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February 24, 2006
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February 24, 2006
Host: Daryl Bradford Smith
Guest: David Pidcock [1]
Here are today's lies, misstatements, disinformation, and stupidity:
(1) A bombing in Saudi Arabia was carried out by the Mossad. Any proof? Of course not.
(2) Daryl Bradford Smith claims that he isn't anti-Semitic: "Most of the people running Israel are not even Semites." This is an oldie but goodie, but in fact, anti-Semitism does mean "hatred of Jews." [2]
(3) Daryl Bradford Smith plugs judicial-inc [3], one of the worst sourced and deeply Jew-hating sites on the Internet. I have personally invited the heads of that site to debate me directly, and they refuse.
(4) Like a freaking lunatic, Daryl Bradford Smith is a moon landing denier. Sheesh!
(5) Jews are responsible for the Jacobins in Revolutionary France and the Cromwell régime in England. There were no Jews in England before Cromwell took power. Edward I had deported them en masse in 1290.
Pidcock came on at this point.
(6) Pidcock stated David Irving didn't deny there were gas chambers; he denied that there were any in Auschwitz. Well that is Holocaust denial, considering that a full sixth of the Jewish Holocaust victims were gassed at Auschwitz.
(7) Pidcock said that Israel running the largest concentration camp in the West Bank and Gaza. To compare the treatment by the Nazis of Jews (which was genocide) with the immoral treatment by the Israeli government of the Palestinians is a shameless charge.
(8) Pidcock repeats the old lie that Jacob Schiff gave money to the Bolsheviks. He didn't. He gave money to the Provisional Government that took control of Russia in March 1917. He withdrew his support after the Bolshevik coup.
(9) Pidcock states that President Wilson insisted the Jews get Palestine. Wilson's Fourteen Points [4] do not mention Palestine at all.
(10) All of Daryl Bradford Smith and Pidcock's talk about the Lusitania and how its sinking led the U.S. to go to war against Germany ignores the Zimmermann Telegram. [[5]]
(11) Daryl Bradford Smith claims that reparations from Germany after WWI demanded by Zionists. In fact, they were demanded by the French and Belgians. After all, how would reparations to either country aid the Zionists? Wouldn't it make more sense to make a claim on behalf of Jews caught in the Eastern Front?
(12) Daryl Bradford Smith repeats his libel that the President is gay and is having sex with Jeff Gannon. Yet he is not a homophobe.
(13) Daryl Bradford Smith claims that Peter Sellers's career was ruined for his film production of the Jerzy Kosinski novel Being There. In fact, he received his second Oscar nomination for the film, which received broad critical acclaim.
(14) In answering a question about the Lubavitch, Pidcock claims that David Ben-Gurion came from Turkey? No, he was born in Plonsk, in Poland.
(15) Pidcock seems to believe than just because something was said in the U.S. Senate, that it is true.
My main impression with this interview is that Daryl Bradford Smith and Pidcock spend much time talking across each other, with Smith trying to link everything Pidcock said back to the Zionists, and Pidcock unwilling to do so. He may be an anti-Semite, but he's not stupid.
Pidcock, I mean. Daryl Bradford Smith is both.
March 21, 2006
Host: Daryl Bradford Smith
Guest: Sahib Mustaqim Bleher [1]
Here are today's lies, misstatements, disinformation, and stupidity:
(1) Today, interestingly, Daryl Bradford Smith mentions me as a "plant" of the Zionists because I send him e-mails that correct him when he lies.
(2) Daryl Bradford Smith says that a "strawman effect" is being produced by people wedding false information with real information. Surprise: Daryl Bradford Smith misuses a term. Here's what a straw man is described: [2]
(3) Daryl Bradford Smith constantly contradicts himself: On one hand, he constantly complains that his "information" does not get "traction," but in today's intro, he claims that he is getting "traction." Well, which is it, Daryl?
(4) Daryl Bradford Smith claims that "apartheid" in Israel is worse than it ever was in South Africa. I'm sorry: Could blacks in apartheid South Africa vote? No? Well, Arabs in Israel can and do. End of argument.
(5) Once again, Daryl Bradford Smith appeals his listeners to listen to the Benjamin Freedman speech. And then read this: [3]
(6) Daryl Bradford Smith attacks Madonna. What's up with that?
