Jayne Mansfield is a comptemporary of Marilyn Monroe. Jayne is rumored to be allied with Anton LaVey (but her eldest daughter Jayne Marie Mansfield denied that Jayne Mansfield was in the Church of Satan) and even did more sexually risque movies than Monroe did. Her movie career began with bit parts at Warner Brothers. She was signed by the studio after one of its talent scouts discovered her in a production at the Pasadena Playhouse. Mansfield had small roles in Female Jungle (1954), and in Pete Kelly's Blues (1955) which starred Jack Webb. Although Mansfield was reluctant to appear in the play, she received the Theatre World Award of 1956 for her performance in the Broadway production of George Axelrod's comedy Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter? In 1963, Tommy Noonan persuaded Mansfield to become the first mainstream American actress to appear nude with a starring role in the film Promises! Promises!. Photographs of a naked Mansfield on the set were published in Playboy. In one notorious set of images, Mansfield stares at one of her breasts, as does her male secretary and a hair stylist, then grasps it in one hand and lifts it high. The sold-out issue resulted in an obscenity charge for Hugh Hefner, which was later dropped. Promises! Promises! was banned in Cleveland, but it enjoyed box office success elsewhere. As a result of the film's success, Mansfield landed on the Top 10 list of Box Office Attractions for that year. Jayne Mansfield's other daugher is named Mariska Hargitay (or Magdolina). She is the actress of the show Law and Order: Special Victims Unit (she plays Olivia Benson). Jayne Mansfield died at only 34 in a car accident in June 19, 1967. We need to live a clean life and follow the commandments of Almighty God. We need to escape silly lusts and treat our fellow human beings with respect. We should respect legitimate sex, but not exploit our sexuality for profit or evil.
In a response to a review of his book Blood on the Altar: The Secret History of the World’s Most Dangerous Secret Society, author Craig Heimbichner mentions several prominent members of Ordo Templi Orientis, (the order of the Temple of the East, or the Order of Oriental Templars), including John Carradine. John is the father of the recently deceased David Carradine, who allegedly planned to investigate and disclose secret societies. So, Craig believes that David Carradine's father was apart of the OTO of the Ordo Templi Orientis. This accusation is claimed by Martin P. Starr. Starr is the author of "The Unknown God: W. T. Smith and the Thelemites." John Carter and New Ager Robert Anton Wilson wrote the book entitled, "In Sex and Rockets: The Occult World or Jack Parsons." This book said that John Carradine used to read poetry at the opening of the Agape Lodge of the TO in Pasedena, California. The OTO is a very occult group. It merges concepts from Freemasonry Rosicurcianism, and some Illuminist movements. It even looks up to research the teachings of the Knights Templars (of the Middle Ages), Gnosticism, and the Mysteries. It was created in Germany or Austria from 1895 to 1906. Its founder was Freemason Carl Kellner being a wealthy Austrian industralist. Later, Freemason and occultic trantrist Theodor Reuss took over the OTO after Kellner's death. Reuss was the Grand Master of the Swendenborgian Rite of Freemasonry in Germany. Reuss admitted that English occultist Alesiter Crowley to the Order in 1910. Crowley was appointed by Reuss as the National Grand Master General of the Great Britian and Ireland chapters. Crowley was a British Intelligence agent, a Satanist, a Freemason, and a role model for numerous rock musicians (other occultists and humanists). Penacoli said the death of John Carradine’s son David “was abnormal, the death was not natural” and the actor “was very interested in investigating and disclosing secret societies.” Carradine was found dead last week in a Bangkok luxury hotel suite. Carradine’s brother Keith met with with the FBI on Friday to encourage a federal probe, according to family attorney Mark Geragos. He died as found with robe around his neck and genitals. I don't believe this was a suicide, because there is no evidence for it. Also, David Carradine never showed the signs of a suicide. Him in that position outlined that David might of have a fetish for alternative sex acts. His body was found in a Bangkok, Thailand closet. Divorce court filings from his most recent ex-wife said that the actor was involved in deviant sexual behavior that was risk for his life. According to CNN, a hotel maid found the actor sitting in a wardrobe with “a yellow nylon rope was tied around the actor’s neck and a black rope was around his genitals.” Additionally, Marina Anderson alleged in a sworn declaration that Carradine engaged in an "incestuous relationship with a very close family member." Thailand is known place where the West and the global elite go for for sexual favors from children, prostitutes, and transgendered people. CFR member Angelina Jolie is known for going into Thailand herself. Anderson's declaration was filed in mid-2003 in Los Angeles Superior Court (the document was supposed to be filed under seal but was mistakenly placed in the public court file, where The Smoking Gun found it). Anderson accused Carradine of having a taboo incest relationship. Carrardine refused counseling according to Anderson. David Carradine approved of Scientology, but denied being a member of it. Carradine's present wife before he died was Scientologist Anne Beirman. Scientology is known for its weird actions and strange beliefs on the human body plus soul. In other words, it's most probably true that either David Carradine died because of murder or an accidential death done by a sexual act (which is called "erotic asphyxiation"). There are reports that Carradine wanted to expose a martial arts related Secret Society. His relatives believed that a kung fu secret society (of assassins) killed David Carradine, because he wanted to expose them. This relates to the Triads (which is a Chinese Secret Society made up of peaceful and a more criminal Triad faction). David Carradine's friends said that he wanted to expose Secret Societies in general. David Carradine was a student of martial arts history. I don't believe that he killed himself.
