Sunday, April 22, 2012

New Homeowners Held at Gunpoint by Neighbors, Arrested for Prowling

FreeBLACKman804Moderator21 hours ago
I hope they install a gunsafe that is fully stocked when they finnally move into their new home. There is no need for them to waste anytime trying to greet their new neighbors. Clearly they are not civil people. This is further proof about how the image of the black man has been painted to show us in a negative light. No matter where we go, or what we are doing, america will ALWAYS see us as doing wrong. Even if we are RIGHT.


Amber Isaidit TaylorModerator20 hours ago
The police should have done more investigating before "arresting" them also the neighbors should be fined or something, if they suspected someone in the house that did not belong they should have called the cops FROM THEIR OWN HOUSE kept watch but NOT approached the people in the house.


Nehemiah53Moderator15 hours agoin reply to Amber Isaidit Taylor
The neighbors should be charge at lease for false arrest.


cocoa09Moderator15 hours agoin reply to carl56
"We need photographs of the vigilante neighbors..."
This is an excellent, excellent idea. We also need photographs of George Zimmerman's wife and parents.
I suppose these neighbors were "standing their ground," right?
stevealexModerator11 hours ago
Boy,he looks like he is in shock,got his wake up call,welcome to Amerikkka,I been here all my life and know not to move in a white neighborhood,not to mess with white women,not to fight the white mans wars,and not to kiss his butt,been getting along fine,work around whites and have no problem,and if I do I put them in their place,I carry myself with respect when I am around them or anyone else,I guess thats what happens when you wanna live white,you get shocked and goo goo eyed like this poor victim,SURPRIZE!