Summer in 2009
Summer is certainly here. Well known celebrities have died. There are conflicts going on in Honduras, North Korea, Iran, and other nations worldwide. It's really a time of crossroads, because the future is very uncertain on many levels. There could be an economic recovery or a continued, extended economic recession. There could be no war on America's part in the nation of Iran or a war in Iran. So, we should hope for the best and prepare for the worst in our society inside of the world. In a world of extreme political correctness, terrorism, and other evils, real human beings still exist. There are still numerous folks with an unquenchable yearning to fight evil and a determined mindset that strive to transvere in life through legitimate means. I'm certainly back here. I won't stop describing the truth until I'm dead. There is still propaganda going on. The news media says that troops are starting to leave Iraq, but the truth is the opposite. The reality is that thousands of U.S. troops are to remain stationed at dozens of U.S. military bases throughout the country. The corporate media says that Iraqis are regaining their sovereignity as U.S. troops are being pulled out from Iraqi cities. This is propaganda since now, there remains about 130,000 U.S. military personnel in Iraq. Most of the U.S. soldiers that had been deployed in Iraqi cities are being returned to garrisons elsewhere in the country. The United States Air Force controls Iraq's airspace and the U.S. Navy controls Iraq's territorial waters. This isn't an example of Iraqi sovereignity at all. Even Admiral Mike Mullen said that Barack Obama's proclamation of a withdrawal date of 2011 isn't definite or guaranteed. Obama will have thousands of residual U.S. troops to train Iraqi security forces, hunt down foreign terrorist cells, and guard American institutions. Iraq was invaded in order to make it a client state of the new world order. A senior military officer spelled it out more plainly to the Los Angeles Times in the following words, “When President Obama said we were going to get out within 16 months, some people heard, ‘get out,’ and everyone’s gone. But that is not going to happen,” the officer said. Indeed, at the last count which took place nearly three years ago, the U.S. military had already built no less than 55 fully functional military bases in Iraq, with funding in place to build many more. Some U.S. troops aren't even leaving the cities altogether. Reports confirm that U.S. tanks will continue to patrol the areas outside of the “green zone” and the airport in Baghdad. The streets of major cities will still be patrolled by U.S.-trained Iraqi soldiers manning checkpoints everywhere harassing people for IDs. In addition, if the Iraqis “request help” from U.S. troops to undertake security procedures, they’ll be right back on the streets just as before. Some Iraqis realize that the news about withdrawal is all a charade. As the New York Times admits, the “celebrations” today “seemed contrived”, “Police cars were festooned with plastic flowers, and signs celebrating “independence day” were tied to blast walls and fences around the city. On Monday, night a festive evening celebration in Zahra Park with singers and entertainers drew primarily young men, many of them off-duty police officers,” according to the report. “There is no doubt this is not national sovereignty because the Americans will stay inside Iraq in military bases,” said Najim Salim, 40, a teacher in Basra. “But the government wants to convince the citizens that there is a withdrawal of foreign troops, although the government could not protect citizens in some cities in Iraq even with the presence of U.S. forces.” So, Iraq can be a real sovereign nation in the future, but it isn't now. The Iraqi War will always be an unjustified war. There are declassified documents that reveal that Saddam Hussein wanted an alliance with America. This is among tons of evidence proving that the United States wanted to bomb Iraq after 9/11 irrespective if WMDs existed or not. The WMD charade was utilized as a sideshow to buy time in getting the invasion going. Saddam wanted that alliance since he was more afraid of Iran. “Saddam Hussein feared Iran’s arsenal more than a U.S. attack, and even considered asking ex-President George W. Bush “to protect” Iraq from its neighbor, once secret FBI files show,” reports the New York Daily News. The FBI interrogations of the toppled tyrant - codename “Desert Spider” - were declassified after a Freedom of Information Act request. Hussein told the interrogations that the Iranian ayatollahs are fanatcis. He called Osama bin Laden a zealot and he also wanted to partner with North Korea. Saddam Hussein denied having weapons of mass destruction as he had ordered the destruction of remaining WMD before the invasion. So desperate were the Bush administration to find a pretext to go into Iraq, that they even proposed staging provocations that would be blamed on Saddam. As was highlighted again in the news for years, once it became obvious that UN inspectors would fail to find weapons of mass destruction, the government discussed alternative scenarios to hoodwink the UN into signing a new resolution authorizing military action. One such proposal was to paint a U2 reconnaissance aircraft in UN colors and fly it over Iraqi territory, goading Saddam to order to aircraft shot at and thus violating UN resolutions. These facts prove that the Iraq War wasn't really about liberating human beings. It was about forming a foothold for U.S. imperial expansion in the region. It was about increasing the power of the military industrial complex with lucrative no bid contracts and forming the new world order by "secularizing" Middle Eastern nations.
