There has been an attack on the Second Amendment and new facts are known. There has been a lot of lies about gun rights. I believe in gun rights, so this issue is personal for me. I don't believe that criminals should have guns, but I do believe that all law abiding citizens have the right to own a firearm individually if they desire to. It's a fact that some nations with a high level of gun rights restrictions have huge crime. Nations with a high level of gun avliability among law citizens have low crime like in Switzerland and Japan. Switzerland has one of the lowest three homicide rates in the major European nations. The Swiss have a military rifle in nearly every closet. According to the following source (of Criminal Victimization in Seventeen Industrialized Countries, Dutch Ministry of Justice, 2001), Australia and England has the highest rates of robbery, sexual assault, and assault with force of the top 17 industrialized countries. Both nations have virtually banned individual gun ownership among citizens. Violent crime has increased after the gun banning in the UK escalated including firearm crimes regardless of what former Governor & Freemason Rendell says. Firearm crimes in the UK has doubled in the decade since handguns were banned. The top countries for the homicide rates don't include America at all. They include Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Colombia, Mexico, etc. In America, non-firearm related homicides of children out rank firearm related homicides by children almost five to one. This doesn't mean that everything is cool in America. We can fight against violence by having gun education programs, prevent criminals from owning guns, use anti-poverty programs, go out and fight for economic justice, end the Drug War, and go and find reasonable policies to fight against gun violence. There are more statistics. A 2009 Zogby survey showed 83 percent support concealed carry laws as they are commonly enacted. Radical anti-gun laws were utilzie to disriminate against minorities like Native Americans and black Americans. No one wants criminals to own weapons (or to shoot first and ask questions later against innocent human beings), but law abiding should have Second Amendment rights. We who love the Second Amendment are in good company. The late President John F. Kennedy publicly supported gun rights and the Second Amendment. Hubert Humphrey, Malcolm X, the Old school Black Panthers, the Young Lords, the American Indian Movement, and tons of other leaders that desired social changed believe in the human right of self defense (and people bearing arms if they desire to. People have the right to own firearms in their homes and outside of the house). I don't believe that criminals or felons should own guns period. In D.C. v Heller the Supreme Court (2008) firmly established the Second Amendment is an individual right. Early state constitutions like in Pennslyvania believe in the Second Amendment. George Mason or the Co-author of the Second Amendment wrote that the militia is the whole people. Richard Henry Lee wrote the same thing. People or citizens having the right to bear arms is clearly shown in the Constitution. I do believe that the Stand your ground law should be revised (or outright banned) to make sure that another Trayvon Martin tradegy ought not to happen again. We can't allow another child like Trayvon to die like that any, therefore I do believe that a revision or the law's elimination is in order. We can't allow blood to the shed like that.
There has been pro-abortion students against vandalizing a pro-life display. This is a violation of the First Amendment, yet the mainstream media won't report on this story for obvious reasons. There is the pro-life student group at Northern Kentucky University. This group was a victim of vandalism. The first time, the pro-abortion students and a professor were taken to court for their acts of crime. The previous act of vandalism came about in 2005. Now, a pro-life clothesline was ripped down at NKU within 24 hours of pro-life students setting it up. It pro-life clothesline was ripped down at NKU within 24 hours of pro-life students setting it up. “This is supposed to represent that every fourth baby is aborted in America,” said Danielle Roberts, the spokesperson for the group, according to one report. But pro-abortion students say the destruction is a part of their First Amendment rights — even after they were caught by police. Some pro-lifers tried to catch the criminals like NRTL member Nathaniel Hall. Hall was tried of it. The police caught three suspects; Travis Black, Steven White and Montez Jenkins Copeland. Hall says they were very angry, “telling me that I had no idea what it was like to be a woman, that the display was gruesome, that the statistic was a lie.” Of course the criminals are wrong. Kyle Pickett turned himself in. The criminals were charged with crimina mischief. NKU officials will be holding a separate discilinary hearing to figure out if the school should take further action. Northern Kentucky University has had a long history of vandalism against pro-life displays. The first year that NKU Right to Life formed on campus, in 2006 a professor and 6 students were charged with vandalizing a pro-life “Cemetery of the Innocents.” Every year since then, this one included, a pro-life display has been destroyed. “When will the pro-aborts learn self-control? When will the mainstream media report on this?” asks Kristan Hawkins, Executive Director of Students for Life of America. She told LifeNews, “We are the ones constantly portrayed in the media as crazed lunatics. Interestingly enough it is the advocates of abortion – which is a violent act against an innocent human person – who are the ones constantly vandalizing pro-life displays. I am so thankful for the students at Northern Kentucky University who continue to brave these elements year after year in their efforts to peaceably and lawfully bring the pro-life message to their campus.” “How can a college campus, a place where all ideas and beliefs are supposedly welcome, be so hostile to a peaceful pro-life display? After seeing this type of vandalization on other college campuses over the past 4 years, I can only conclude that it is because the pro-choice side simply has no effective response to the pro-life movement. They resort to any tactic, even violence, to silence pro-life speech,” she said. In April 24, 2006, a professor of NKU vandalized the display along with students. Some of these criminals like Sally Jacobsen vandalized displays and even wanted more people to do more acts of crime. So, Pro-life people have the right to present their views publicly without criminal acts from pro-abortion extremists.
