Tonight: Jamez Fetzer on Hannity and Colmes - 9PM EST-->
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Thursday, June 22, 2006
Dr. James Fetzer on Hannity and Colmes - multiple formatsNote: The Fox headline above is factually inaccurateDr. James Fetzer from Scholars for 9/11 Truth was on Hannity and Colmes tonight on FOX News. Hannity was out tonight, and was replaced by Oliver North.The interview was about as short a segment as I have seen, however once it was cleared up that in fact Scholars for 9/11 Truth does not teach classes on 9/11 in schools - the supposed premise of the show - Dr. Fetzer got in a couple points in the 4 minute segment.Note: Further followup at Another Day in the EmpireBig thanks to Reprehensor for the video hookup!
posted by dz at 10:59 PM EST