James Corbett from The Corbett Report on June 23, 2009 outlined that peaceful protests by Iranian is fine, but we should be careful that Iran isn't experiencing destabilization by Western elites. The 2009 Presidential election of Iran is still disputed. The opposition leader Mir-Houssein Mousavi declares victory hours before the polls close. President Ahmadinejad, has been declared the victor when the truth is that no one knows how extensive the possible vote fraud was. Twitter and Youtube are existing with people to discuss about the issues in Iran as well. Destabilization of Iran isn't something we need. For decades, the West have overthrown foreign, democratically elected governments that didn't submit to the whims of Western governments and multinational corporations. Iran was also the birthplace of the original CIA program to destabilize a foreign government. In 1953, Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh was the democratically elected Iranian leader. Mossadegh promised to nationalize industry for the Iranian people including the oil industry of Iran. The oil then was ruled by the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. The CIA was sent into the country to end Mossadegh's government, because he is trying to be independent of Western control. So, the CIA/MI6 network used a campaign of terror, they staged bombings, and they attacked Muslim targets in order to blame them on the nationalist, secular Mossadegh. The West funded radical Islamist elements in the country. Later, Mossadegh was overthrown and the Shah is institued. The Shah created a repressive tyranny with a secret police that harmed people, while suppressing opposition. The CIA did similar operations in Guatemala in 1954, in Afghanistan during the 1980's, and in Serbia during the 1990's. Some harm done to nations are caused by the IMF-enforcing debt and control on Third World nations (in order to submit 10% levy on nations in exchange for making). This program, too, was run in country after country, from Jamaica to Myanmar, from Chile to Zimbabwe. Some believe that some want to destabilize Iran using NGOs like the Open Society Institute, Freedom House and the National Endowment for Democracy. They fund, train, support, and mobilize opposition movements in nations as well. Similar tactics have existed in Ukraine, Lebanon, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. George Soros (his ally Evgeny Morozov is praising the virtues of the Tehran Twitter revolution. Twitter is apart of free speech though) have known to fund such a movement in Georgia, but no conclusive evidence shows his ties in the Iranian freedom movement. I would say that most Iranians sincerely want freedom. Mahmoud promotes world government and is a tyrant, so I will never support Mahmoud Ahmanejad. Not every protester in Iran are agents of the U.S. trying to develop a coup in Iran. One example is how Neda Soltani, who is a female protester was murdered just because she was protesting. Neda was shot in her chest and it was wrong. She is certainly a representation of the protesters in Iran. So, I respect real protesters in Iranians wanting freedom. Real liberty should exist in Iran. This movement for freedom should be the Iranians' movement not ours.