Sacrifices in popular whether real or fiction are in popular culture. Health Ledger's last film was The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus is an upcoming fantasy film directed by Terry Gilliam and written by Gilliam and Charles McKeown. The film follows the leader of a travelling theatre troupe who, having made a deal with the Devil, takes audience members through a magical mirror to explore their imaginations. It is a strange film with tons of symbolism. One scene shows a Masonic checkboard that is found in Masonic Lodges worldwide. Ledger's character wears a mask, which is similar to the Venetian's mask found in Stanley Kubrick's movie Eyes Wide Shut. Ledger's character tries to support his Imaginarium in promoting dreams. Behind the scenes of this movie, Director Terry Gilliam shows the horned Il Canuto hand sign. The budget of the film was $30 million and production for the movie occured in 2007. The mirror in the film makes people to look beyond their present reality. There is an All Seeing Eye image in the Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus location (or the traveleing theater and on a movie poster). The movie was half way in production by the time Ledger died. Ironically, Ledger in the film is hanged. The hanging scene has 3 occult symbols inscripted on Health Ledger's forehead. One is a triangle with imagery in it. Rumors exist that Health Ledger was sacrificed. Health Ledger was used by those in Hollywood (he was in the Celtic/Althurian TV series of Roar). In Roar, Ledger played a young Celtic man [the young apprentice again] Conor (Heath Ledger), who in 400 AD sets out to rid his land of the invading Romans but in order to accomplish it, he must unite the Celtic clans to fight back the invasion. It's the King Arthur legend all over again, re-packaged for a new audience. Ledger of course went on to play "William" in A Knights Tale, as well as in the secret society film, The Order.

Violent Gangs use Masonic and/or occult symbolism all of the time. Violent gang initiation can include people getting beat up and commit crime. In lower Secret Societies, iniaitates have to experience pain to join (even Freemasons have a sharp object placed on their chest walking around the Lodge before they become apart of the First Degree. This rituals have the initiate being bear-chested and blindfolded with a noose around the person's neck). Masonic-like gangs use various ceremonies and activities to prove they are loyal to the organizaiton. One of the most famous gangs in the world are the Crip. Many black gang in the 1950's and 1960's were formulated to gaurd against police brutality and racism. In December 1969, Raymond Washington invented the Crip Gang. Tookie Williams united with Washington to co-head the Crips later on. Unjust violence and murder are a common occurence among these streets gangs like the Bloods, Latin Kings, Hells Angels, MS-13, and others. Many of these groups adopt occult or Masonic symbolism. This logo above is from the Folks gang. It has a Masonic "G" within a Hexagram. The Hexagram is found in the Gangster Disciple's logo as well. The Hexagram is used in Witchcraft with many meanings (one is the merging of the opposites like the active and passive, male and female, evil and good, the combination of elements, a talisman of Saturn, etc.). Other gangs use Masonic seals and such. Some of these symbolism are elaborate and there's no where they exist by chance. It could be the leaders of the gangs are copy these images of the Secret societies. One smoking gun to prove that these violent gangs embrace occult emblems is how their handsigns are very similar to Masonic or occult hand signals. One handsign of the blood looks like the OK sign. Many gangs show the Il Canuto handsign (like the Latin Kings, who use the crown) that relates to Witchcraft, rebellion, and some Satanists use it regularly. George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, King Hussein, Pat Buchannan, and leaders globally use the handsign as well and it doesn't to them describe the Texas Longhorns at all. Some Biker gangs use the Knights Templar cross or the Cross of the Knights of Malta along with images of Skulls (plus death).
