Miami 7 Arrests:Patriot Movement in the Crosshairs
by Victor Thorn
Could the recent arrest of seven “terrorists” in Miami be the pretext for a much larger crackdown on the patriot movement? If recent “news” (conditioning) reports in the mainstream media are any indication, along with statements by the FBI’s Robert Mueller; we could be squarely in the Fed’s crosshairs, just as the militia movement was in the 1990s.You remember that set-up, don’t you? Anti-government sentiment was becoming a quasi-organized political force; so much so that one of the peripheral reasons for the BATF-FBI-ADL-SPLC-CIA engineered bombing at OKC was to place a permanent black eye on the predecessor to our current day patriot movement.Thus, after the Alfred P. Murrah Building was sabotaged via an act of blatant state-sponsored terrorism (i.e. controlled demolition); Timothy McVeigh’s scowling face was plastered on every magazine cover and TV screen across America. Almost immediately thereafter, militias became synonymous in the public's mind with McVeigh, homegrown terrorism, and killing babies in a day care center (“collateral damage”).Of course the entire scenario was planned to produce this effect, and soon militia membership plunged, patriot publications went out of business, and draconian Big Brother legislation was enacted (setting a precedent for 9-11’s Homeland Security Act).Today, with the emergence of a new patriot movement and 9-11 truth-seekers, we are once again nearing a point of critical mass that is becoming a concern to the New World Order (despite their efforts to keep it contained). Plus, with a huge turnout expected at Ground Zero this September to commemorate the fifth anniversary of 9-11, the powers-that-be may be ready to retaliate once again.This brief introduction brings us back to the Miami “terror cell” known as the Seas of David - a Christian-Muslim Bible study group that dabbled in martial arts and “wore black outfits with a Star of David on the sleeve” (Time magazine). After a wave of alarmist hoopla on the networks and radio, we discovered that the Miami 7 had no weapons, no bombs, and barely possessed the resources to buy boots and uniforms. Yet, they were purportedly going to blow-up the Sears Tower in Chicago.But … we were reminded … these men “hated America” and were (supposedly) loosely affiliated with al-Qaeda.
Plus, when using the Canadian terror arrests and London’s 7/7 bombing as a pretext, the stage is set for the emergence of the FBI’s Robert Mueller, who laid out the following information.Homegrown terrorism is currently flying under the radar; it’s loosely organized; and it flourishes on radical Internet websites. Hmmm, does that sound familiar so far? Mueller continued: we can’t stereotype these terrorists any longer (they’re not all Arabs), and they don’t follow a specific leader. Rather, they answer to an “ideology” which views their home country as the enemy. Finally, if left unchecked, they’re every bit as dangerous as al-Qaeda. [Mueller forgot to mention that al-Qaeda is nothing more than a combined creation of the CIA, Mossad, and MI-5.]To reinforce their stance, former Homeland Security Director Tom Ridge added that “homegrown terror” can come from anywhere; it is a means to an end; and it consists of people like Timothy McVeigh. [If that statement doesn’t make the hair stand up on the back of your neck, nothing will.]So, whether you realize it or not, the mainstream media, FBI, and Homeland Security are all pointing their fingers (either directly or indirectly) at the patriot movement and 9-11 truth-seekers. Be forewarned, because God only knows when they'll start bringing the hammer down.