Thursday, April 26, 2012

President Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

The line is clear. President Barack Obama is running against Mitt Romney in fighting to be the next President of America. The President talks about fairness. Mitt Romney believes that America is currently mostly fair. Romney wants school choice, which is nothing more than privatization of education. Romney talks about food stamps, but he supports huge tax cuts to the rich. He wants cuts to the Department of Education, end Medicare, and cutting food stamps. Mitt Romney once wanted to raise the interest rates on student loans (for college students). Soon, Romney reversed that position. Mitt Romney isn’t for economic populism. Mitt Romney even opposes an increase on the minimum wage. Romney is more reactionary than former President George W. Bush. He isn’t for true economic fairness. It’s personal for me since I am an American. The deal is that the Republican establishment fears the Tea Party, because the Tea Party is dictating much of Romney’s present views. Romney’s weakness is that he doesn’t have a strong political conviction. In other words, Mitt Romney switches his ideologies or viewpoints all of the time in order to gain support among his constituents. In the mean time, people are confused on where he stands on serious political matters, because Romney presents contradictory statements on various policy matters. We have to invest in the next generation. I know about America. We can’t allow people to starve and we can’t allow more people to lack sufficient resources that can enrich the people’s lives. The agenda of the 99% ought to be greatly promoted in the world. So, I believe in creating laws that deal with handling our student loans, preventing violence against women, and promoting paycheck fairness for males & females. We have to embrace reasonable, progressive thinking, facts, and God-given discernment in our lives. The President isn’t perfect. I don’t agree with the President on all issues, but you know where he stands. With Romney, he may switch his positions constantly. Still, the President is dead wrong in following an evil war on terror policy. The President’s foreign policy is nearly identical to Mitt Romney’s plan. Their only difference is that the President wants to work with other nations to enact imperialism (you can never call your foreign policy strategy reasonable when you have drone attacks in multiple nations, you have anti-human sanctions against Iran, and you advocate a criminal NATO sponsored war in Libya where blacks are being lynching plus murdered by real terrorists) and Romney would want a go at it alone approach in wanting imperialism. No, I reject isolationism. I believe in working with other nations, but I reject imperialism too.



People have talked about Finland as a nation that America can emulate in building up its educational system. They are right since Finland has been excellent in its whole educational infrastructure. Now, people blame the teachers, the students, and the parents for our American educational crisis. The truth is that there is blame to go around to the parents, the corporate elite, the teachers, and the educational system in general. There are tons of blame to spread. It isn’t just one entity that is at fault for our issues. Although, many teachers are being fired unfairly and arbitrarily, which I don’t agree with at all. All teachers shouldn’t be made the scapegoats of our current conditions neither should children collectively be made scapegoats. When you look at the issues of the day, you will see that society’s inequalities contributed to the low scores among some students. Many families and communities suffer huge poverty. Studies prove that harsh socioeconomic problems influence the educational complications in Western society (including world society too). Therefore, if America wants to change, then America’s economic system must be radically transformed (to benefit all of the people not just the super rich). The Finnish model in dealing with education works, because the Finnish model helps children. Finland is the top ranked in the world, because all of its teachers are highly qualified. The teachers must have a masters degree to teach in the classroom (as proven by Finnish educational leader Pasi Shalberg via his article in the Washington Post). Finland has a comprehensive national system that promote equity in education. This means that in Finland all students have access to education regardless of income of socioeconomic status. America has huge social inequalities among the rich. Finland guarantees equal allocation of educational resources to all communities, rich or poor; requires, by law, that all kids have “access to child care, comprehensive health care, and pre-school”; and it provides free education from pre-school through university. These are prerequisites for general, quality education – and are non-existent in the United States. The corporate elite doesn’t like these plans since it refutes their dog eat dog, social Darwinist philosophy. The truth is that our neighbors are our brothers keeper and our sisters keeper whether people like it or not. We are tied to each other and we need each other to survive in an imperfect world. We don’t need a privatization campaign of public education that hounds teachers, de-professionalize teachers, and cause made education more corporate. We need to end discrimination and social inequality. Ending racism, discrimination, any form of bigotry, and economic inequality can go a long way in handling our educational problems in the United States of America. Education is one of the most important issues in the world. We should be strong and promote the truth for our children and our grandchildren too.

Corrupt abortionists have been exposed for years and decades in USA. A tip from a local woman from the “Kansas City Star” has recovered over 1,000 abortion medical records from 2001-2002. These records were illegally dumped in a public recycling bin by the discredited abortionist Krishna Rajanna. The files had names, addresses, and other sensitive information about the abortion patients at his now closed Affordable Medical Center. The newspaper has turned the documents over to the Kansas State Board of Healing Arts. These documents could be used as evidence in a possible criminal case. Some of the record were found in the recycling bin that were less than 10 years old when the law requires that medical records can be maintained for ten years. Rajanna defended his dumping the records as an attempt to be environmentally friendly.