(7) And again, Daryl Bradford Smith says he isn't an anti-Semite. Pull the other one, Daryl; it has bells.
(8) Interestingly, Daryl Bradford Smith consistently points to Rabbi Dovid Weiss of the Neturey Karta as a likeminded individual, but at the same time, he spreads dangerous blood libels about the Talmud. Well, he should ask Rabbi Weiss about his view of the Talmud. R' Weiss is an Orthodox Jew; I'd bet a million dollars he's a Talmud scholar.
(9) Dr. Bleher talks about his association with David Musa Pidcock and his book Satanic Voices, a sample of which can be seen here: [4] They are presenting the Protocols of the Elders of Zion as if they are a valid text. They are not.
(10) Daryl Bradford Smith and Dr. Bleher discuss the burning of the Great Library of Alexandria. They ignore that the final destruction of the remaining books in the library after the Roman fire was ordered by Caliph Umar, one of the first successors to the Prophet Muhammad.
(11) Bleher mentions that Jews were allowed into the Netherlands because of their ability to lend money on interest. However, the Dutch Reformed Church is a Calvinist Church, and Calvinist Christianity does allow the lending of money on interest. So this explanation is obviously insufficient to answer why there existed in the Netherlands such a large Jewish community. The answer is that the Netherlands was a primary point of refuge for Jews after the Spanish Inquisition. However, Bleher has his facts wrong: These were Sephardic Jews in the Netherlands and not Ashkenazic Jews.
(12) Bleher makes another mistake, conflating the English Revolution of 1642 with the Glorious Revolution of 1689. Cromwell led the 1642 revolution; he was not involved in installing William of Orange as King of England, as he was already dead by over thirty years. Furthermore, the primary force behind deposing James II and replacing him with William and Mary were not Jews, but rather the Church of England, who worried that James II was too soft on Roman Catholicism. Nevertheless, Bleher links these Jews to the beginning of colonialism. I guess he never heard of Jamestown. Further, Queen Mary was a Stuart, i.e., she was Scottish.
(13) Bleher states that there is Judaism that follows the Torah and Judaism that follows the Talmud. This is technically true, but not to the degree he apparently thinks. Really, the distinction is that there are two types of observant Jews: Jews who accept the Oral tradition via the Talmud and those that don't. The latter group are called Karaites, and they are an infinitesimally small percentage of Jews. (Notably, in The Thirteenth Tribe, Arthur Koestler points out that Crimean Karaites can be most directly tied to the Khazars.) The rest of observant Jewry has been affected by the Pharisaic Oral tradition.
(14) Bleher states that the Talmud "has nothing to do with the Torah." Actually, it has everything to do with the Torah. Perhaps Dr. Bleher should check the index of the readily available Soncino edition and see how often the Torah is cited in the Talmud.
(15) Bleher says that the Talmud is "more important than the Torah." Again, this is wrong. Here's a good explanation. A Torah scroll is very valuable and is treated with extreme care. You are not permitted to touch the parchment with anything but a silver pointer, and the punishment for dropping a Torah scroll is forty days of fasting. By contrast, if you drop the Talmud, you need only pick up the book and kiss it and then open it again.
(16) Daryl Bradford Smith says that there are "scary things in Deuteronomy," but he does not mention specifics.
(17) Daryl Bradford Smith plays the goyim card again now and this idiotic idea that the Talmud tells Jewish children that non-Jews are cattle.
(18) Daryl Bradford Smith again talks about the "Frankist New Bohemians" who allegedly set up the Masonic lodges. Remember: He claims this happened in the late eighteenth century, but Benjamin Franklin became a mason in 1713.
(19) Once again, we get the notion that "Jewish bankers" killed Lincoln and not John Wilkes Booth. I'm beginning to think that all these idiots simply read the same Web sites.
(20) Late in the interview, Daryl Bradford Smith brings up the David Irving trial. Smith makes the ridiculous claim that Irving is a tool of the "Zionist criminals." Bleher points out, correctly, that Irving had lost in Irving v. Lipstadt, but incorrectly states that he did not try to refute evidence entered by Deborah Lipstadt's legal team. This is patently untrue. See Further, Bleher argues that "the Zionists" chose to bring Irving into court to embarrass "revisionism"; the record clearly shows that Irving was the initiating party in the case.
