Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Bill O’Reilly Grills Trayvon’s Mother in Ill-Advised Interview



BlackHeywoodModerator3 hours ago
Trayvon's parents handled themselves very well on the Bill O'Reilly show. I believed Mr O'Reilly was schooled well about Mr Sharpton's involvement by Trayvon's mother. I believe she said something to the effect of, if the Sanford Police department had arrested George Zimmerman the night he murdered Trayvon, Mr Sharpton's involvement would not have been necessary.That was also echoed by Mr Crump the family's attorney. I applaud Trayvon's parents for facing both friend and foe because they have nothing to hide about themselves or their deceased son. It's the Sanford Police Department and the State District Attorney who did not arrest George Zimmerman that everyone should be questioning and looking at suspiciously,it's their actions and behavior that is straight out of Americas Jim Crow era.


A Man Called HawkModerator11 hours ago
One of the more offensive parts of that interview was O'Reilly trying to push the idea that if Zimmerman gets a "fair" trial and still walks that people should be OK with that. Why is this case the only one where the general public should be happy with a murderer walking free? I've yet to see people be content with Casey Anthony not being found guilty. People complained about the O.J. verdict for YEARS and the Goldman family sure as hell didn't accept the courts verdict in that case.
The constant babbling by O'Reilly about the building racial tensions is flat out racist also. Al Sharpton in particular has been calling for PEACEFUL protests along with Trayvon's family. The protests that have taken place have been completely peaceful (even the Mayor of Sanford has acknowledged that). The peaceful demonstrations of course haven't stopped O'Reilly from warning his idiotic regular viewers that us black folks are going to riot in the streets if George ZImmerman isn't hung and shot by a firing squad on PPV. Conversely groups of white people were allowed to camp out on the Anthony families lawn and Harrods those people and not once did O'Reilly or any other right wing pundit give warnings about white folks rioting in the streets if Casey Anthony was set free.
Sabrina Fulton seemed visibly annoyed and upset by O'Reilly disingenuous concern.