"I thought that these would be recycled away just like any other papers," Rajanna told the Kansas City Star. "I could just incinerate them just as well, I suppose. But usually that means we are creating more smoke." Rajanna lost his medical license and was forced to close his abortion clinic in 2005 after pro-life supporters obtained photographs of filthy conditions and appalling practices inside his abortion clinic and circulated them publicly. Kansas City Police Detective William Howard who conducted an investigation at Rajanna's clinic submitted a statement to the state legislature testifying to conditions so horrific that he was sickened by them and that he was stunned by allegations of the staff that Rajanna engaged in cannibalism. (Read Det. Howard's full statement.) Operation Rescue worked to expose Rajanna bring him to justice. Rajanna's case helped fuel the passage of a 2005 clinic regulations bill in the Kansas Legislature that was later vetoed by then Gov. Kathleen Sebelius, who now serves as U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services. "The illegal dumping of private abortion medical records is common in the abortion industry," said Troy Newman, President of Operation Rescue and Pro-Life Nation. "Through undercover investigations around the nation, we have obtained hundreds of illegally dumped abortion records containing just about every imaginable kind of sensitive medical and personal information. But the HHS under Sebelius, which seems to be the governing authority, has virtually ignored violations by abortion clinics." Planned Parenthood has been charged with corruption in Kansas.

There are tons of Republican lies about the economy. One of their biggest lies is that we are broke and we can’t afford to help our fellow citizens. Some of them are in the 19th century. As Dr. Martin Luther King said, you can’t find solutions with a 19th century thinking. The mantra of we are broke is found in lawmakers and some other reactionaries that desire to make drastic cuts in wages, pensions, health care for public sector workers, family help government programs, etc. A paper called “We’re Not Broke, Nor Will We be” from Economic Policy Institute (EPI) President Larry Mishel proves that we are not broke after all.
The paper shows the economy has seen steady growth in income and wealth over the past 30 years and will see similar growth in the next 30 years. The caveat is the middle class hasn’t seen much benefit from that growth. Since 1979, the top 10 percent of households have received almost two-third of all the income gains, with the top 1 percent claiming 38.7 percent. But Mishel says, if lawmakers couple the projected growth in income and wealth over the next 30 years, with the right economic policies, not only can governments afford the investments and services the nation needs, employers can provide rising compensation to employees. So, the report wants income to be shared among the poor and middle class in order for economic prosperity to transpire. America can issue bonds, so we aren’t broke. The deal is that much of our wealth is going into the 1 percent for bailout and to subsidize our economy. Anne Leonard made a popular internet film called “The Story of Stuff” to refute the lie that America is totally broke or is going broke. The film looks at the amount of subsidies used to prop up a dirty, inefficient economy and energy system — creating the appearance of the country being “broke.” So, the system is broken, but we aren’t broke. In 2011, the Federal government will take in 14.8% of GDP in revenue, the lowest percentage since 1950. If over 20% of all income and nearly half of all disposable income goes to the top 1% of households, you’re not broke. Your country is being run by plutocrats. “So next time you have an idea for a better future and someone tells you, ‘that’s nice, but there’s no money for that,’ you tell them we’re not broke,” Leonard concludes. “There is money, it’s ours, and it’s time to invest it right.”



The Arizona immigration law violates human civil liberties regardless of what people say. The same people supporting this law agree with the prison industrial complex. The three strikes policy hasn’t worked. Many things haven’t worked either like the War on Drugs and the Patriot Act (which have provisions in them that against our rights. The Patriot Act since 2001 is an affront to human rights). You can’t build more prisons to defeat the beast system. You need to have a job creation program that offer employment for fellow citizens. The violations of human rights aren’t just inflicted against my people (or black people), but against all human beings. For if a man’s rights is violated, then all of our rights are threatened. There are the TSA searches that affect Americans of every backgrounds. These searchers are profane, grotesque, and dehumanizing. That’s a fact and the Supreme Court supports the evil search procedures from the TSA. Therefore, it is reasonable for us to disagree with war, the prison industrial complex, and the harming of human life. When you deal with human life, it means that any human being has the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit to happiness. It means that all human beings are deserving of love and equal rights. It means that health care and education are human rights, irrespective if the Constitution doesn't explicitly mention these things. Some human rights aren't mentioned in the Constitution. There is absolutely nothing wrong with folks recieving adequately, affordable health care. Far too often, health care in the states is too expensive. So, it's important to reject discrimination in any of its dimensions. The civil liberty abuses against Muslims and other minorities didn’t end with the commencement of the Bush Jr. administration. It continues today during the present administration under the guise of “humanitarianism.” This guise is one of the slickest guises, because it attempts to promote imperialism (or lets be blunt here, white supremacy) under the cloak of “humane intensions.” Yet, the same goal of imperialism, globalization, and war are still in the mix of things. America can't lecture nations and try to force democracy for foreign lands when America has been created under the blood of slavery & oppression for centuries. A hypocritical nation filled with materialism, hate, and tensions (under the flag of stripes that existed among the imperialists of the British East India Company centuries prior to that nation's existence) should clean up its own house before lecturing any nation on "democracy." Great leaders spoke out against the policies from the hypocritical nation. That's true and that's real.  




By Timothy