January 18, 2006
Host: Daryl Bradford Smith
Guest: Ted Pike
Here are today's lies, misstatements, disinformation, and stupidity:
(1) Today Daryl Bradford Smith labels the Zionists the "evil Hebrew Jewish leadership." I guess throwing "Hebrew" in there so we're sure about whom he speaks.
(2) Daryl Bradford Smith says that Zionism has never had majority support in the Jewish community. Is he kidding? There's a flag of Israel in every synagogue I've set foot in.
(3) Daryl Bradford Smith says that Israel is all desert. It's not. There is a significant desert in the South, but that's about it. The rest of the country is tropical and it rains frequently in Jerusalem.
(4) Daryl Bradford Smith talks about people that "are trying to establish the state of Israel." Is he not aware that the state was established in 1948?
(5) Yet again, Daryl Bradford Smith believes that Zionism is tied to Jewish conspiracies going as far back as the Spanish Inquisition if not further.
(6) Daryl Bradford Smith says that every Jew is supposed to have ten "Esau slaves" according to "the Torah's I've read." I wasn't aware that there was more than one Torah. That's because there is not.
(7) Ted Pike says that the Pharisees were the predominant sect of Jews when Jesus was alive. This is patently false. In fact, the Sadduccees, who rejected Oral Torah, were the ruling party in the Sanhedrin, and there were more sects of Jews in Judea in the first century AD than in any other time.
(8) Ted Pike says that Kabbalah was introduced into Judaism before Jesus came along. Yitzhak Luria didn't write the Zohar, the basis of Kabbalah, however, until the 13th century. Even the most Orthodox Jews do not believe the Zohar existed before the second century AD.
(9) Ted Pike says that the production and ownership of the film The Last Temptation of Christ was Jewish. The director was Martin Scorsese, who is an Italian Catholic (and former seminarian). It was adapted from the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis, who was a Greek Orthodox Christian. The adaptation was done by Paul Schrader, who may very well be Jewish. The producers were Barbara De Fina (Italian, probably Catholic) and Harry Ufland (maybe Jewish?). Here's the full cast and crew. Ironically, the only Jew I see in the cast and crew who plays any kind of major role is Harvey Keitel, who plays, of all people, Judas Iscariot.
(10) Ted Pike says the Pharisees had Jesus crucified. Actually it was the Sadduccees who handed Jesus over to the Romans for crucifixion. The Pharisees would have carried out a death penalty themselves if they had wanted to, and it wouldn't have been crucifixion. Remember that the fundamental creed of Christianity, the Nicene Creed, says nothing about Jews killing Jesus; it says, "He was crucified by Pontius Pilate."
(11) Ted Pike concludes that the Jews who did not decide to follow Jesus decided instead to follow the Pharisees en masse. Rather, Pharisaism was the only form of Judaism left in large numbers after the Roman Destruction of Jerualem in 70 AD.
(12) "Mike" calls in to tell us not only that there was an "alleged Holocaust" and that David Irving is the "greatest historian" of World War II, but he tells us that Leon Trotsky's birth name was Levi Bronstein (it was Lev, not Levi, and the name "Lev" isn't a Jewish name), that Karl Marx's name was Mordechai Marx Levy, that Khrushchev's real name was Perlmutter, and that Mikhail Gorbachev's last name is Kahn. General Primakov, he says, is actually "Pincus Finkelsteain." I already covered Trotsky, who was Jewish. However, he didn't live a large portion of his life in New York. He lived there for about two months in 1917, after being deported from Frande. Marx was not born with the name Levy; his grandfather had the name "ha-Levi" added to his name because he was a Levite. Marx's father was born as Herschel Mordechai, but he changed the family name when he converted to Christianity, before Karl was born. Neither Khrushchev nor Gorbachev were Jewish and I defy anyone to provide evidence to the contrary. (By the way, it was Maxim Litvinov who was born with the last name Finkelstein; Primakov seems to have always been Primakov, and I don't know one way or the other if he is Jewish.)