonous in the world. The Congress wanted disarmament and the global system of law. They desire the forming of a permanent world peacekeeping corps and compulsory artibtration service (or like a draft system). They promoted the existence of a new International Economic Order, the exapnded eschange programs, the transformative and teamwork based education (this is commonly called Outcome Based Eucation), and the promotion of the New Age ethics (including New Age moral values). Grenvill Clark was praised on a 39 cent postage stamp. It seems that his and WAPRWG's plans were promtoed by President George H. W. Bush (with his new world order agenda. Bush Sr. is quoted as to desiring to establishment a new world order during the Persian Gulf War era) and President Clinton. Richard Gardner became an advisor on UN matters to Bill CLinton during his 1992 Presidential campaign run. Later, Clinton appointed him to be the ambassador to Spain. During Clinton's presidential campaisng, Clinton's fellow Rhodes scholar, Trilaterialist and CFR Director Strobe Talbott in Time (July 20, 1992) wrote that “...Perhaps national sovereignty wasn’t such a great idea after all…. But it has taken the events in our own wondrous and terrible century to clinch the case for world government.” This refutes the lie that no plans exist among the elite that advocates world government. For this article, Talbott was given the World Federalist Association’s first Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Cousins had been a President of the WFA (or the successor to Grenville Clark’s United World Federalists). Cousins had said, “World government is coming, in fact, it is inevitable.” On June 22, 1993, President Clinton wrote a letter to the WFA stating: “Norman Cousins worked for world peace and world government…. Strobe Talbott… will be a worthy recipient of the Norman Cousins Global Governance Award. Best Wishes… for future success.” Many U.S. troops in 1995 wore UN insignia over their American uniforms. They wanted to fight in Macedonia and Yugoslavia. One Army Specialist Michael New refused since it was a violation to his U.S. Constitutional oath. By 1996, military bases were closed and there were declining defense budgets. Non military disarmeament was supported by the Clinton administration and the neo-con Charles Krauthamer in 1996. Nationally syndicated columnist (and psychiatrist) Charles Krauthammer in “Civilized Society Must Disarm Its Citizenry” (The Detroit News, April 9, 1996) wrote: “Ultimately, a civilized society must disarm its citizenry…. Passing a law like the assault weapons ban is a symbolic—purely symbolic—move in that direction. Its only real justification is not to reduce crime but to desensitize the public to the regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation.” Some Republicans and some neo-cons are more anti-gun than some Democrats. Back in 2000, Justice Department officials Seth Waxman and Ronnie Edelman wrote separate letters. These letters falsely assumed that Second Amednment freedoms only applies to militias and not to individuals. Even then Deputy Attorney General Eric Holder believed in this view back in 1999. He is now the U.S. Attorney General as appointed by President Barack Obama. William Grigg indicated that Americans will try to disarm Americans instead of an UN force trying to do blatantly. He wrote the book entitled, Global gun Grab: the United Nations Campaign to Disarm Americans." That is why people want our laws adjusted to slowly get rid of gun rights until they are nearly gone (via harmonization or merging laws in America to suit international agendas). So, we know the deal. The state can be beneficial in many ways. Yet, the state can bring tyranny as it has thoughout human history. So, the state should be limited in helping humanity and protecting rights not to harm the liberties of the people. Our total alliegance is to God not the state since the state has imperfections. This doesn't mean that the government can't do anything right. It just means that the government should be limited in what it can and can't do. Now, we don't need Big Brother. We don't need the military industrial complex. We need a real government protecting the innocent, protecting the poor, and helping humanity in order for the government to advance the general welfare of the people.
