Monday, April 09, 2012

Alex Jones denying white supremacy



October 18, 2010 at 9:30 pm
What I most admire about this interview and it’s presentation is the fact that a black man is airing it. I have been praying for black radio to pay attention to Beck and Limbaugh, so that our community could be aware of what is being said about us. How they step on the graves of our ancestors in their effort to trash the President. They have called the first lady “Trash in the White House” talked about her clothing in a way that no one has ever addressed a first lady. FOX NEWS, and Company has hijacked the wonderment, and enthusiasm that Blacks should still be experiencing. Our children should be reciting quotes from the President’s speeches. Yet we have let FOX NEWS and Conservative pundits cry INDOCTURNATION, and we cower away like there is something wrong with our kids wanting to be like the first Black President of the United States. I wish R&B FM radio stations would start programming at least one day a week of informative Talk. Black folk need to know what’s going on around them, we’re being kept in the dark by our own media. Black People should demand a change in programming, it’s time, especially now!


"How many libertarians fought Franco Hitler and Mussolini.""
The war against Franco was fought by LEFTISTS: Anarchists, communists, socialists. And it was communists, by & large, heading the resistance movements in both France & Italy.
It was the partisani (communists & their allies) who liberated northern Italy before the Allies rolled into Milan.
After WW2, in fact, the US helped put fascists (back) into power in Italy, France and Greece.
You're truly ignorant.

One thing these Austrian School economists always have to do is rewrite history and make it look like the era before regulation was better than what we have now. It was called the Gilded Age for a reason. In that time 1/4 of Americans lived under the poverty line, the average man working in the steel industry lived to be 44 and the Pinkertons murdered union organizers.