Sunday, April 22, 2012

More Jesuit Information found in late April of 2012



Knights of Malta control over the Panama Canal

Poppy Bush is a most important member of the Pilgrim Society and he is probably the MOST important member of MJ-12 at this time too.Poppy Bush also is the head of PILGRIM INVESTMENTS and that(Poppy that is) is the majority stockholder of Hutchinson-Whampoa which is always identified as being controlled by Li Ka Shing…the top Chinese Illuminati bloodline.As you must know..Hutchinson-Whampoa controls the Panama Canal and is very closely linked to the 100% PLA controlled COSCO which took over the largest container port on the North American west coast..Long Beach.You can Google COSCO to see ALL the western hemisphere ports that have COSCO facilities or total control in those ports.It’s now come out that Murdoch is trying to wrest control of DOW JONES(it publishes the Wall St Journal)and yesterday…the chairman of DOW resigned in protest.You need to get a copy of Fritz Springmeiers’ book,”Bloodlines of the Illuminati”…it is a MUST HAVE book.If you can’t find a copy,I can help you do that with a good friend of mine in Denver who owns METAPHYSICAL BOOKS…let me know.Patty Springmeier,the “wife” of Fritz(she was instrumental in setting up Fritz for arrest on 100% bogus charges)lives in Denver and is the ONLY source for the book.BTW…the QWEST COMMUNICATIONS/GLOBAL CROSSINGS scam was headquartered in Denver and it(Global Crossings–hdqtrd in Bermuda)was picked up by Hutchinson-Whampoa (Poppy Bush)for cents on the dollar…….

I’m aware UHM and thanks for pointing that out. I only wished to make note of how Tim White is on the right track when he says George Senior is a member of the Order Of The Garter. The only way Bush will be seen in said uniform is if someone catches him in England.

YUP…true about Patty Springmeier…it was me who made the arrangements
for Eric Phelps to trade with Patty even/even for his VAIII to Patty for
a copy of BLOODLINES to Eric from Patty…you can email Pam Schuffert to
get more about Pattys’ role in this…I heard this right after Fritz’
arrest and Pam VERIFIES this…my friend Paula Roosa,who owns
METAPHYSICAL BOOKS in Denver,is friends with this is the
connection…my family is not much better…ZERO help from
them,especially my younger sister….send Pam your website URL so she can
see how much “THEY” are trying to shut you and I up.

My friend most people are aware the Order of Malta Papal Knight George H.W Bush is a very big player indeed especially within the United States and Americas region. He is about as powerful as a normal puppet person can be under the Roman Empire of King Juan Carlos. Now remember on how he had his backside kicked by the Order of Malta just before the start of Operation Desert Storm. He was not pulling his weight and getting the war footing going. The Order of Malta through their Royal Institute of International Affairs sent Le Cercle’s, Margaret Thatcher over to the Aspen Institute in Aspen, Colorado to kick his backside into check. He flew immediately to see Margaret Thatcher and then the war drums suddenly started to beat. You can be who you like, but if you start playing up or getting too big for your boots against the Order of Malta then you will be destroyed like U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
-= The Unhived Mind
John Jay was a member of the Church of England, and later of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America after the American Revolution. Since 1785, Jay had been a warden of Trinity Church, New York. As Congress’s Secretary for Foreign Affairs, he supported the proposal after the Revolution that the Archbishop of Canterbury approve the ordination of bishops for the Episcopal Church in the United States.[21] He argued unsuccessfully in the provincial convention for a prohibition against Catholics holding office.[22]
Jay believed that the most effective way of ensuring world peace was through propagation of the Christian gospel. In a letter addressed to Pennsylvania House of Representatives member John Murray, dated October 12, 1816, Jay wrote, “Real Christians will abstain from violating the rights of others, and therefore will not provoke war. Almost all nations have peace or war at the will and pleasure of rulers whom they do not elect, and who are not always wise or virtuous. Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as well as the privilege and interest, of our Christian nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.”[23]
Of course the weakness of all this is that the Anglican Church is no different than the RCC in that the Queen/ King by design is the Pope of its Church as is the RCC Pope – even going so far as to to have congress with the Jesuits. Both serve as the gatekeepers preventing the free exercise of individual faith and free-will as is the practice invented by the Framers for US Citizens with the USA
Best regards
Chris Strunk


