Saturday, April 28, 2012

News and more News about Life and Liberty

CIPSA is a new threat to our freedom and internet rights as well. Most of the American people oppose such unjust laws. Congress still is going forward in trying to pass the evil bill. This bill is labeled as a part of “cyber security.” Yet, the bill called CISPA will allow the federal government to surveil Americans and deny people their Fourth Amendment rights while they utilize the Internet. The Fourth Amendment of course deals with the people to not experience unreasonable searches and seizures (after the British imperialists unjustly came into the homes of colonists arbitrarily during the 18th century). People have the right to be secured in their person and our rights can’t be violated. The authorities need warrants or probable cause in order for the governmental authorities to search citizens in the USA. Congressional leaders and members can’t make a reasonable, cogent justification for the pushing of the bill. CISPA is being told by the House Majority leader will result in more jobs. That is an absurd claim. That is why it is urgent for Congressional representatives to hear our vote and inspire them to oppose the traitorous legislation of CISPA (or the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act). We know that CISPA ruins or destroys the Fourth Amendment. The mainstream media isn’t reporting on this story at all. Hopefully, the Senate can oppose this law completely. The bill is draconian and even the President is threatening a veto of the bill for its anti-liberty provisions in it. Liberty extends just the Internet. It entails that human beings should not be murdered if they are unarmed. It means that villages and homes of non-Western human beings ought not to experience bombs and killings. It means that our economy should be conducive to benefit the poor instead of radically cutting desperately needed services from the poor. In real life, I see real people use WIC all of the time. When I see this occurrence, I get a feeling. It’s a feeling of compassion since God blessed me with the opportunity to write & speak out against poverty. So, it’s my responsibility to help the poor as a man. We need a war on injustice and a real war on poverty.

Mitt Romney listed 12 people in his foreign policy staff that are members of the Bush Jr. administration or prominent neo-cons historically. This outlines Romney’s agenda as being reactionary and extreme. Yet, Democrats have made errors as well. The drone attacks are continuing in Yemen. The drone missiles are being fired in Yemen. These actions have resulted in a high death toll in Yemen including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Libya, and Somalia. The U.S. military and the CIA are having an overt and even covert wars in those nations. The Wall Street Journal proved that President Barack Obama have given the green light to a request by CIA Director David Petraeus to allow the agency to fire missiles at buildings, cars, and armed groups (without identifying exactly who is being targeted). These acts outline a typical policy or warfare or neo-imperialism. The government says that they are just targeting suspect al-Qaeda members. They use U.S. surveillance satellites and on the ground informants. The Journal quoted a US official with reservations about the new policy, which he considered so broad that it was likely to provoke widespread opposition in Yemen which could undermine the US-backed government of newly installed President Abdu Rabu Mansour Hadi. “Every Yemeni is armed, so how can they differentiate between suspected militants and armed Yemenis?” the official asked. The Republicans aren’t innocent in this matter. They have been obstructionists on even common sense issues like funding 9/11 responders, giving aid to fellow human beings like the poor, etc. Through faith, devotion, and common cause, solutions can come. In history, the actions of one man or one woman has moved the world from a title wave of oppression to the light of truth. So, never lose hope. All people are special, have unique, and should be treated with dignity plus respect. All human beings are created equal. All people have the right to love, to have happiness, to experience humor, and to execute bravery amidst the imperfections in society. In this generation, more tolerant people are coming up. More people learn to experience what the truth is all about in spite of our highly technological age. Yet, numerous history roads may move extraordinary wild, but it will bend toward justice in the end.

Xenophobia is one motivation on why some support the unjust Arizona anti-immigration law. We have record low illegal immigration and many illegal immigrants voluntarily returning into America. Still, the reactionaries support SB 1070. The U.S. Supreme Court is arguing the case now. Many authoritarian portions exist in the law, yet some in the so-called “alternative media” support these rules. They betray their cause of promoting civil liberties, because they love a law that is antithetical to the concept of basic human rights. These people are nothing more than closet Republicans instead of true independents. The law is called Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act. Many people exploit these times as a means to whip up bigoted, radical law and order perspective in our society (as an excuse to promote police state-like inside of the state of Arizona). Similar bills are in Alabama, South Carolina, Utah, Georgia, and Indiana. This law attacks the rights of immigrants and our personal freedom. The law gives the police the power to demand without a warrant, identification papers from anyone who the police “suspect” is an undocumented immigrant (or illegal immigrant). Even if someone is an illegal immigrant, this person should be treated with compassion not oppression. A person that can’t proclaim proof of citizenship could be seized to federal authorities and possibly sent for deportation. This is fascism in the 21st century in my persona opinion. White supremacist groups love this stuff. This provision is of course a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the Bill of Rights. The Fourth Amendment mentions that the government can create unreasonable searches and seizures. This law requires the police to obtain a warrant before conducting a search. Therefore, the police have no right according to the Constitution to have search on mere suspicion if a person is an illegal immigrant. In practice, this provision provides a blank check for police officers to single out people for harassment and intimidation on the basis of race or ethnicity. The Fourteenth Amendment, passed in the aftermath of the Civil War, prohibits discrimination of this kind. Perhaps the most ominous provision in SB 1070 makes it a crime to “conceal, harbor, or shield” an undocumented immigrant, echoing the vague “material support for terrorism” laws included in the USA PATRIOT Act. This is why the Ninth Court of Appeals struck down the unconstitutional parts of SB 1070 last year. The Supreme Court ironically took up the case rather swiftly. Certain justices harbor a virulent anti-immigrant sentiment. Justice Elena Kagan (an Obama appointee) rescued herself from the case. Only 7 justice will vote on the case. So, the law could be preserved. It can be rejected if one more conservative justice disagrees with it on libertarian grounds. Let’s hope to God that this law is in the dust bin of history. The federal law trumps state law in this case since the issue at debate is immigration. Immigration affects the borders of nations and the federal government has the right to deal with our territorial integrity. It’s strange that the President’s supporter Verrilli is not opposing the law on racial profiling issues. The reactionary judges are bold in trying to violate true freedoms and democratic rights as an excuse to support anti-immigration propaganda. Also, some in the alternative media (or closet reactionaries) ignore the anti-civil liberty portions of the law while supporting the unjust Arizona law. Arizona (like my state of Virginia) has a long history of promoting segregation even into the 1960’s. Ironically, the present administration set a record in deportations or there were over 1 million people who were deported since President Barack Obama took office. That is why we need to promote the value of immigration in the framework of American culture and we ought to oppose violations to our human dignity & our human rights.