Other news are in the world. LA Copes fire 90 rounds at an unarmed fleeing motorist. Police in LA have killed a motorist. The police chased a person on U.S. 10 in the San Fernando Valley. Eight cops fired more than 90 rounds at the 19 year old Adbul Arian as he fled police after they rammed his car. The teenager was unarmed. The LAPD falsley said that Arian had a gun. The police found or recovered no gun from the scene. This was reported by the LA Times. A relative told the newspaper the youth was afraid of guns. Yet, his Facebook page suggests that he had visited a firing range. Arian's family mentioned that he was part of the LAPD Explorer academy. The police confirmed that he enrolled in the academy, but said he was removed before graduation for unspecified disciplinary reasons. This incident was an over reaction by the police. On Thursday, there was gunfire coming on when authorities tried to serve an eviction notice at an apartment complex in Modesto, California. A Stanislau County sheriff's deputy and a "civilian" were killed in the incident. FBI and SWAT teams had surrounded the building. Authorities mentioned that the suspect was in his mid-40's. He may have had military training. On April 6, we reported on police in Stanislaus County receiving “cast-off” military hardware from the Pentagon, including an “inert” rocket launcher. It's one thing to arrest a person running away from the police. It's quite another to shoot one man 90 times. Police brutality occurs like this all of the time in urban, rural, and even suburban communities. It's just that in 2012, more people are exposing it because of the advent of the Internet, twitter, Youtube, and other digitial resources that are growing in the world.
One of the newest strategies of the elite is the privatization of all public schools. People want methods to fix public school without the need to privatize them. Many activists are trying their best to try to save public education. There has been a bipartisan, decades long campaign or effort to destroy, de-fund, discredit, and end public education. Even President Bush's Education Secretary mentioned that teachers unions were terrorist organizations. Barack Obama's man Arne Duncan believed that Hurricane Katrina was the best thing that ever happened to education in New Orleans, which is offensive and sick to say the least. Even in Atlanta, the Atlanta Public School Board voted to close 7 neighborhood schools. All of these schools are in mainly black neighborhoods. The school board proposed these closing in a few days before the words came about. They wanted to do this in order to prevent neighborhood parents from working together to protect their children and communities. The parents, teachers, and neighborhood resident said that the school board wanted charters and privatization. They feel in if the school board did this; the more successful students will go into the other school, while other children wouldn't receive the help that they desperately need. The corporate media loves school privatization and demonize the opponents of the School Board's proposals with misrepresentations and condescending rhetoric. With privatization, you have real estate developing trying to get lands and moving poorer people out of neighborhood to attract richer people. Privatization and Gentrification go hand in hand. Some people criticize standardized testing. This same policy is occurring in Atlanta, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York City, etc. Some schools are closes and resources are shipped to charter school operation. Even Arne Duncan never taught an hour in any classroom. Even I taught a classroom before for more than one hour. Arne was a pro-basketballer, he worked in the financial markets, and he was on Mayor Daley's staff. Atlanta's Enroll Davis was on the board of British Petroleum. This is why Duncan worked with Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton in 200 to have a national tour to promote charter school, privatization, teacher merit pay, and other actions. That is why real people want to rebuild public education, democratize it, and want education more sufficient in cities plus neighborhood nationwide. Privatization is a serious threat in our educational system indeed.
By Timothy