Popular Culture Galore Part 2
Me exposing what popular culture actually is consisted of is popular on the Internet. Others have done the same thing in their research as well. That's why it is vital to make manifest about more tidbits on this subject, because individuals have a right to fulfill their inquiries on why things exist as they are (especially in popular culture). Popular culture is now a mutli-billion dollar industry per year. Certainly, this huge cultural revolution have change the world culturally and economically. The reality is that we should never let the world manipulate us into being something that we are not. We should not confirm to the world, but we should allow God to make us what we ought to become. That's the truth. Some point to enterntainment elites believing in the concept of a Reptilian brain in order to try to manipulate human responses to their mediums. What is the Reptilian brain? It's a theory of the Reptilian Complex of the R-Complex. This theory views the brain as being consisted of a triune brain model (as it was proposed by Paul D. MacLean). It wants to explain brain function and the evolution of existing structures of the generic brain. This triune-brain is made up of the R-Complex, the limbic system, and the neo-cortex. The brainsteam and the older areas of the Central Nervous System control all normal vertebrates' involuntary behavior (that includes cardiac and respiratory functions). In between these 2 brains are the R-Complex. The R-Complex deals with rage and basic survival fight or flight responses. It's the most advanced part of the brain that higher mammals share with reptiles. Humans can act primitive sometimes since the R-Complex can override the more rational fucntion of the brain. This can cause unpredictable behavior. A well developed and healthy neo-cortex can monitor R-Complex activity in sentient beings. The Reptilian complex is the most ancient part of a very successful brain scheme, evolutionarily speaking. Mammalian brain structure exists in the outer areas of the brain — the Limbic system and neo-cortex — which evolved more recently. The Limbic system, which was first introduced by MacLean in a paper in 1952, is similar to the brain of the more primitive mammals and is the source of emotions other than fear and anger, some aspects of personal identity, and some memory functions. The Limbic system is composed of the amygdala and the hippocampus. The neo-cortex, also known as the cerebral cortex, resembles the brain of more recent mammals in that it controls more highly evolved mentation such as reason and speech. So, the big picture is that some use propaganda in the media to control the actions of the human mind. One scheme related to this is the Problem reaction solution plan. Now, this is about creating a problem, forcing people to have a reaction, and offer a solution (even it's illegitimate). 9/11, wars, and other events have dealt with problem-reaction-solution construct. Sigils in commercials and other TV formats are other tactics in attempting to manipulating our minds as well.
Celebrities dying in such bad circumstances are tragic and sad. Their deaths remind us constantly that death can occur upon anyone. Another lesson here is that we have to get right with God before we die since tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Ed MacMahon, Farrah Fawcett, and of course Michael Jackson all died recently. Michael Jackson has been called the "King of Pop." Farrah Fawcett died and she was a member of the Roman Catholic Church (with its false doctrines of calling Mary a Queen of Heaven, the Rosary, calling the Pope Holy Father which is blasphemy, etc.). She even allowed a priest to give her the Last Rites since she was a devout Catholic. On the other hand, Romans 3:23-25 says that, "For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; Being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in His blood, to declare His righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God." Only God can forgive our sins not a priest. She was a super model and a former Playboy celebrity. She used to be on the 1970's hit television series of Charlie's Angels. She died of cancer at the age of 63. Michael Jackson died mysteriously on June 25, 2009. He revolutionized culture and music with his videos plus actions. Michael Jackson was born in Gary, Indiana in 1958 and moved into California during the 1970's. Michael Jackson inspired a lot of people and broke barriers culturally and racially. He modernized music videos and gave money to charity. He was controversial being accused of pedophilia and intentionally disfiguring his skin complexetion (plus face). Sources in the Jackson family document how Michael Jackson was mentally and physically abused by his father Joseph Jackson. That is one of the many reasons why he lived such a troubled life. Joseph's own kids weren't even allowed to play that much without children in their upbringing. Joseph's abuse was so sophisticated at times, that some believe that his treatment relates to trauma-based mind control. Fritz Springmeier wrote of Michael Jackson in these words:
"...For Mickey Mouse programming they came out with Thru the Mirror, where Mickey Mouse steps through his bedroom mirror and ends up in another world (altered state). Not all of the Disney movies that have mind-control programming themes got released to the public. One unreleased cartoon had Penelope fleeing from a sinister looking Grandfather Clock which is carrying her to another world, and has another scene where Penelope tries to hold onto someone who personifies the Wind. George Lucas, who directed the movie Star Wars, which was a movie planned by the Illuminati & used for Illuminati programming, also directed Disney’s movie "Captain EO". Captain EO (who looks like a demonic entity) goes to rescue the Queen (who looks like the harlot describes as Mystery Babylon in the Bible). The Queen is in captivity simply because she and her people believe in black and white (which represent good and evil). When they renounce such a belief, they are saved by Michael Jackson (in actual life a mind-controlled slave) playing Captain EO. It’s a New Age witchcraft film through & through. By the way, Michael Jackson has gone to Disney amusement parks many times, sometimes in disguise. It is public knowledge that his Jehovah’s Witness family has been very abusive mentally and physically to their children. Disney has put out several movies on how the mind works, such as the educational film The Brain & Nervous System in 1990..."
