Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Michelle Malkin pictured with a white supremacist (showing a swastika. She's a true sellout to her people)






Note by Me: The Sellout Michelle Malkin said that the sign was about Obama, but it is still wrong to compare the President of the United States to Hitler. Hitler killed millions of people, done sick scientific experiments, hated unions, believed in racism (not only against Jewish people, but black people too. The Nazis executed black people in the Holocaust), formed the blitzreig, and directly was involved in extreminating people in concentration camps. 150 years ago, the ancestors of the reactionaries wouldn't want her to be in this country. She claims to protest against illegal immigration, but the enemies pictured with her agree with also limitations on legal immigration. Also, many of the radical anti-immigration groups that she allies with have links to racists, population control advocates, & pro-eugenicists. That's a fact. Now, she supports the same people involved in imperialism against people of color for centuries (including her own people). Frankly, I believe in immigration and I believe that any human being has the right to be here if they want to. I still can't believe that she (Michelle Malkin) wrote a book years ago that downplayed the immorality of the Japanese internment camps in America. She actually writes in that book that she supports the U.S. government interning Japanese Americans during WWII. It's disturbing to say that least. 39 scholars and professional researchers signed a letter condemning Malkin's book for "blatant violation of professional standards of objectivity and fairness." People like Malkin and Beck think that anyone to the left of Reagan is near socialist. These reactionaries always take off their sheets when they become angry and use their token house slaves (of many colors) to do some of their dirty work. It's a shame. People like O'Reilly, Limbaugh, Malkin, Coulter, etc. agree with the destructive, money draining, and abhorent war on terror (Many innocent people have been killed and bombed as a product of the war on terror). The good news is that real brothers and sisters are always around to promote truth. To those self haters out there who are people of color, you know what I'm going to type. You know the words. YOU CAN'T BE WHITE. YOU HAVE TO BE YOURSELF AND NOT BE ASHAMED OF YOUR HERITAGE PERIOD.

End of Sermon

By Timothy


The point is
Yes, the swastika is an ancient symbol found around the world. And the Nazi's latched onto it for their purposes, which has stigmatized what is actually a positive meaning.
The positive, original meaning of the swastika is NOT how that guy is using it! He is clearly utilizing the inhumane Nazi version, and Michelle is clearly in complete agreement with that meaning.


Timothy Finney — 2/18/09 4:28pm
Yes, exactly, but Swastika Guy's symbol is tilted up and to the right and in a circle, just the way Hitler designed it for his flag. Most Native American's, Hindu's, Buddhists, etc. present it at straight right angles.


LeftandLeft — 2/18/09 6:41am
Malkin is fighting a battle with her soul...and losing badly. She loves those who hate her.