This visit by the BLACK POPE was at the time of my doing woodwork repair/painting work in the St Ignatius Loyola Catholic Church in Denver.This temporary job was lined up for me by a woodworker friend of mine,Wayne Hoffmann,who I had known for a number of years.This church is located on the N/W corner of 23rd Ave and York St in northeast Denver.The rectory of the monsignor,”Father” Tom Jost,is located on the west side of the church,the rear of the church..a red brick home at 2311 GAYlord St and 3 houses down,at 2329 GAYlord St,is the home of Wellington Webb..the mayor of Denver at the time of my work there.Webb is a 33rd degree Scottish Rite Mason and is Black,and was the elected mayor after Federico Pena who went on to become the disastrous Secretary of Transportation in the Clinton Admin.Webb was the Denver comptroller/auditor at the time of the building of Denver International Airport and was in the perfect position to coverup the VAST FRAUDS that were in existence when DIA was built…BECHTEL was the overall lead construction firm involved.Webb was mayor for 12 years and then was being tapped to be the national chairman of the Democratic Party…he turned that down but Webb is VERY MUCH an influential behind the scenes player.I was doing my work directly for “Father” Tom Jost and he can be seen on PG 5 in this PDF file…in the photo titled.”Kolvenbach blesses portrait of Pedro Arrupe”…..he is standing in the background,in fron of the altar,wearing glasses and his hands are clasped,next to the standing crucifix..The very carpet that Kolvenbach is standing on..I helped the carpet installers carry in..the church was being renovated for the specific purpose of the BLACK POPEs’ visit.I had a good relationship with “Father” Tom but I think he and others got wise to my making MANY phone calls from within this church as I was constantly being cutoff in midword….I was not there for this “mass”…I most likely would have been “disappeared” had I been…I can add lots more to this but this gives enough idea to the reader…READ EVERY word in this 22 pages of PDF…very revealing to say the least.
Tim White,Viet Nam Vet(USAF),Concerned Citizen
ps…I highlighted the street name “Gaylord” to show what a SICK BLASPHEMY of the Lords’ Name this is to locate this church where it is……NOT an “accident” by any stretch of the imagination

mistyeye: interesting pov. I enjoyed the movie. AVBibleBeliever do you know anything about the Revelation’s mention of ” ABADDON and APOLLOYON? .
How many boneheads are there in the world anyway?


I know both Abaddon is Hebrew and Apollyon is Greek for the same word “destroyer.” This is interesting when you consider the fact that the Nazi NASA Apollo program was named after the Roman god Apollo or Apollyon the king of the bottomless pit in Revelation 9: 1, 2, and 11. Here is another interesting fact, the named Judas Iscariot is Greek and Hebrew. Judas is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew Yehudah and Iscariot is Hebrew for “man from Kerioth.” In Acts 1:25 we are never told that Judas went to hell, but rather to his own place (the bottomless pit).
Yashushua Ha Mashiach aka Jesus Christ referred to Judas Iscariot as a devil (John 6:70) the son of perdition (John 17:12, 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Revelation 17:8) and He even said it would have been better for Judas if he had not been born (Matt. 26:24). Judas Iscariot was possessed and incarnated by Satan just as the beast of Rev. 13. Judas betrayed Jesus Christ just as the Antichrist will betray Jesus’ brethren the Jewish people 3 1/2 years into the Seventieth Week of Daniel after which he will attempt to completely destroy them. This is also referred to as the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble or the great tribulation mentioned by Christ in Matthew 24:29. In A.W. Pink’s book “The Antichrist” he concludes that the Antichrist will be a reincarnation of Judas Iscariot and when you compare the Scriptures it is the only logical conclusion.
“The Gospel of Judas” (very interesting article) I was suspicious when I heard about this in the corporate fascist media because the Jesuits defend it which is no surprise because the high-level Jesuits are the quintessential moral relativists and Gnostics.

Some food for thought for us to consider and I hope you find it helpful. Please keep the questions coming if you have more (I’m sure you do or wouldn’t have joined this board) and I will do my best to answer them primarily from the Bible and secondary sources I have from college and the Internet. What I just told is hardly if ever preached and I recommend an excellent book on the Antichrist entitled “The Mark of the Beast” by Dr. Peter S. Ruckman. His 1960 work is the best ever written by a man in the 20th century and I argue the best ever as it has never been matched! I think it improves upon Arthur W. Pink’s 1923 work “The Antichrist” arguably the best exposition on the Antichrist of the early 20th century.