Trauma-based mind control is very common in the CIA's MK-ULTRA program. MK Ultra was about the CIA using drugs and control techniques in order to brainwash plus control ordinary citizens in America. Jackson's music had a variety from attempting to have social commentary to sexual antics, and violence. The biggest selling album in history is his own album of Thriller being released in November 30, 1982. It sold over 50 million copies. The Guinness Book of World Records lists Thriller as having sold 65 million copies as of 2007. He is known for embracing some spiritualism (by believing that he communicated with the spirit of Liberace in a secret room of mirrors, he claim that some lyrics are channeled to him, and he was embracing of spirit communication). Aleister Crowley had a secret room of mirrors to contact spirits and contact his sick rituals. Jackson wanted world peace, but believe in an one world philosophy like many artists before him. Michael Jackson used prescription drugs and his temporary doctor isn't saying much to the police (Michael Jackson reportedly was in millions of dollars in debt). There is suspicion that this doctor knows much than he is letting on. That is why the Jackson family desires a 2nd autopsy to discover the real truth about why Jackson died. He was once a Jehovah Witness (a false religion that denies that Jesus Christ is Almighty God, they deny Jesus's bodily resurrection, and they even deny blood transfusions) then changed reportedly into the religion of Islam. After his death, Jackson's brother Jermaine gave a press conference and wished that Allah would always be with his deceased brother. The artist Prince is a Jehovah Witness. Islam denies that God has a Son and Muslims praise the pagan sun god of Allah. Islam uses bondage against people to follow the culture of the 7th century (via praying Mecca 5 times a day in accordance to the cycle of the moon, doing zadat, doing hajj, etc.). You don't need these ceremonies to be saved. The only thing you need is the grace of Jesus Christ that poured from his blood. There are recent rumors that Michael Jackson converted to Christianity just before he died. Michael Jackson's life is as mysterious as his death. Now, people are celebrating Michael Jackson's life. We shouldn't gloat over the death of Michael Jackson or bash him unfairly. We should just tell the truth about his life and his life was a warning. It warns us that we should appreciate our physical image, and never let past hurts ruin our relationship with God. We should let the past become inspiration to fight evil, love God, and live our lives better than the past. Michael Jackson and these other celebrites are victims of the many evils in popular culture. Michael Jackson could be in Heaven and he could be Hell, so we should be very careful in our we conduct our lives.
Lady Gaga is a famous female pop musician now. Her real name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta. She was born in March 28, 1986 in Yonkers, New York. At Interscope Records, she worked as a songwriter penning music for established artists, such as Akon. During the same time, she began to play her music in clubs throughout New York City. Gaga is an Italian American. She attened the private Catholic school Convent of the Sacred Heart. She learned how to play the piano by ear at the age of 4. Her writing skills were improved by her creating papers in New York University (these papers deal with the topics of art, religion, and socio-political information). She was signed to Def Jam when she was 19 years old. Reid let her go in 3 months time from Def Jam. Akon ultimately convinced Jimmy Iovine to sign her to a joint deal with his own label, Kon Live Distribution. In 2007, she worked with female go-go performer Lady Starlight. Lady Gaga admits that she uses influences from David Bowie (who is an innovator of rock music), pop, and Queen. Like many artists in this generation, Lady Gaga calls herself bisexual in the May 2009 issue of Rolling Stone. In 2008, her famous album "The Fame" came out. She made a video and