Kurt Nimmo seems to forget that Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution mentions that taxes can be gotten by Congress. He also seems to omit that the social safety net is necessary to protect. He definitely omits (including Alex Jones and that crowd) that Austrian Economics is a product of the oligarchy. The elite funds that movement and the Rockefeller Foundation aided that economic theory for decades. Liars believe that paying any form of taxes is using a gunpoint. Government services is a part of the America regardless of Nimmo says. See, Social Security is a service that was created by the govenrment. People work and earned to get Social Society as a product of labor, so Social Security isn't some entitlement at all. The Constitution and the Declaration of Independence have many legitimate parts in it. The pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness don't deal with austerity nor harming the poor at all. No real person believes that the government should be a dictatorship and control every aspect of a human being's life. Yet, government should be active to help people that need it. The super rich (heads of banks and their globalists transational corpoations) should be taxed fairly since many people in that economic circumference don't pay any taxes. Legitimately using tax money on infrastructure, healthcare, and financial assistance for the less fortunate is fine with me. I don't believe in the warfare state, the police state, etc. but I do believe in welfare for the suffering. So, Nimmo is more Republican than independent. It's a historical fact that the policies of the New Deal cut poverty in half from 1960 to 1970 (and made some of the highest growth of the standard of living in American history). The sovereign right to coin money under Article I, Section 8 is found in the Federal Constitution. Even Mitt Romney made the sick comment that mothers recieving welfare should know the dignity of work. He's a Mormon of course. Romney on taxes and other financial issues is more similar to Alex Jones than me. Romney wants to get rid of HUD too (millions of poorer people need HUD for help). Romney wants to either consolidate the Department of Education or make it very smaller. With reactionaries, we know their strategies and goals. Their goals represent a throwback philosophy that reminisces of social Darwinism. As the Sister Tamron Hall said before in a commercial, we have to talk about economic inequality and confront it if we desire to live in an society where economic justice flows more mightily.
Spirituality is important to continue to write and discuss about. The reason is that real spirituality can uplift hearts and transform souls in order for individuals to live better, tranquil livelihoods. One of the biggest teachings of Jesus Christ is to love your neighbor as yourself. The scribes in the book of Mark 12:28-31 asked Jesus about the greatest commandment. Yeshua was an excellent scholar. He responded that the greatest commandment is to Love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength (also, Jesus said that the Lord our God is one Lord. In other words, God is one). He later said that second is to love your neighbor as yourself. So, that means that when we are in contact with our relatives, friends, loved ones, or even people that we don't know, we should love them as equals. We ought to treat any human being in the same way that we should be treated irrespective or race, sex, nationality, or any other background. Our neighbors includes all of humanity. Even Jesus praised the Good Samaritan for his role in helping out a poor person in the street. Jesus taught us to forgive others as God has forgiven us for our trespasses and sins. Forgiveness isn't just about reconcilliation. Forgiveness is about going out improving relations among human beings, being more spiritually mature, and eliminating unjust anger (or evil tensions in folks' lives) is about holiness. Matthew 25:31-46 is clear in that our lives can't be self-centered or self interested as Ayn Rand talks about. It's our job in life to help another human beings. It can be teaching, mentoring, or working in a community service program. Folks can also use businesses to build up communities and to speak out against injustices in the world (like poverty, wars, bigotry, and other evils). All human beings have gifts and talents. We should maximize our gifts to make the world a better place and minimize any feelings of doubt in our hearts. If a man or a woman gives a little out of his or her own heart, then that is still great in the eyes of God. It's not about how much money you have or popularity. It's about how much you give and how much you do in terms of activism in helping your neighbor. The welfare for humanity is important to have a concern about. Yes, we should never advance economic policies that will benefit the 1% alone. Economic policies ought to benefit the whole of humanity. I still believe in the Rock of Ages or the Ancient of Days.
Alex Jones opposes the Buffett rule. Not only that, Alex Jones believes that any tax increase on the super rich (even if it's small in terms of 1-3%) is equivalent to socialism or a dictatorship. That's silly and it's obvious that Alex Jones, Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Dana Loesch, and others believe in that economically reactionary propaganda (that the pro-new world order crowd loves ironically enough). Peter Schiff ignores that some states have seen revenues via the stimulus. Peter Schiff even opposes the minimum wage. The minimum wage law is one law that prevents people from accepting starvation wages. Our minimum wage is very low as it is. Economic expert Arindrajit Dube (an Assistant Professor of Economics at UMass in Amherst) refuted Schiff's claims that increasing the minimum wage will have disastrious effects on the American economy. He made a study on this issue. He looked at state borders to see if minimum wage increases can increase or describe job growth. He found that there is no evidence of a disemployment effect when minimum wages increased in some states of America. He or Dube looked at local evidence or local economies. Another study found employment increasing in New Jersey after the minimum wage increase in that state. That study is called "Myth and Measurement: The New economics of the Minimum Wage" (by David Card and Alan B. Krueger). So, Peter Schiff's belief in the pro-Laffer Curve and Austrian economics has been refuted. In Schiff's and Ron Paul's world, any government regulation is evil when government regulation is sometimes necessary to help society. A social contract between the government, business, and labor caused our standard living to increase rapidly in America. People are free to accept ideologies and philosophies, but freedom doesn't mean oppression against the poor. It's reasonable for all of us to oppose xenophobic wars and bigoted imperialism today (against mostly people of color). Even today, much of our money is spend on building armaments. It's wrong to see rebels killing people in Libya and it's wrong to witness PNAC neo-cons (with Likudnites) advocating the continuation of the criminal, evil, and unjust war on terror. It's also sick to see some of the so-called Liberals like Amy Goodman support the evil anti-Black Libyan War. Goodman is a notorious left gatekeeper and she's funded by pro-Wall Street Foundations. Noam Chomsky is known to support the establishment on many issues and even supports AIPAC. Some of them take an anti-Pan Africanist position on issues. So, it isn't just the reactionaries that we should keep our antennaes out for. It's obvious what the reactionaries want. They demonize Social Security as a ponzi scheme. They want the destruction of the social safety net by crook and by hook blatantly, while the left gatekeepers want their agenda by stealth. The intelligence agencies of the CIA, MI5, MI6, the Mossad (with their sayanim. The Mossad is a notorious group), and other try to brainwash people to accept Western imperialism and corporate exploitation of the masses (via mind control). Yet, we should be wise and reject their games (or bread and circus).
