People have proven that JFK resisted the establishment. Donald Gibson’s book entitled “Battling Wall Street” proved that Kennedy didn’t agree with the economic policies of David Rockefeller. Richard Mahoney’s “JFK Ordeal in Africa” proved that John F. Kennedy desired nationalism in Third World nations. These Third World nations freed themselves from the yolk of imperialism. So, back in 1957, John F. Kennedy gave his Senate speech where he exposed the pitfalls of French colonialism in Algeria and Vietnam. Later, Kennedy praised the independence of Algeria in the 1960’s. That is why Kennedy wanted Lumumba to control the Congo. He sided with Dag Hammarkjold in not waning the Congo to be partitioned so Western imperialists would steal resources from its wealthy mineral province. It’s strange to have Allen Dulles in the Warren Commission when he was once fired by President Kennedy (ending his long intelligence career). The Warren Commission proved that the FBI and Hoover were responsible for the massive investigation of Kennedy assassination. Why would such people, who didn’t like JFK, try to investigate his death. John F. Kennedy wasn’t good terms with the CIA. He fired much of the top level of the CIA since the CIA lied to him about the Bay of Pigs scenario. Dulles and his Director of Plans, Dick Bissell lied to the President. These two men lied to him in at least two ways. They told him that there would be a positive effort to rally the populace against Castro in advance of the invasion; and secondly, the invasion itself had a good chance of succeeding on its own. That is, there would be no need for American intervention.The plans for the Bay of Pigs (or the attempted overthrow and murder of Fidel Castro) didn’t originate from Castro. He then fired the three top officers in the CIA, issued NSAM’s 55, 56 and 57 to limit the power of the CIA, issued orders that the ambassador in foreign countries, not the CIA station chief, should control American policy, and created the Defense Intelligence Agency to also give him advice. Ironically, George W. Bush didn’t fire anyone for the mistakes made during 9/11. Kennedy had actually supported Bosch (of the Dominican Republic) and when he was overthrown by reactionary forces in the military, Kennedy suspended diplomatic relations and economic aid almost immediately. As David Corn writes in Blonde Ghost, this infuriated certain Agency officers. As documented by Jim Douglass in JFK and the Unspeakable, at the time of his murder, Kennedy was working for détente with both Cuba and the USSR. Which would have significantly weakened the military–industrial complex. So, Kennedy wanted peace with the USSR and Cuba (JFK used intermediates in trying to possibly normalize trade relations between Cuba and America. This was done just before he died in late 1963. The author Jim Douglass has proven this point). In President John F. Kennedy's speech at the American University, he said that he doesn't want a Pax Americana (or an American Empire) using arms to enforce their will upon other nationalities or other foreign populations. He desired freedom for all mankind.
Many people disagree with the NATO-Chicago agenda. There is the 12th World Summit of Nobel Peace laureates on April 23rd to April 25th, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on April 10, 2012 appeared on video in U.S. State Department Web. She announced for the summit and said that the U.S. Department of State is a proud, active partner in the event. Hillary Clinton talked about how the U.S. State Department is working with U.S. embassies across the globe. He bring 20 students and 4 teachers form 4 countries to Chicago. People realize that NATO is involved in militarism. NATO has been involved in war crimes from Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and Libya in 2011-2012. Hillary Clinton wants U.S. military bases in Afghanistan like at Bagram, outside the nation’s capital; at Shindand near the Iranian border; and near the capital of Kandahar province close to the Pakistani border. Air fields also capable of monitoring Central Asia, Russia and China. Hillary wants the strategic interests of NATO to be updated in the world when the elite meets in Chicago later in this month. To prove the point, Washington and its NATO allies, she stated, “are collaborating on a new Alliance Ground Surveillance system, which uses drones to provide crucial intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance information to our forces.” And “in Chicago, we’ll decide how to use this system as a hub for joint operations.” So, the war on terror continues on with NATO as having a leading role in it.