Jonas Akerland (plus Eric Broms) are key creators of it. Jonas Akerlun is the Director of the video. Jonas when talking about the video is wearing a shirt with an Upside Pentagram with a Baphomet image on it. The name Baphomet come from the 1250 Occitan poem bewailing the defeat of the Seventh Crusade, Austorc d'Aorlharc refers to "Bafometz." Usually, people who wear such a shirt either want to act rebellious or are really into the occult. You can make up your mind on what's true. Lady Gaga in the video wear costumes, rides horses, etc. Some Templars claimed to have worship this Baphomet severed head image in their tortured confessions (These claims were unique. According to Karen Ralls who write the "Knights Templar Encyclopediasays that there is no mention of the Baphomet either in the Templar Rule or in other medieval period Templar documents). Some modern scholars such as Peter Partner and Malcolm Barber agree that the name of Baphomet was an Old French corruption of the name Muhammad, with the interpretation being that some of the Templars, through their long military occupation of the Outremer, had begun incorporating Islamic ideas into their belief system, and that this was seen and documented by the Inquisitors as heresy. Levi's popularized the Baphomet as an image of Mendez and other components. The ancient Egyptian Mendes (which is also a city in ancient Egypt) was a ram deity called Banedbdjed. Banebdjedet 's female consort was the fish goddess of Hatmehit and their child was Har-pa-khered ("Horus the Child"). Levi reinterpretated Mendez as a goat (because he followed the literature of Herodotus' History that made the mistake of equating a goat with Mendez) when it was really a ram. The video is called "Paparazzi." The video shows a man throwing Lady Gaga off a balcony (after she defends herself with a bottle, etc.). Afterward, there is a black and white hypnosis symbolism in the video. This signifies the magnitude of Lady Gaga being thrown off the balcony. There might be a link between Lady Gaga's video and Queen's "Radio Ga Ga" video. The video shows the life of fame as a star not being what it cracked up to be. Paparazzi are seen in a negative light in the news in the video. In the video, she shows hand sign of looking in one eye. there are a mnnequin in the background. The manneuqin in the eyes of some represents the old human structure (or construct) being replaced by homoevolutis. Homo Evolutis is the so-called Evoluted robotic man that is above the present Homo sapiens (This is promoted in transhumanist circles). Lady gaga is on crutches and tries to walk in a robot outfit. The reason is that it promotes the robotic agenda. In the future, researchers want to evolve man into Homo evolutis. Some researchers believe that our grandchildren will be see this species arise (via self design instead of Darwinian Evolution). Juan Enquirez have talked about this issue. Could the Lady gaga video talk about the death of homo sapiens into homo evolutis.? This is an interesting interpretation, especially with all of the mannenquins around the video. Lady gaga wears a white and black wedding dress. The video shows Lady Gaga as the new it girl after her programming (when she started as down on her luck). Her actions are robotic in the video. She kills her boyfriend in the video with poison. After the boyfriend's death, she is even more famous. She is called innocent when she is guilty. The video of the boyfriend's death seems like a sacrifice. Utlimately, the video begins with Lady Gaga making out with her boyfriend. When she refuses to look into a camera, the boyfriend throws her out of the balcony. Then, Lady Gaga is injured and isn't famous anymore. So, she tried to kill her maids. Models are in the video. That doesn't work, so he killed another boyfriend. Afterwards, she is famous again. The music video describes the obsession and the extreme lengths (even death) that some desire to be "famous" in popular culture. Art imitates life sometimes. This video describes some of what goes on the celebrity world in real life.