As for your second question, if you want to literal about it, we are all boneheads since we all have skulls lol, but I think I understand where you are coming from. The majority is ignorant of what we are talking about here on the forum. I see you are a newbie. Welcome mistyeye and I guarantee you will be in the know as you avail yourself of this information, educate your mind and come to your own conclusions. Please don’t hesitate to ask for help in this ongoing process. I consider it a privilege to assist you and it keeps my mind sharp;)


THEUNHIVEDMIND on April 13, 2012 at 22:37 said:

May I remind you that Knight of Malta George H.W. Bush the thirty-four year long leader of the Deutsche Verteidigungs Dienst was never a member of the Order of the Garter. George H.W Bush is a member of the Order of the Bath and he’s controlled within this Order by Great Master, Prince Charles the Prince of Wales. The same Great Master who controlled the chief designer of the 9/11 air operation. This was of course Royal Institute of International Affairs director Baron Timothy Garden the veteran Grandmaster of the Guild of Air Pilots and Air Navigators and husband of the once Worshipful Master of The Worshipful Company of World Traders called Susan Garden. Interesting that Jacque Chirac made Timothy Baron a Chevalier just after 9/11 considering the attempt on Chirac’s life with Concorde 4590 in July of 2000 by the Defense industrial Security Command. One of the reasons that DGSE was there like Israeli MOSSAD was to film the event. The Naudet brothers using the nearby Amec PLC fitted studio at the City University of New York.
-= The Unhived Mind


Lou Cifer on April 14, 2012 at 03:23 said:

Excellent info! I didn’t realise Timothy Garden was director of the RIIA as well? It ain’t half a small room at the top isn’t it?


THEUNHIVEDMIND on April 14, 2012 at 16:21 said:
Yes he was a Director of the Royal Institute of International Affairs back in 1998. Reminds me of Stuart Popham the current head of TheCityUK which controls the financial World under The Worshipful Company of Mercers.
-= The Unhived Mind