I never really discussed about Cartoon Network that much. During the morning and early afternoon hours, it presents itself as a family orientated channel. If that's so, why do they have adult swin. Adult Swin is a series of shows with "adult content" like Moral Orel and Boondocks. These shows have extreme amounts of profanity and sexual content. Moral Orel mocks conservative Christians as "intolerant" lacking common sense plus being stupid. It's kind of deceptive to host Tom and Jerry, then offer "adult" filth at midnight. One of their shows even talk about the "New World Order." It seems to mock it and present it as harmless fun. In truth, the new world order (as said by Bush 41, Paul Warburg, David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Gary Hart, and others) is real and dangerous. The reason is that the new world order is against our national sovereignty plus our cherished freedom found in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. Recently, I've heard of these 2 new Neo Cons by the names of Glenn Beck and Paul McGuire. John Conner from San Diego tried to wake up Paul, yet Paul mocked his views.These Neo Cons are always forgetting that books, studies, mainstream news articles, and other real research confirms our views. The Cartoon Network even showed a movie recently called "Scooby Doo and the Witch's Ghost." The film shows 3 Wiccan/Gothic female characters known as "The Hex Girls." They exist in a rock hand. One of the songs is caled "Earth, Wind, Fire, and Air." People know that those elements are found in Witchcraft. These Wiccans are protrayed in a positive light. These Witches help the Scooby Doo group to solve a mystery in the movie. The Hex Girls are on another Sooby Doo DVD called "Scooby Doo and the Legend of the Vampire." Their latest appearance was in the "What's New Scooby Doo" episode "The Vampire Strikes Back." They also have 7 songs on the "Scooby Doo & the Witch's Ghost" soundtrack. Obviously, the cartoon is trying to protray Witchcraft as harmless fun. Yet, it isn't sice people have experience curses and other negative things from Wiccan ceremonies. 1st samuel 15:23 condemns witchcraft as win. Galatians 5:19-21 lists witchcraft as a sin just like adultery and murder. The New Testament is quite clear that those who follow witchcraft won't see the Kingdom of God. The Hex Girls try to act innocent (in the cartoon, Sarah Ravencroft is described as using her Wiccan healing power to help sick people), but the Witchcraft they promote is evil. It's not a secret that some cartoon covertly promote satanic ceremonies from Witchcrat unto our youths. We have a right to reject that propaganda.
"You Don't Mess with the Zohan" is a comedy that came out in June 6, 2008. It was directed by Dennis Dugan and starred Adam Sandler. The story was written by Sandler, Judd Apatow, and Robert Smigel. Sandler's production company is Happy Madison, which produced the film. It was distributed by Columbia Pictures. The film fictionally discribes the story about a man named Zohan Dvir (Hebrew: זוהן דביר), Israel's hero and its greatest counter-terrorism army commando. He gets tired of his Israeli post-draft's standing servicde, so he fake his own death in order to persue his real dream. His real dream is to be a hairstylist in New York City. Dvir is played by Adam Sandler (his role is a disillusioned Israel Special Forces soldier). He fakes his own death in the pursuit of a rival agents named Phantom" (John Turturro). Zohan smuggles himself into a flight to New York City and takes the name "Scrappy Coco", named after the dogs he shared the flight with. Zohan is at first unsuccessful in getting hired at many salons. Zohan's military expertise gains him a new friend called Michael. Michael given him a place to day. At a disco, Zohan meets a fellow Israeli name Oori (Ido Mosseri). Oori knows Zohan's secret Israeli agent past, but they agree to keep his identity a secret. Oori takes Zohan to a block in lower Manhattan. It's filled with Middle Eastern Americans that are split among a Palestinian and Israeli side of the street. He tried to land a job in a struggling salon of a Palestinian woman named Dalia (Emmanuelle Chriqui). After first only allowing Zohan to sweep floors for free, she eventually allows him to be a stylist after he pleases a senior lady with a satisfactory haircut and back room sexual service. Zohan's reputation spreads instantly among the elder women of lower Manhattan. Of course, the movie isn't for children. Dalia's business grows and this angers Grant Walbridge (who is played by Michael Buffer). Grant has the "perfect wife." He wants to force out all of the local tenants on the block, so that he can create a mall. Walbrige is unsuccessful, so he takes illegal measures. Meawhile, Zohan is eventually identified by a Palestinian cab driver named Salim (Rob Schneider), who has a grudge again Zohan from taking away his goat and convinces his friends to help him get revenge while being recongized as a hero. Salim fails to bomb Zohan. He ended up with neosporin instead of liquid nitrogen due