Recalling my life is a must to reevaute and make better judgments in the future. The battle for truth is still on. Wavering and compromising isn't in my intensions. The forceful and potent agenda of struggling for real freedom still rests within my conscience. Time has rapidly shown so many world developments, that it's amazing. From my childhood to my early adulthood, I lived through turbulent times from the Earthquakes, Waco, Oklahoma City bombing, the Olympic bombing of Atlanta, Flight TWA 800, 9/11, the Bali bombing, the Iraq War, the Madrid bombing, the London bombing, and other events. They remind me of the evil that is capable within man. Also, they let me know of the imperfections of government agencies and intelligence groups like MI6, CIA, Mossad, etc. For decades, the Central Intelligence Agency have been involved in coups, assassination, rigging votes, and other evil deeds. This is talked about in books, movies, talked about in websites, and educated professors have proven this. I have not forgotten to expose other groups like the Jesuits, Knights of Malta, and Opus Dei.
Qui Bono? or Who benefits from the billions of oil profits, controlling the majority of world's natural resources, the aftermath of the Iraq war (which many of the terror attacks were staged or provoked by Britian, America, and Israel. Many in the West are constructing permament bases in Iraq today. Iraq was never a real direct threat to America. Even on October 2002, 90-page, top-secret report, drafted by the National Intelligence Council at Langley was reached to President proving that Iraq wasn't a real immediate threat to America. Yet, George W. Bush afterwards told people that Iraq was a direct threat to America. If that isn't a lie, I don't know what is. Many other lies came out of the administration as well), the suppression of civil liberties globally, and the economic problems in the world. It certainly isn't the middle class. It has to be those in international geo-political groups, Secret Societies, and heads of multinational corporations running the world's policies. It's like imperalism by these elitists using the Neo Cons (most of the PNAC writers were in the CFR like Dick Cheney, Norman Podhoretz, etc.) as one of the executors of their agenda. The CFR implements policies are so much in love with globalism.
The Supreme Court ruled about military tribunals and Guantamano Bay. LOLITA C. BALDOR from the AP on June 30, 2006 discussed this issue. The decision was that the Supreme Court said that the President doesn't have unlimited executive powers dealing with those accused of terrorism. It further says that military tribunals can't be used, yet Congress can create military tribunals if Bush wants to. Since January 2002, the United States used Gitmo as housing suspected "terrorists." Reality dictates that torture occured there and worldwide. Also, none of men there were high level al-Qaeda members at all. Many of these people were retrieved from the battlefield in the mist of warfare against the Taliban. More than 1/2 of the total detainees are not accused of any hostile acts. There has been a lot of Geneva Convention talk, especially by neo-conservatives like Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. The truth is that the Foruth Geneva Convention applies to civilians, not only those who have an uniform or fighting for a recognized country. Even stranger is the following fact. The United States shipped out about 8,000 pro-al-Qaeda/Taliban fighters to Pakistan in 2001 when Kunduz fell.
Many of these devices have the power of 50,000 volts of electricity. According to Amnesty International, over 100 people died from taser related incidents. Police brutality is still apart of us, even though not all police officers are evil. KAREEM FAHIM from New York Times on June 30 , 2006 talked about tasers. A 35 year old man was tasered to death by an officer in a Queens station house. The NYPD claimed that they were justified in using the weapon against the man (whose name is Terrence L. Thomas), yet the police department is having an investigation of the unfortunate event. Big Brother had reached into a whole new disgusting level. Defense Tech on June 29, 2006 talked about a possible new blimp that has the power to watch over an entire city. DARPA is dealing with such a program and device called ISIS, short for "Integrated Sensor Is Structure." It's ver futuristic, yet real. DARPA (the ones who invented the Internet) plain to park it 65,000 ft. in the air to spot troops 185 miles away. Darpa, along with the Air Force Research Lab, just handed Lockheed Martin the latest in a $42.5 million series of contracts to build it. It's planned to be finished by 2011. This blimp also is going to have a satellite.
AP on June 29, 2006 has an article written by MIKE STOBBE on about how a government advisory group recommends Cervical Cancer Vaccination for Pre-Teens (i.e. girls who are 11 or 12 years old). Gardasil, which is the name of the first vaccine used for cervical cancer, was made by Merck & Co. (MRK). The FDA approved it in claiming that it prevents strains of the human papilloma virus, or HPV, which can cause genital warts and vaginal cancers. The real truth is that vaccines are never 100% perfect at all.
Dr. Blaylock and other experts document the many serious negative consequences of the usage of vaccines. In his Blaylock Wellness Report, he writes that vaccines increase the risk of childhood diseases , even Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig’s disease. He rightfully exposes the mandatory vaccination deal, which is not only activitely supported by the government. Vaccinations are also promoted by numerous pharmaceutical corporations. Dr. Len Horowitz is another author who has written about this subject. Well, it's bigger than vaccines. Genetically modified food, aspartame, flouride, and mercury, and very real poisons in the world that not only can damage the environment, but harm the human body also. This is related to the dehumanization of human life like the evil murder of abortion. The dehumanization is so bad that a Chinese company are making cosemetics from the skin of executed prisoners.
As for the offical story of 9/11, it has been exposed as a total lie. In 2006, a physicist Steven Jones, Jim Fetzer, historians, scholars, government officals, celebrites, and everyday people are exposing 9/11 as an inside job now. Recently, Jim Fetzer discussed about 9/11 with Laura Ingraham in her radio program. Laura, like the Neo Con that she is, mocked Jim's views without refuting it. They can never refute what real Patriots say, so the Neo Cons will mock people. Kevin Barrett, another member of the 9/11 Truth Movement, is threaten by a Wisconsin lawmaker to be fired. The reason is that Kevin is just saying that the offical story is false. Kevin has his First Amendment right to believe in what he wants about 9/11. These people who hate their offical story refuted are angry that more and more people are waking up. People are waking up to the stand down of the military of the aircraft and how Building Number 7 fell in a symmetrical fashion (when no aircraft hit the Building. All indications prove that it fell by a controlled demolition).
I don't care about people talking about me in a false or negative way. I respond to my critics, I'm still strong, and I don't back down. I come out people's names, but I won't call people degatory names. There's a difference. I am a man and don't come out bashing people unfairly. I don't go out and label people "losers" because I disagree with someone. That is real. As for me, I support all patriotic and good Jewish people, Arabic people, and people of every nation on the face of the Earth. While I'm here breathing on this Earth, my goal will expose evil and expand my thinking into discussing even more issues. George W. Bush endorses "a new order of the ages" in his 2005 Inaugural Address. Bush endorses the United Nations and UNESCO. On the other hand, we must pursue pure nationalism and the principles found in the Bill of Rights and Constitution. The media and the White House tells us that this war will last over 100 years, but I dissent with the lust for illegal wars. I seek real freedom and non-compromise with evil.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)