There is another movie deals with the agenda of transhumanism agenda. Transhumanism was coined by evolutionary biologist Julian Huxley. That agenda dehumanizes man and humanizes robots. It promotes the old New Age doctrine that man can achieve godhood with the aide of robotics. Freemasons like W.L. Wilmhurst wants mankind to evolve into gods like supermen from his words in the following: "... This - the evolution of man into superman [emphasis - ADDED] - was always the purpose of the ancient Mysteries, and the real purpose of modern Masonry is, not the social and charitable purposes to which so much attention is paid, but the expediting of the spiritual evolution of those who aspire to perfect their own nature and transform it into a more god-like quality. And this is a definite science, a royal art, which it is possible for each of us to put into practice; whilst to join the Craft for any other purpose than to study and pursue this science is to misunderstand its meaning (Wilmshurst, p. 47, 1980). According to this alchemical mandate, humanity is a gradually developing deity requiring scientific assistance in its evolution. In Mystic Masonry, 32nd degree Mason J.D. Buck reiterates this theme of man as a progressively apotheosizing organism: "Humanity, 'in-toto', then, is the only Personal God" (Buck, p. 136, 1990). The theory of Darwinian Evolution is nothing more than a rehash of the Mystery Religion of life evolving into God status. Freemasonry is pro-rationalist, and pro-evolution as Mason Erasmus Darwin subscribed to evolutionary teachings. Erasmus Darwin is Charles Darwin's grandfather. Luciferianism and Gnosticism teach apotheosis or human godhood aims as well. That is why transhumanists like Max More praise Lucifer as a heroic rebel (which is false) against a tyrannical God which is also false in his own words:
"...The Devil—Lucifer—is a force for good (where I define 'good' simply as that which I value, not wanting to imply any universal validity or necessity to the orientation). 'Lucifer' means 'light-bringer' and this should begin to clue us in to his symbolic importance. The story is that God threw Lucifer out of Heaven because Lucifer had started to question God and was spreading dissension among the angels. We must remember that this story is told from the point of view of the Godists (if I may coin a term) and not from that of the Luciferians (I will use this term to distinguish us from the official Satanists with whom I have fundamental differences). The truth may just as easily be that Lucifer resigned from heaven...Lucifer is the embodiment of reason, of intelligence, of critical thought. He stands against the dogma of God and all other dogmas. He stands for the exploration of new ideas and new perspectives in the pursuit of truth..."
More would continue to blasphemy God by calling Jehovah a cosmic sadist. It's very obvious that a Luciferian/Transhumanist connection exists with the goal of Apotheosis. A movie shows people connecting to machines. This film shows people controlling surrogate and it promotes the "new world" which is similar to the concept of the new world order. The machines makes people have experience of different places with sex, going out, etc. from the privacy of your own home. The FBI investigates the surrogates. Bruce Willis is in the film trying to act as a hero to stop the surrogates. The movie is called "Surrogates." Another film transforms humans into animals in a "New Moon." Even a commercial for America's Top Model show humans transforming into robots in a fictional way. The militarization agenda exists in popular culture as well. Constantly, we see the military illegally merging with law enforcement police agencies nationwide. They are conducting searches against citizens and doing drills, which violate Posse Comitatus of 1878. Police are more militarized than even 15 years ago. The US Army has a combat video game about training (The Pentagon talks about high tech weapons now. Some devices use an X-box controller. Murder can be done easier with these simple controllers). There is a new G.I. Joe picture coming about. Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a role in GI Joe and Stop Loss.
The influence of the movie of Metropolis is more in a lot of videos. The rock music named Queen has a video called "Radio Ga Ga." It fictures many of the same elements that were found in the 1927 movie called Metropolis. It pictures the workers being bounded in a dictatorial system. The video shows a radio and Freddie Mercury sings on a futuristic flying ship. Mercury walks into a light imagery or the Nexus symbolism. He turn dails in the video. The Queen group performs in the video in front of a building that looks like a ziggurat. A ziggurat is ancient pyramidal Temple that was found in ancient Mesopotamia. They existed thousands of years before the birth of Jesus Christ. Similar building exist in Egypt, ancient America, China, etc. Queen made a record called "Bohemian Rhapsody" where they say that Beelzebub has a devil for a sideboard.." Beelzebub is of course a name of a demon and can be used for a term for Satan (or Baal). Ba‘al Zebûb might mean 'Lord of Zebûb', referring to an unknown place called Zebûb, or 'Lord of the Flies' (ba'al being Hebrew for owner or lord and zebûb being a Hebrew collective noun for 'fly'). So, occultism consumes the mainstream music industry. Mercury imposes himself in the Metropolis' film transformation from a robot into a human. Freddie Mercury died of AIDS tragically. Whitney Houston wears the same costume as found in Metropolis. It looks robotic.