to his accent. Salim contacts Phantom, who created a chain of restuarants after Zohan faked his death. Phantom goes to New York to find Zohan (since he's blackmailed into it, but he outwits Salim). Zohan soon falls in love with Dalia after spending a day at the park with her. Dalia rejects Zohan's feelings for her after he reveals he was formerly an Israeli counter-terrorist operative dispite he shares he feelings towards the senseless fighting back in their home country. Zohan finds out that Phanton is in New York. So, he confronts his nemesis at the championship Hacky Sack game. It was sponsored by Walbridge. His fight is soon cut short. The reason is that news transpire that the Middle Eastern block is being attacked. Zohan arrives and calms the Israelis and Palestinians down (when they blame each other for the violence). The Phantom then appears and confronts Zohan, but he refuses to fight back as Dalia appears, revealing that she is the Phantom's sister and encourages both sides to make peace. By then, the actual arsonsists, a group of white supremacists hired by Walbridge to dress up as Arab and Jewish sterotypes and instigate an inter-ethnic riot between the two sides, allowing him to take over their stores. Zohan and Phantom soon work toegether and lead the united Israelis and Palestinians of the block to save their shops. They defeat the racists. Walbridge is exposed and goes to jail after his wife's bust deflated to his horror. However, Phantom accidently destroy all of the shops on the block. The Israelis and the Palestinians are united at this point, so the block is turned into a collectively owned mall. It's called the Peace and Brotherhood Fire Insurance Mall. Phanton opens up a shoe store. Salim has a new goat for his ride the goat business. Zohan and Dalia get married and open up a joint beatury parlor. Their first set of customers are Zohan's parents who finally accepted their son's career choice.
So, this movie is a comedy with a message and twists plus turns. The film is a comedy, but presents the message about the real conflict going on in the Middle East between Israelis and Palestinians. Symbolism is abundant in the film. Typically in occult symbolism, there is a plan outward deceptive meaning masking the real esoteric meaning of concepts. Zohan in the movie has a leach on a goat. Rob Schneider has a Riding the Goat offer costing 5 dollars. Goat imagery is found in Masonic literature and other Secret Societies. Eliphas Levi promoted the idea that the goat is the head of the Baphomet image. The Baphomet is an image of the Devil with female breast and a phallic, which looks like a hermaphrodite (with wings and horns). Levi's rendition of the Baphomet has a Pentagram on its forehead. Zohan wears a pentacle in the movie around his neck while he is walking in a party. The Pentagram has many meanings like Nature, the Devil, the Perfected Man, and the 4 chambers of Tartaros or Hell (according to the Greek scholar Pythagoras). Master Mason Eugene W. Plawiuk wrote an article entitled, "Liber Capricornus: The Symbolism of the Goat" on September 3, 1991 about the goat issue. His research finds out that:
"...In fact the very same Babylonians who gave us this symbol of Capricorn and the science of Astrology were the first Temple builders, and the goat for them symbolised the essence of the Temple or Lodge. An animal usually found climbing in the mountains. Thus from the first ziggurats to the Temple of Solomon even to later Churches the Goat was seen as symbol of Man striving to reach God through his building of Temples that represented mountains. Since in all religions Gods abode is symbolized by mountains...What a better symbol to atribute to our own striving to understand the G.A.O.T.U. then a Goat. And here too we find an anagram for Goat. According to a research monograph on the Dionysian Artificers and Early Masonry edited by Manly P. Hall, the symbolism of the goat relates to the prechristian God Pan, Dionysius. The Goat-God was accepted by the later Greek Mystery Schools as the symbol of the Temple Builders. In fact the Dionysian Artificers was such a mystery school. They viewed practical Temple Construction as a source of understanding the mystery of Nature and God; thus being one of the early esoteric schools from which Masonry has inherited certain symbols and teachings. Most specifically this Greek Mystery School developed the Ionic Column which are introduced to us in the Fellow Craft degree. Once again this column which acted as the corner stone of Greek Architecture literally holds up the temple; the very support for the Mountain or home of God. ..Besides representing the Temple or Home of the gods, the goat represents the active male sexual or fertility aspect of nature. As Capricorn he rules the returning sun, from the darkness of winter solstice. In the sign of the Goat/Capricorn the sun begins to resume its ascent towards the spring Equinox. As well the goat horn is a hallow phallic symbol, represented even today as the cup of plenty or cornucopia which we see represented in the Lodge..."