People realize that the Republicans want austerity evils. The Ryan plan will have 5.4 trillion dollar spending cuts over the next 10 years (with the gutting of Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other social programs). The Republicans will cut even three million people off from food stamps. Now, the Democrats conceal their austerity agenda. The Democrats claim to support higher taxes on the wealthy on oppose cuts in Medicare. Yet, some Democrats are secretly making plans for a bipartisan attack on social programs after the 2012 election. The electoral process is undemocratic, because we have limited choice on where we can vote for. The limited choices win the election. The Buffet rule deals with a proposal to establish a minimum 30 percent income tax rate for all people making 1 million dollars or more a year. This action can help, but alone it doesn’t address the bailouts of banks and the worsen condition of income inequality. According to a study released March 2, the top one percent of the American population garnered 93 percent of all increased income in 2010, the first year of economic “recovery” according to the White House. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that the Senate Budget Committee Chairman and Democrat Kent Conrad (of North Dakota) desire to have deficit cutting plan after the November election. His proposal of cuts relate to the recommendations form the Simpson-Bowles commission (which was appointed by President Barack Obama in order to handle the deficit). The Bowles-Simpson plan would slash $5.4 trillion from the deficit over ten years, cutting discretionary domestic spending as a percentage of gross domestic product from 8.4 percent this year to only 4.8 percent by 2022, and raising taxes, mainly on middle-income families, through abolishing tax breaks such as deductions for mortgage interest and employer-paid health benefits. The plan envisions reductions in income tax rates for the wealthy as well as corporate tax rates. This evil policy will harm living standards and social conditions in America. The President's Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said that radical changes to deal with long term fiscal changes will be in order. According to New York Times columnist David Brooks, Obama administration officials have given private assurances of support for major spending cuts after the elections and have already proposed, in the most recent budget, to cut discretionary domestic spending from 4 percent of US gross domestic product to only 2.2 percent, far below the level of the Reagan administration. Big business funds both parties. This represents the ilusion of choice. Yet, the two parties are preparing measures that can't be openly discussed for fear of a public backlash. The working class and the poor are under attack like never before. It's reasonable for us to defend jobs, living standing, and our real life.
Ted Nugent said that he wanted the voting booth to allow Romney to be President. His words signify the silliness and extremism found in American society. It's one thing to disagree with President Barack Obama on some issues (in a mature fashion). It's quite another to say every word under the sun about the President and expect us to agree with it. I will never agree with that rhetoric. These reactionaries cry about free speech, but they want to suppress the free speech rights of union. They want to suppress the free speech rights of anti-globalization protesters, and they hate the free speech of those that doesn't agree with a reactionary interpretation of politics. We don't live in a post-racial society. We live in a real society where materialism, stereotypes, and troubles are all about here. We had the South Strategy back in 1968 and now we have the proponents of kill first and ask question later including the proponents of imperialism. I am a pro-liberty man. So, do I believe in the Fairness Doctrine. No, I don't. The reason why is that all free speech ought to be preserved (even speech that I don't like or agree with). Some Democrats want the Fairness Doctrine to return in society. This is folly, because who can decide fairness or two points of views. Points of views are displayed within many terms not just liberal or conservative. I don't agree with corporate personhood though. Corporations aren't people. They are entities and they aren't perfect either. Reactionaries cry about individual rights. I agree with individual rights, but I don't believe that public services should be banned under the guise of individual rights.
We have to wake up about many things occurring in the world. Many American and many Europeans believe that they are ordained by God to be the custodians of democracy, freedom, and morality. They are surely mistaken since no one has a morality on morality. The West passes judgment in the world, yet imperialism, invasion, and chastisement is done by the West all of the time. American neo-cons lecture about China all of the time. I don't agree or justify the evils and anti-civil liberty plus anti-religious liberty policies in China. Yet, even China doesn't have prison torture centers worldwide. The West does. Rendition or the West torturing innocent human beings is blatantly evil and unjustified completely. It's not China bombing, occupying, and droning other countries overtly. Democracy doesn't deal with playing nice or else we will bomb the mess out of your nation. Democracy deals with the tolerance of culture, the promotion of peace in the world society, and progressive thinking. In America, we have median incomes being stagnant for decades. Incomes for Chinese workers have doubled every decade for three decades. Some leaders in America have exploited the War Powers Act and the Geneva Conventions as a means to promote a sick policy. This policy deals with imprisoning people without a trial or charges, assassinating Americans considered a "national security threat," and the continuing the police state masquerading as a democracy. The plutocrats and the elite are doing their best to cut Social Security, Medicare, food stamps, and the whole social safety net. It is an even more courageous act when no one wants to hear the truth. As Frantz Fanon said, “Sometimes people hold a core belief that is very strong. When they are presented with evidence that works against that belief, the new evidence cannot be accepted. It would create a feeling that is extremely uncomfortable, called cognitive dissonance. And because it is so important to protect the core belief, they will rationalize, ignore and even deny anything that doesn’t fit in with the core belief.” We should be freedom lovers and believe in the truth.
By Timothy