Jurriaan Maessen
April 27, 2012

History reveals it is mostly by
blood that the genealogy of power is
secured throughout the ages. And all those unrelated to the head snakes, have
been royally approved to do evil in their name. A cast of sociopaths commanding
a tribe of psychopaths. It is no coincidence that all the usual suspects appear
prominently on the membership list of Bilderberg. Needless to say they rarely
miss a meeting.
Products of centuries of intermarrying between families, the questionable art
of breeding human livestock has been cultivated to its extreme by different
royal houses of (mostly) German descent festering over the European continent
for many a century. As a result, this unholy, age-old cesspool of interbreeding
gave birth to the most malicious type of human imaginable: the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
Drawing from such a disturbingly limited gene pool, this ancient tree
produced a peculiar ruthless sort of individual- first draft of the clinical
sociopath. Combine this ruthlessness with some repulsive physiological features
in outward appearance, and what you get is the European blue-blood
Consider the case of the
Belgian King Leopold
II. In the last days of his reign in the late 1800s, it came to light the
king had sexually assaulted children for his royal pleasure. This piece of filth
acquired the Congo from some fellow fiend, enslaving the entire indigenous
population and subjecting them to mass murder and starvation. It is a well
documented fact that the king would be enraged when he learned people did not
meet their quotas of the day, ordering his lieutenants to randomly cut off
limbs. In the process he robbed massive amounts of natural resources of the
land. When he was finished with the Congo, Leopold left a pile of dead behind
consisting of somewhere between 8 and 30 million people.
His descendant, the current Belgian king Albert
to hang out with fraudsters and charlatans in his spare time, such as R.K.
Pachauri: chairman of the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. This
only goes to show that in the old days, these people may have gotten away with
open mass murder; nowadays they operate more covertly, using the most
sophisticated pretexts in order to reign supreme.
When perchance you surfed the internet on April 22, you must have noticed
Google displaying some lovely looking flowers on its main page- and when you
visited the
website of the
World Wildlife Fund (WWF) you couldn’t miss being made aware of the fact
that it was Earth Day- at least, that’s what top eugenicists and European
royalty have ordained it to be from the day of its conception.
- A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Earth Day- being a simultaneous invention of the UN on the one hand, and
American environmentalists on the other- is echoed by WWF’s “Earth Hour” not
long ago. As Alex Jones pointed out during “Earth Hour”, the elite- being in
control of all the major corporations- is using an elaborate, carefully
engineered “save the earth”-hoax to seize control of humanity.