Amber Isaidit Taylor
The police should have done more investigating before "arresting" them also the neighbors should be fined or something, if they suspected someone in the house that did not belong they should have called the cops FROM THEIR OWN HOUSE kept watch but NOT approached the people in the house.
The neighbors should be charge at lease for false arrest.
15 hours agoin reply to carl56
"We need photographs of the vigilante neighbors..."
This is an excellent, excellent idea. We also need photographs of George Zimmerman's wife and parents.
This is an excellent, excellent idea. We also need photographs of George Zimmerman's wife and parents.
Plan and simply, who ever held them at gun point need to charged with a felony assault due to the use of a weapon. The officers that responded need to be flat out fired for this reason: If the police could not confirm or deny ownership and the persons in the home stated they owned it and identification as to who they were could be produced, the officer should have just taken the information and if it was discovered later that they were trespassing, then he would have the information on who they were.
I suppose these neighbors were "standing their ground," right?
11 hours ago
Boy,he looks like he is in shock,got his wake up call,welcome to Amerikkka,I been here all my life and know not to move in a white neighborhood,not to mess with white women,not to fight the white mans wars,and not to kiss his butt,been getting along fine,work around whites and have no problem,and if I do I put them in their place,I carry myself with respect when I am around them or anyone else,I guess thats what happens when you wanna live white,you get shocked and goo goo eyed like this poor victim,SURPRIZE!
Thank God this information is starting to get public attention and news coverage! There are and have been far too many instances of this type of thing happening in America. Time to put an end to the days where we allow stupid people with guns to run around who think they are the friggin police. All they had to do was call the police and step the f&%k back and let the cops investigate. Thankfully that couple wasn't shot by those yuck-yucks! Though not an advisable thing to do, perhaps we should start doing the same to them... Apparently it's ok to behave this way; or maybe only certain people can walk around with guns with immunity to the law or without getting shot by law enforcement.
John Vaughn
6 hours agoin reply to JomilX
14 hours ago
John Vaughn
Yeah. It was attempted in 1920s Tulsa OK. It was such a success, that white folks heads exploded and then the guns exploded. We know from that experience, that nothing upsets them more, than our self-improvement. Still, they emulate and co-opt everything we do. I get it, but then again, I don't get it.
Have you ever seen a tour bus full of meth-toking rock bands pulled over with all their bag and baggage splayed on the shoulder. I think not.
Have you ever seen a tour bus full of meth-toking rock bands pulled over with all their bag and baggage splayed on the shoulder. I think not.
This should be a clear case for false arrest.Even better would be some sort of civil case culminating in a hefty fine for the vigilante neighbours. Over the past few years there has been an explosion in gun purchases by whites, while at the same time there are Black leaders telling us that we need to get rid of our guns. The smart move would be to get MORE guns, and ammo in our possession because as they say it is better to have a gun, and not need it than to need a gun and not have one, which could be the case during a race war, or civil unrest.
13 hours ago
Hmmmm. Let's see now: we have a house that has been in foreclosure, which means the house was known to have been in foreclosure and empty for some time. Then armed people who did not even own the house accuse the new owners of being criminals and the sheriffs take the armed thugs words over the new owners. Interesting how foolish the sheriffs were. If the accusers have no vested interest in the property, then why were their words taken over the word of the new owners?