"...As I mentioned earlier the Boat and the Goat-God Pan became equated with the devil in medieval christianity. But to medieval occultists especially Rosicrucians the goat symbolized the elemental energies of the earth, the sign of Saturn and the alchemical element derived therefrom. In the Tarat it is the Major Arcana card #15 the Devil, who shows a goat headed deity with a man and women chained to him. The symbolism is that of people who strive for material rather than spiritual gain.
The Goat of Mendes or Baphomet whom the Templars were accused of worshipping is a Goat Headed deity, being formed of both male and female principles, with a Caduceus of Mercury for its phallus. One arm points up and one down , with the latin ' Solve et Coagula' written on them. This is not the christian devil but a symbol of the ancient alchemists representing the fact that nature and natures God is a combination and balance of male and female forces, light and darkness, moisture and dryness. The very principle of Hermes Trismegitus; As Above So Below" is what is symbolized by Baphomet..." Manly P. Hall states that:
“Pan was a composite creature, the upper part–with the exception of his horns–being human, and the lower part in the form of a goat. (…)The pipes of Pan signify the natural harmony of the spheres, and the god himself is a symbol of Saturn because this planet is enthroned in Capricorn, whose emblem is a goat” -Manly P. Hall, Secret Teachings of All Ages
So, according to Plawiuk, the goat relates to Nature and the symbol of Capricorn of Astrology (and the essence of the Temple or Lodge). While talking in the street, Zohan wears an orange shirt with the words of "Raven's Lament." The image on the shirt is a winged bird. The film has the words of "Limit one per customer. America is Satan." This outlines that many in the world view America in general with great distain and disgust (over political and societal reasons). The Zohan and his ally wears the Shirt called "Community Night Watch." This shirt looks like a Triangle with 2 houses on it. The Triangle is arranged like a Pyramid, which occultists love to promote in architecture, logos, etc. The logo of the OTO is a Triangle with the Eye of Horus inside of the Triangle. Triangle with the All Seeing Eye is found in corporate logos, Freemasonry, and a host of other Secret Societies. One scene shows a plane flying near the sun outlining sun symbolism (There is another sun symbol on Zohan's shirt while he is doing his hair work). There are other sun imagery in buildings of the film. Zohan wears a T-Shirt with Mariah Carey on it. A rainbow cover her body. This is ironic since rumors abound that Mariah is a MK Ultra or Monarch Programming victim. Mariah Carey ironicaly is in the film. Carey wears the Butterfly necklare around her neck. The butterfly is a key logo of Monarch Programming of the Illuminists. Mariah Carey in the film signs an autograph while simauelteanously gets her hair down in the movie. Mariah Carey says that she is religious and calls her alter ego Mimi. Her husband is Nick Cannon, who ironically claims to be religious as well. The hair salon in the film has the floor pattern of the Masonic checkered board floor. The checkered board floor gives a visual effort in Masonic Lodges worldwide. Zohan makes a child cry since he tells the boy that the boy will bleed if the barber makes an accident in cutting the child's hair. One person in the film shows the Il Canuto hand sign. This hand sign thousands of years ago represented the false worship of Nature gods. Now, it has many reasons from Devil worship to rebellion or embrace of the occult world. The former head of the Church of Satan Anton LaVey loved to show the horned Il Canuto handsign. One of the Israelis arguing with the Arabs had a jacket with the word of Owl on it. The owl is the praised idolatorous deity in the Bohemian Grove. It's called Minvera or the Goddess not Molech. Another person wears an apron with a crown image. The new Peace and Brotherhood Fire Insurance Mall is similar in its wording to the concept of the Brotherhood (as found in Freemasonry). Stephen Knight exposed Freemasonry in his book ironically called, "The Brotherhood: The Secret World of the Freemasons." The old buildings among Israelis and Arabic people are destroyed in the film (the old world) and this is transformed into the Peace and Brotherhood Fire Insurance Mall (the new world). See, this is similar to what is going on in the Middle East in real life. The West (i.e. the U.S., the U.N., the Vatican, and the E.U.) wants Israel and Palestinians to be stirred into their own Peace Plan in order to promote the new world order. The film certainly does trivize the Middle East conflict. There are Palestinians being blown up (which is wicked and evil. In real life, the Mossad, the IDF, the PLO, Hamas, and other groups have done real terrorism in that part of the world more extensive than what's shown in this movie) and scapegoated (and their suffering being minimized) to a degree and Israelis being stereotyped unfairly as well. The truth is that peace should come in the Middle East, but the Israelis and Palestinians should do that themselves.