Dear Sister Tina,
Chief Justice Corona of the Philippine Supreme Court, President Noy-Noy Aquino, and the former Philippine president Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, and to include the former First Gentlemen Mike Arroyo and also to include the late senator Benigno Aquino were all trained and educated by the Jesuit Order of the Roman Catholic Church (Society Of Jesus). They were the products of the Ateneo University in Manila. Noy-Noy Aquino and Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo both received honorary degree award at the Jesuit Fordham University in New York. Gloria-Macapagal Arroyo graduated at Georgetown Univesity at the Edmund A. Walsh School Of Foreign Serviceand her classmate was the former US President Bill Clinton.
Ateneo University is teaching all her graduating strudents the idelogy of Liberation Theology. This theology was used by Jesuit Fr. Fernando Cardenal which brought Nicaragua into a bloody civil war known as the Sandinista Rebels led by Daniel Ortega who was an ally of the undercover Jesuit Cuban Dictator Fidel Castro. Liberation Theology is a mixture of Roman Catholic style of christianity & marxism. Jesuit Father Romeo Intengan (Gloria Arroyo’s spiritual adviser) together with Norberto Gonzales were among the prime-movers of Liberation Theology against Ferdinand E. Marcos who was a secret member of the Roman Catholic Church’s Knights Of Malta. The office of the Knights Of Malta Manila can be found at the U.N. H.Q. in Manila.
The former chief-justice Hilario Davide is a member of the Knights Of Columbus while the former chief-justice Reynato Puno was high-degree Freemason controlled by the Jesuit Fathers. The present Ateneo University Rector was one of the board of directors of the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co., and the chairman Pangilinan was also a product of the Jesuit Fathers style of education.
Furthermore, Jesuit Reverend Father Edmund A. Walsh (Edmund A. Walsh School Of Foreign Service) was one of the interrogators of the NAZI War Criminals during the Nuremberg Trial, Fr. Walsh was accompanied by the U.S. O.S.S. Agent headed by a son of the Roman Catholic Church WILLIAM JOSEPH DONOVAN who was also a senior member of the Roman Catholic Church’s Knights Of Malta. Jesuit Father Walsh was also one of the secret military advisers of General Douglas McArthur were he was trained by the Jesuits at Marquette University.
Cory Aquino was also trained by the Jesuit Order at Jesuit Boston College / University led by Jesuit Reverend Father Donald J. Monan. Cory’s classmates were the late Jaime Cardinal Sin & the famous singer LIONEL RITCHIE. At Boston University were Father Donald J. Monan and Lionel Richie originally produce WE ARE THE WORLD – WE ARE THE CHILDREN – U.S.A. For Africa. The former senator Kit Tatad is a member of the Roman Catholic Church’s Opus Dei.
When the Jesuit Fathers moves in using their Co-Adjutors & Co-Adjutoress like Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, the political agenda of the affair of the states will be disturbed. Fr. Joaquin Benas is a Constitutionalist, instead of teachers of the words of GOD and the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ for the salvation of human souls, instead his activities were political. French famous scientist and mathematican BLAISE PASCAL knew the Jesuit Order infiltrates government, British Parliament Member OLIVER CROMWELL said to King Charles that Roman Catholicism is not a mere relious institution but rather a Political Power.
CHINA, will soon invade many parts of Asia when the time is ripe where the United States Of America is already weak. In preparation for the one world government.
Respectfully yours
The Community Of World Historians
“The Writing is on the Wall”
By Erick San Juan
Recently, the Russian Ministry of Defence has written to Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, as well as to President Medvedev, that President Hu Jintao of China has now agreed “in principle” that the only way to counter America’s military eruption and aggression is through “direct and immediate military action.” This explosive news has not appeared on the “Western” media! Earlier, Major General Zhao Zhangzhong of the Chinese National Defence University was quoted by a Chinese channel, NDTV, as having said that, if Iran was attacked “China would not hesitate to protect Iran, even with a Third World War.” (Source: How far is World War III? By Mujahid Kamran, posted on truther on December 22, 2011)
Is the report mentioned here that happened two months ago could be the reason why the US and its allies had second thought of attacking Iran? Although the events unfolding after this supposed “declaration” seems to be that Washington’s war plan is still on.
The program is still on, yes, it can be delayed. But the fact that Uncle Sam has made his presence in the Asia-Pacific region (again?) and called on its allies, we are very much on the edge of a possible global conflict, whether we like it or not.
SC and the VFA
Whether the regional conflict will start in the Middle East or in the Pacific region, our country is definitely in the cross hairs. Why is this so?
Simply put, as US President Barack Obama continued what former President George ‘Dubya’ Bush,jr. has started, despite the cut in its defense budget, so does President Benigno Aquino III following the footsteps of Gloria Arroyo. They are both perceived as loyal slaves, kowtowing to an elite master. Dragging us all into a war that we never dreamt of participating.
So what else is new?
Even in this so-called review of the Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA), there’s nothing new about it, just plain and simple “chubibo” from the very start of this administration. Translation – a repeat performance (copied from the previous administration) with a different casting.
The mere fact that we are already being taken for a ride by Uncle Sam, are we still going to allow our own government deceive us into believing that all is well with the US troops staying (indefinitely) here and everywhere? What the American policy makers did was the transformation of our country into a huge military base! They are everywhere, anywhere, anytime. So the provision in the VFA of a “temporary” stay of the US troops, is a big BULL….! Need we say more?
To elaborate more, here is a portion of the article written by Mike Billington from the Executive Intelligence Review (EIR) :
“Now, Aquino and Obama are implementing the basing policy through outright dictatorial means, attempting to castrate the Supreme Court while preventing the issue from even being discussed in the Congress (which is largely controlled by the President, especially the House). The entire nation is caught up in the melodrama of an impeachment trial now going on in the Senate, and there is virtually no discussion of the illegality of the blatant move to establish the U.S. bases.”
There is one problem – the deployment of foreign military bases in the Philippines is explicitly forbidden in the Philippine Constitution.
To solve that pesky impediment, Obama has called upon his faithful puppet currently occupying the Philippine Presidency, Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino, to impose a virtual dictatorship upon the nation, by destroying the Supreme Court – the only institution which could stop the effort to rip up the Constitution and turn the Philippines into a military base, and canon fodder, in the intended war on China.”
The impeachment telenovela is muddling the real issue, while the nation is glued to its daily antic, our country is inching its way to the sacrificial table.
The present leadership must take heed for the “writing is on the wall”.
May God help us all.