Marilyn Monroe was a woman who had a lot of potential, but lost her way. Her story is a tragic case of how we shouldn't live our lives. Her real name was Norma Jeane Mortenson (or baptized with the surname of Baker). Her father was Edward Mortenson, who was a Norwegian man. Monroe denied that he was her real biological father. She was born in June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, California. She lived in foster homes in her early life. She began her career as a model, which led her to find a film contract in 1946. Her early roles were minor, but her performances in The Asphalt Jungle and All About Eve (both 1950) were well received. She was praised for her comedic ability in such films as Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, How to Marry a Millionaire, and The Seven Year Itch, and became one of Hollywood's most popular and glamorous performers. Marilyn Monroe expanded her acting range to escape the persona and the stereotype of a "dumb blonde" character. She created Mariln Monroe Productions and studied after she studied at the Actors Studio. Monore in America took Hollywood's sex symbols to another nation. Women like Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Elizabeth Hurley, Catherine Zeta Jones, etc. have international success plus they have influence from Marilyn Monroe's life (including her dispositions). TV shows and movies to this day depict her acting skills. She used her sexuality a lot even beyond what Mae West did before her time. Marilyn Monroe certainly attracted the lust of numerous men. Monroe’s Love Happy producer, Lester Cowan, said, “It doesn’t matter about her face. Every man who wants to see her wants to jump her.” Monroe's sexual roles and actions were cutting edge for the 1950's. She admits herself that she had inner torment in her life. One of the many reasons was that she was insecure in her personality was that too many people were controlling her activities. She was married and divorced 3 times. She moved in with men in and out. Lee Strasberg, her ally, said that Hollywood often though that she was a prostitute. Monroe knowingly or unknowingly took the sexual revolution into new heights (with its common features of lust, adultery, and fornication). These 3 components were in her films and in her real life. One example is the movie "The Seven Year Itch." Monroe in this film is a mistress to a married man. She does the deed while the man's wife and children are away. In some scenes, she wore a clad slinky nightdress to see the married man. She tells the man that she kept her underwear in the refrigerator (while she is nude). Monroe is famous for the blowing skirt scene. Another motivation for acting in this fashion was her interest in the occult like many Hollywood actors and actresses. Biographer Anthony Summers of Goddess: Secret Lives of Marilyn Monroe, writes, “Marilyn had a lifelong interest in the occult, and she often visited astrologers and psychics.” Case in point: Kenny Kingston, a psychic to Hollywood celebrities, wrote of her as:
"…a dear friend and former client of mine, Marilyn Monroe. I became Marilyn’s psychic when she was Mrs. Joe DiMaggio. She consulted me many times through the years and we stayed in touch until just a few days before her passing.”
Kingston was a friend to Marilyn Monroe. Monroe wanted to contact the spirit world when the book of Deuteronomy condemns consulting demons, mediums, etc. The Bible calls them detestable things. Satanists love these activities as well. Monroe’s psychic, Kenny Kingston, helped to solidify the spirit involvement in her life, which she thoroughly and completely embraced. Kingston touched on Monroe’s sorcery: "We began with a visualization technique used many times by those of us who believe in psychic phenomena. I asked Marilyn to see herself surrounded by what is called the ‘white light of protection’-…light which you can visualize as encompassing your entire body.” Monroe claimed to embrace the white light of protection. In the occult and the New Age movement, the white light technique is ambigious in what it is. Some believe this false light relates to demons. Satanist Anton LaVey spoke of this white light practice in his writings and mocked those who hypocritically summon Satan under some other name to keep them from the evil powers he represents. Marilyn Monore would try to contact spirits all of the time. She even had a seance in the memory of Clark Gable. Lying spirits are common in using deception unto people. The Bible is clear in that we should test the spirit to see if they are from God. If these entities act in contrary to the Holy Scriptures, we should reject them outright. Monroe worked with Anton LaVey, who is the founder of the Church of Satan. LaVey wanted to overthrow Christianity and establish Satanic power in the world. Marilyn was interesting in occultism, Satanism, and bizarre aspects of life. Anton LaVey said that he had a sexual encounter with Monroe when he was an organist in a club where she was a stripper. Some accuse Monroe of experiencing demonic possession (one sign of this is uncontrollable anger, tension, etc.). She described it as, “Jekyll and Hyde. Two in one. More than two. I’m so many people. They shock me sometimes. I wish it was just me.” Marilyn Monroe's experience in the occult complicated her problems and they didn't help her out. On many times, she went into psychiatric institutions and hospitals.
