Wal-Mart was founded by 33rd Degree Freemason [according to John Daniel author of Scarlet and the Beast] Sam Walton. I want to caution you that the John Daniel I'm talking about is not the author of the great anti-Jesuit work "The Grand Design Exposed." John Daniel author of Scarlet and the Beast believes in a strictly Masonic conspiracy instead of a world Gentile Jesuit conspiracy and by what I have skimmed in his section on the Jesuits, he is soft on Jesuitism and Roman Catholicism. I would not trust his misleading info on the Jesuits. John Daniel of the "The Grand Design Exposed" rightfully exposes the Jesuits who head the world conspiracy against Torah believing Jews, Bible believing Protestants and Baptist-Calvinists.
Wal-Mart is a retail giant which receives products made in China from Jesuit-controlled Red China's COSCO (China Ocean Shipping Company) which has smuggled AK-47s and other weapons into Long Beach, Los Angeles and Oakland California, Panama, Cuba, and the Middle East, in preparation for the coming race riots (weapons have been given to the Masonic street gangs controlled by the Jesuits like Greg Boyle SJ and archbishops such as Roger Cardinal Mahony of Los Angeles ) and invasion of North America especially the Post-Protestant Reformation U.S.
Corporate fascist and Knight of Malta Alexander Haig Jr. whose brother Francis Haig SJ is a Jesuit is a senior honorary advisor of COSCO. Caption: Above : General Haig, former American Secretary of State and a Senior Honorary Adviser of COSCO, at the reception party for the founding of COSCO (H.K.) Group Ltd. From: "Red China has forward deployed elements of its intelligence and military assets into the U.S. homeland," writes Canfield. "Its sailors roam strategic U.S. seaports. Its soldiers observe U.S. military facilities and exercises. Its scientists visit and work in U.S. factories, research labs and universities. Its officials take notes and photos of the technical and structural vulnerabilities of critical infrastructures - water power and communications." The author explains that Red China's intelligence-gathering in our major port cities adjacent to key U.S. naval bases is facilitated by the China Ocean Shipping Company (COSCO), a Red Chinese government enterprise which has 600 ships worldwide of which 100 call on 15 U.S. ports from Seattle to LA to Miami, to Norfolk, to Boston weekly. These are container-ships, only 2% of which are inspected by U.S. customs.
One of those rare inspections uncovered a huge COSCO container with thousands of AK47 rifles destined for street gangs in America! Our homeland is insecure!" "Certainly no conservatives were surprised about Clinton's sell out to the Red Chinese; he is what the Chinese would describe as a "yellow running dog." i.e. an unscrupulous errand boy for sale.
But there are many others who fit in that category. For instance, Dr. Canfield points out that "retired General Alexander M. Haig, Jr. [is] a COSCO advisor...the former Secretary of State and Presidential Chief of Staff has been paid [as a] 'domestic and overseas senior advisor' to COSCO." According to the film Walmart: The High Cost of Low Price, Walmart encourages employment of illegal aliens. I refuse to buy anything from Walmart or Sam's Club because doing so would be an act of treason in that I would be funding the coming Jesuit-led Sino-Soviet-Mexican-Cuban invasion of North America.
-Brother Nicholas N. Rivera