Video games have talked about Secret Societies, the Illuminati, and the new world order as well. Sometimes, video games even would project messages about seanarios in history (or certain possible occurences in our future) and other fictional events. EA is promoting the videogame called "Burnout Paradise." Ironically, in a commerical promoting the game, they show a logo looking similar to the occultic Great Seal of America. It has worlds on it relating to metal, etc. The game talks about Paradise City. It has vehicles and talks about an urban seeting. It talks about creating law and order in the game by killing people and causing destruction against "criminals." The game claims that these duties will give the people peace and tranquility. The game also mentions that years of miticious planning and cunning can cause the goal of defeating the "enemy." It talks about supplying weapons, running organized law enforcement, and experiencing anarchy before accepting the new world order. It's pretty clear what that game is promoting. The video game of Crackdown 2 talks about quarantine and death. Hitman is another video game with the logo of MI5. It has the Pyramid and the All Seeing Eye. The Max Payne video Game has the All Seeing eye as well. In Max Payne 2 talks about the Secret Society formeting evil in the world (This society in the video game is called the Circle. The game says that it goes back into Masonic cults doing assassinations and corruption into the Presidential level). The World of Warcraft from 2004 has an All Seeing Eye image on it. Guild Wars is a video game. has the Pyramid with one eye in the middle of it. The Conduit Wii game has the eye. The Assassin's Creed game has the Pentagram and the Eye of Horus in it. Playstation's Soviet Strike talks about a new world disorder and terrorism. It says that: "Terrorists and madmen have created a whole new world disorder." One of the most overt video games show this symbolism is called "Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines." It's a PC-CD Room game. The game has the image of Ministry and other words in a Runic way. It has the Anarchy logo transposed on the image of the Great seal of America. Deus Ex in 2000 talks about FEMA and diseases. The game talks about vaccines, rioting, and whether people can contain it. It talks about an engineered pandemic and evil people wanting people beg for a solution to it (similar to order out of choas). Deus Ex talks about the underclass. It is similar to eugenics and the government trying to control opposition to the new world order. The video talks about people wanting a new age and being gods (similar to the new world order). The video talks about them being the Illuminati.
The 911 Memorial has the occult eye of Horus. The new world order agenda isn't just political. It's spiritual and relates to the occult as well. That is why the United Nations' Mediation room promotes the unification of world religions. That is why the Bohemian Grove has images of the Papal Saint of Nepomuk and Maitreya. The Grove has occult rituals to praise the owl statue of the Goddess (historically, it has been called Lilith, Minverva, etc.). This memorial was built on ground zero. It's sick to see the victims of 9/11 being exploited by this occult symbol when 9/11 was an inside job. The people who achieved 9/11 were not Muslims per se as the Muslims were used as puppets. The real doers of 9/11 were Jesuit-trained leaders of the Western governments (and intelligence communities). This occult eye image is found beneath the Chambers Street/World Trade Center subway. This satanic image is also known as the oculus. It was created by Kristin Jones and Andrew Ginzel. It is made up of 300 diefferent mosaic eyes. They are based on real human eyes taken from photographs and they aren't computer generated. The Cult of Oc is derived from the ancient symbols of the circular sun and the crescent moon, which when joined together form the word oc. Oc is also the root of the Latin word for eye - oculus. So the occult is the cult of the celestial sun moon eye whose wink darkens the day. The All Seeing Eye relates to Horus or Osiris according the Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma book. Pike wrote that: "“… His [Osiris] power was symbolized by an Eye over a Sceptre. The Sun was termed by the Greeks the Eye of Jupiter, and the Eye of the World; and his is the All-Seeing Eye in our Lodges.” This eye is found on the One Dollar Bill as well to represent God, but God in the Scriptures isn't referred to as an All Seeing Eye at all. The myth of Osiris was that he was killed by his brother Seth to achieve Osiris' throne. Isis briefly brought Osiris back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Osiris before he again died. Isis later gave birth to Horus. Horus represents new beginning and some Christian scholars believe that Horus is a representative of the Masonic Christ. Osiris ironically has been called the false god of the underworld (this is a code name for Satan). Is the oculus underneath ground zero a ritual sacrifice to the Devil? His eye, and a depiction of swirling fire are buried beneath the site where this tragedy occurred, yet most Americans don’t even notice Satan’s very own fingerprint when they see it. The All Seeing eye of Horus is found everywhere and it's an alliegance to the occult not to God at all. The world is not what it seems.
By Timothy
By Timothy
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