In Hollywood Babylon, people know about the truth. People know about abuse and the whole nine yards. Philip Anschutz of AEG is one of the most powerful people in our time. Many of the artists and leaders of the music industry use Masonic handsigns. Some common handsigns include the handsign of the Heart sign and the sign of fidelity. According to the book, “Freemasonic signals in the press” written by Johannes Rothkranz, there are 12 main gestures used by public celebrity figures pertaining to the Masonry, of which the hand in the chest or hand on chest or sometimes called “Hand on Heart” is one of them. Back in the day, the CIA used MK Ultra programs and other degenerate acts against innocent citizens. CIA leader Angleton was a Knight of Malta and he headed the Vatican's CIA desk and the Israeli desk. Some of the most evil CIA-MK Ultra operatives include Richard Helms, Dr. Josef Mengele, Dr. Louis Jolyson West, Dr. Aldous Huxley, and Dr. Gregory Bateson. In America, the CIA and the big corporate elite control the mainstream media system in America. Today, the military industrial complex (which controls the entertainment world. They were allies even back then) use similar tactics of propaganda and occult control (like the CIA did years ago) in controlling many major celebrities. One simple example is how many celebrities do strange occult poses in public, how the military works with Hollywood, and how many celebrities suffer from abuse (including drug addiction and other insecurities). The Bertelsmann Music Group is one major ruler in the music industry as well. Fundamentally, the 1 percent mimic the ancient knowledge and use it in today's world (while simulateously claiming that this knowledge was invented by them alone, which it wasn't). The wisdom was created by people of color. This is precisely why the one percent hate people of color specially since they are the original people on the face of the Earth (among other reasons like jealousies, bigotry, etc.). These wicked imperialists aren't just found in the names found in the Bilderbergers and the Pilgrim Society. Their ancestors are people like Christopher Columbus, Robert Hunter (who wanted the slave trade to expand and he lived in New York ), and Peter Stuyvesant (he has 50 Africans as slaves. Yes, he is the one named for the Brooklyn neighbhorhood of Bedford Stuyvesant). Therefore, slavery was just as bad in the North as it was in the South. Yet, black Africans in New York fought for freedom back then and today (just like us Africans living in VA and throughout the world). Likewise, I want to mention this. Too often, the older folks blame the children for the evil and crime in the world. Yet, the children aren't the leading dope pushers, they don't make the laws, they aren't the international criminal masterminds, and they are not controlling the 1%. So, blaming the children alone for the evils is silly. The sins of the nation are much more bigger than children.
The Rotunda architectural archetype is famously shown in ancient Rome. The Parthenon is one concrete example of the rotunda image. Marcus Agrippa wanted the building to be a temple to represent all of the gods of Ancient Rome. It was rebuilt by the Emperor Hadrian in about 126 A.D. The whole building has the circular orientatation. It has a portico with a large granite Corinthian columns (8 in the first rank and 2 groups of four behind) under a pediment. There is a rectangular vestibule linking to the porch to the rotunda. The bestibule is found under a coffered, concrete dome with a central opening (oculus) to the sky. When you think abotu the oculus, just think that it looks similar to the All Seeing Eye of the ancients. For almost 2,000 years after it was built, the Panthenon's dome is still the largests unreinforced concrete dome. The height to the oculus and the diameter of the interior circle is the same in ca. 142 feet. It has been preserved since the ancient Roman days. Since the 600's A.D., the Panthenon has been used as Roman Catholic Church (as dedicated to "St. Mary and the Martyrs" but informally known as "Santa Maria della Rotonda"). The square in front of the Pantheon is called the "Piazza della Rotonda." The inscription across the front of the Pantheon says, M.AGRIPPA.L.F.COS.TERTIUM.FECIT, meaning "Marcus Agrippa, son of Lucius, having been consul three times, built it." Yet, archaelogists found out something. They found that the excavations have shown that the Pantheon of Agrippa had been completely destroyed except for the facade, and Emperor Hadrian was responsible for rebuilding the Pantheon on the site of Agrippa's original temple.
By Timothy