Marilyn Monroe was recommended by an acting coach in 1955 to use psyhoanalysis in order to tap into her "explosive energy." She did that her psychiatrist Mariaanne Kris prescribed her with barbiturates that she abused until her death. Of the psychoanalysis, Monroe said she felt "as if I were going around in circles. It was always…not where I was going but where had I been?" In 1960, Monroe saw psychiatrist Ralph Greenson, whose control over her was swift, severing all her close relationships. By 1962, she realized—too late—that she must "disconnect from Greenson." After spending six hours with him, she was found dead of a drug overdose. In the seven years prior to psychiatry’s influence, Monroe had made 23 movies. In the seven years of her psychiatric "care," she only made six films. Her life was so controlled that Fritz Springmeier wrote that Marilyn Monroe was a Monarch mind-controlled slaves like Loretta Lynn. On a day in October, 1957, a woman named Lena Pepitone was hired to take care of Marilyn Monroe. In 1979, she published her memories of the time she was the primary person taking care of Marilyn Monroe. Mona was Marilyn's nickname. Monroe would lock herself in rooms. Lena Pepitone's book called "Marilyn Monroe: Confidential An Intimate Personal Account" from 1979 (which was published by NY: Simon and Schuster) exposed the truth about many "programmers" or other people controlling her life too much. Monore had floor to ceiling mirrors everwhere even at the rear of the living room (according to Fritz, Monarch programmed slaves have mirrors around them. This is done to see mirrors everywhere in their mind to strip her of her personal identity). She didn't have a television or listened to the radio according to Lena's book. So, those around her treated her very badily and she didn't even visited her relatives on numerous occasions. Marilyn Monroe in Lena's book accuses a doctors of stealing her healthy baby from her. She suffered pain in the Polyclinic Hospital and denies the pain in order to adjust to it (which is common features of Monarch victims). Marilyn ordered a $3,000 Emerald green dress to be made. Emerald green is often the most favorite color of Monarch slaves because of their Wizard of Oz programming which is usually the foundational programming. Monroe was tormented by the people controlling her, the occult, and fear in her life. Marilyn Monroe died mysteriously in 1962. In 1973 Anton LaVey wrote in an article that Monroe would become the Satanic “Madonna” of the 21st century. Some believe that she was murdered since she was about to reveal publicly her affairs with the Kennedy brothers. Joe DiMaggio, who was Marilyn Monroe's last lover, accused JFK and RFK of murdering Marilyn Monroe. DiMaggio is of course the baseall legend, who played for the New York Yankees. A new book, written by his long-time lawyer and close companion Morris Engelberg, reveals he really did believe the Kennedy clan killed Monroe. "They murdered the one person I loved," DiMaggio confided to Mr Engelberg. His book called "DiMaggio: Setting the Record Straight" said that Monroe's secret journal talked about Robert Kennedy telling her about the CIA plans to poison Fidel Castro (with the aid of the Chicago gangster Sam Giancana plus about the government investigating union leader Jimmy Hoffa's Mafia links). Monroe met the Kennedys through Peter Lawford, their British brother-in-law, and is believed to have passed on Robert’s pillow talk to Frank Sinatra, who in turn reported to Giancana. Joe DiMaggio believed that both Kennedy brothers got what they deserved when they were assassinated. I don't agree with that obviously since you don't assassinate innocent people. DiMaggio was one of the greatest baseball players of all time, but he rejected the spotlight. Other don't and believe she died of an accidential overdose. She was only 36 years old when she passed away. That was sad. Her life is certainly a lesson that we don't need mediums or satanic rituals to find fulfillment.
By Timothy
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