There is the new technology of using implantable microchips that can medicate patients. Nanotechnology or mircotechnology is the wave of the future. There are many possibilities that can be created when using this technology in 2012 and beyond. Using microchips for medicine has potential questions and controversies. Some want to create a mircochip device that can give daily injections into human beings for medical purposes. The practical use of it is being developed now. Many people don't wish to recieve medicine in a pill form. There are complications that go along with it even the needle injected medication. A remote controlled microchip technology can be more efficient and directed application of medicine for folks according to the supporters of this technology. Yet, Big Pharmas medicine sometimes does little to cure the unerlying diseases. It just uses medicines that treat the symptoms of that disease. In a study conducted by MircoChips, Inc., the manufacturer of this technology, researchers tested the device by using it on seven psotmenopausal women with osteoporosis. It uses the remote controlled to live doses of a bone forming hormone in a similar manner to that of an injection of other applications. People have been tested for 20 days with the microchips. The findings from the study will cause some companies or developers to create similar mocirochips for a whole year. The peer reviewed study was published online by the journal called "Tranlational Medicine." This mircochip technology is going forward with more developments. Yet, many pharmaecuticals can cause tumors like some cancer drugs. Some cancer drugs can kill the patient more quickly and create tumors. There are questions of safety when microchips are used as medicine on human beings. A good example would be if the device was used to apply a hardening agent to bones or teeth, and somehow began to harden arteries and organs not intentionally targeted. Similarly, if an individual came to rely solely on these technologies, then when they malfunction. There is going to be an issue that may not be easily resolved — possibly resulting in danger to the user. There is a limitation in mircotechnology as well. People who are diabetics can use a microchip device since they need to take insulin. This technology can be perfected before any massive usage of it comes about. People want long terms trials for it. Mircochip medicine technology is different from the natural/effective cures for illnesses. People are drug obessed now in our culture. Legitimate cures are needed in the world without false hope.
Politics are coming up in the world indeed. There are horrific sterilizations going on in India. This is a result of the UN planning deadlines. There has been a recent report out of India proving this occurence. Many victims of forced sterilization by state officials have come forward with their testimonies. They provide bonechiling evidence about these evils. There has been widespread sterilization in Madhya Pradesh (or a huge province in India's heartland). This item was carried by India Today under the title of "conned into sterilization." The article talks about at least 8 victims of Indian governemnt officials. These officials were going out to routinely round up citizens and sterilize them by force. They do this to meet the state's family planning targets. So, the eugenicists using knives to full a sick population control quotas is a reflection of the evil agendas of the World Health Organizaiton and the United Nations. There are many victims interviewed. These people even had a forced vasectomy like a 98 year old man and an 80 year old man. Government people threatened the men with withholding their social beneits if they refused. “While these men got to live the life they wanted till a ripe old age, 24-year old Jamuna Kori of Sidhi district was not so lucky. One day, he was just picked up from a road by two men, sterilised and left on the highway again.” The article, written by correspondent Rahul Singh, also features a woman who was drugged into submission: “They gave me something to drink and I fell unconscious. When I woke up I realized they had operated on me. I want an inquiry." Many mentally challenged people were operated upon. There is a clip of a 25 year old man who took his 2 year old son for an anti-rabies vaccine after the boy was bitten by a dog. The doctors told the man they would only treat his son if the father would undergo sterilization. The Telegraph wrote an article on this very story. The father said that he had no choice but to undergo the sterilization procedure since his son's life was more important than his own. There is a record 645,000 sterilizations in Madhay Pradesh alone. Villagers were bribed with mobile phones, 2 wheelers, and gold coins in response to sterilizaiton. The eugenicists in the UN during 2012 want more. Folks are being picked up from the road and sterilized. An ad put out by the UNFPA (or the the United Nations Population Fund) for the job of family planning consultant (7 vacancies) the candidates are being informed about the reasons for more hands: “Given that the presence of the private sector is marginal, there is major client load on the public health system. Hence, if sterilization services in Madhya Pradesh have to pick up, public health system has to gear itself and other options of public–private partnership, wherever feasible, will have to be explored.” Sources prove that the UNFPA worked with the state authorities in India in order for them to do sterilization. The U.S., the UN, and the World Bank are funding state sponsored eugenicists in Uzbekistan as well. Sovereign nations suffering are being economically bribed by the UNFPA and others in order for them to accept radical population control efforts. The World Bank and IMF acts as a last lender to various nations. The horror sterilization stories in India aren't just done by the Indian state. They are of the policies by the eugenicists from the UNFPA. The UNFPA create the policies, technologies, and methods in order for evil sterilizaitons act to come about. Supranational strangleholds and sterilization policies have made this reality apparent.
The big banks are occupying America and Europe. Money is a big part of power. People suffer heavily now in attempts to jsut recieve a paycheck. Most of the wealth and power in the world are held in the hands of the 1 percent. Money power and true democratic principles can't co-exist. The government is by and for the people without influence of the oligarchy at all. There are dikats in currency as well. Wall Street and European banks have got tons of wealt via reactionary policies and outright theft. The privileged elite are still here, while regular people's savings, jobs, homes, savings, and futures are stripped by the oligarchy. Corporations use money and debt to promote politicans. In Greece, the big bankers have drained the reousrces of the people in order to pay bankers. Citizens in Greece are poor and face neo-serfdom. Even Attorney Dimitri Lascaris's family and sister in Greece have exposed these problems. People have their family income decining, oligations are prioritized like health insurance, electricity, etc. Many urban places are deserted, because of the high price of goods and services. People have comited sucide, there is drug abuse, there is prostitution, and other problems as well. The Eurozone and Latvia (where people have few resources and wages have been cut by 30 percent) has been threatened as well. This is why people have protested this in Greece. This austerity extremism (in the form of class warfare, high unemployment, less government work, low pay for employed workers, etc.) is planned for Portugal, Italy, Spain, Ireland, the rest of Europe, and America. We know what doesn't work. What doesn't work bankers using speculation, greater consolidation, and big bonuses for Wall Street (with record funding instead of liquidating debt). The events in Greece proves conclusively that austerity destroys growth. The historical record is shown that the government can create jobs. Even with some job growth in America, Obama's proposed budget imposed hundreds of billions in social spending cuts. It adds another $638 billion to already agreed on $1 trillion in cuts over 10 years. Medicare and Medicaid are hardest hit. Obama wants another $360 billion cut besides earlier reductions. Healthcare providers will be most impacted. As a result, fewer doctors and hospitals will treat patients for payments not covering their opportunity and out-of-pocket costs. Even the February 15 bipartisan Congress agreed to reduce jobless benefits. Unemployment benefits will last for 73 weeks instead of 99 weeks. Duration elsewhere will come into 63 weeks. The unemployed will lose 30% of their benefits when most needed. About half of U.S. households earn below susistence incomes or border it according to U.S. Census figurers. The Democrats and the Republicans service the aristocracy in society. They love to worship their fake god of the status of quo.
There are a lot of advice and literature on black cultural issues. There is a PBS documentary called "Slavery another Name." This documentary proves that an unique form of slavery still transpired after 1865. Douglas A. Blackmon wrote a book on this issue under the same title as the PBS documentary. This form of Jim Crow was called the peonage system. This system allowed white supremacists to kidnap innocent black Americans. They or the innocent black people were forced to experience trials under trumped up charges. When they were found guilty (when they were innocent actually), they were forced to work as sharecroppers in farms all over America (especially in the southern portion of America). Some were also forced to do other labor in coal mines, lumber camps, brickyards, railroads, quarries. These atrocities are examples of involuntary servitude or slavery. This historical reality refutes the notion that slavery ended by 1865. This was sanctioned by the U.S. government since the U.S. government legalized Jim Crow policies for decades in America. This system is so evil that notes from mothers describe their children being oppressed back then. This policy or the New Jim Crow is occuring now (via the mass incareceration of minorities, the restriction of human rights among people who already paid their debt to society, and institutional racism still occuring in the world). The new Jim Crow is much more sophisticated than in years past. This period of peonage lasted in the late 1800's to the early 1900s. The descendants of the criminals who falsely convicted black Americans admitted to their ancestors' crimes. The documentary was narrated by Lawrence Fishburne. It was a great thing that leaders like Frederick Douglass, Ida B. Wells, Marcus. M. Garvey, Angela Davis, Malcolm X, Dr. King, and others (including unsung heroes in our own communities) fought for social & economic liberation of Afrikan peoples in the world. All human beings originated from Africa, so African love is very important for us to embrace. So, it's our job to expose injustice and evil in society. Evil reactionaries call anyone who voice the truth about the evil supremacist system as whining. Yet, opposing a biased system in a strong way is just common sense. So, we have every right to stand up for the truth. Pan-Africanism is a goal spreading across the world as well. Pan-Africanism means that the political aspirations, the social agendas, and ther economic growth of black people in the world is very paramount. Pan-Africanism is accepted in Zimbabwe, Lamema, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Sudan, Brazil, etc. (with activism, protests, business organization, marching, etc.). In my mind, in my soul, and in my spirit, it is right plus just to promote Pan-Africanism. I will not let my ancestors down. We all have to be better human beings. So, regardless of your dream (whether you want to be a scholar, engineer, doctor, althete, teacher, lawyer, theologian, politican, researcher, activist, etc.), you have the right plus justification to follow that dream without hestitation. We are descendants of warriors, so we can do it brothers and sisters. You have to work for it though. Without work, there are no rewards.
By Timothy