Transhumanism is expressed in the J-Pop music group Perfume’s “Spring of Life.” Transhumanism means the merging of humans and robots. It’s about the deemphasize on the dignity of human life and trying to make godhood (out of man and machine basically. Supporters of Tran humanism have explicitly mention this plan in their own speeches, books, and literature). This agenda is shown in the realms of movies, music videos, and video games. Major pop stars in the world over use imagery from Tran humanism as a means to appeal to the younger generation. Merging man and robotics is seen as futuristic and interesting according to the proponents of Tran humanism. The industry loves this imagery, but we can’t be robots. We have the right to activate our strong thinking. We have the subsequent right to express our individuality and our independence. That is why I am an independent politically since I don’t desire to be bounded (or greatly manipulated or controlled) by the 2 major parties of the Republicans or the Democrats. In Japan, the group called Perfume promotes their video called “Spring of Life.” The members of the group in the video act as robots. They are being manipulated or controlled by unseen programmers. In real life, unseen programmers and handlers deal with the complex, corrupt system of popular culture. They hide one eye. The people in the video try to show human emotion signifying that scientists want robots to express emotions (and appear natural looking, but they can’t be 100 percent human at all). People in the world among differing age groups are targeted by the industry. The industry is an extension of the military industrial complex, because that complex funds and controls the mainstream music industry in general. Transhumanism is a concept that’s loved by Utopians, elitists, and likeminded people. Yet, we should respect the fallibility of man and the divine nature of Almighty God indeed. People are awakening about these issues all of the time. The truth is still here and vibrant.

One common disinformation about the Kennedy assassination is that Kennedy wanted to kill Castro just before he was assassinated. This theory has been promoted by even sincere, great researchers like Thom Hartmann and Lamar Waldron (in their book entitled, “Legacy of Secrecy”). Even I supported some of this viewpoint until I got older. With age, I developed a greater discernment within my heart. Now, my views have changed on some issues. Although, my core convictions are the same and my core beliefs will remain in my thinking plus soul forever. Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History promotes the other extreme view of no reactionary faction having a hatred of the late President John F. Kennedy. As Bill Davy noted, there was next to no evidence for Barker being on the grassy knoll. The President wanted the Lisa Howard/William Attwood back channel to Fidel Castro in order to try to make détente with Cuba. Kennedy's 1963 letter to Khrushchev, which Davy quotes mentioned JFK‘s own words as the following: : "I have neither the intention nor the desire to invade Cuba. I consider that it is for the Cuban people themselves to choose their destiny." (Davy, op. cit.). President John F. Kennedy has many conflicts with the National Security State, because the National Security State wanted to force more conflicts in Laos, Cuba, and other nations across the Earth. As Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas, an old family friend of the Kennedy’s explained, regarding JFK confiding in him, that Kennedy was “seared” by the Bay of Pigs experience, and “he had experienced the extreme power that these groups had, these various insidious influences of the CIA and Pentagon, on civilian policy.” President John F. Kennedy went from a Cold Warrior into a peace President. He wanted peace at all costs by his actions to end the Vietnam War possibly by 1965. His American University speech proved that JFK desired peace with the Soviet Union including his hatred of imperialism. As Vietnam came to crisis late in his term, Kennedy was the lone voice against escalation of military conflict. On October 11, 1963, Kennedy issued National Security Action Memoranda NSAM 263, authorizing his plans “to withdraw 1000 U.S. military personnel [from Vietnam] by the end of 1963,” with the longer goal of withdrawing “the bulk of U.S. personnel” by the end of 1965. However, Kennedy ordered that, “no formal announcement be made of the implementation,” yet on November 20, at a top-level conference, “the secrecy was lifted,” and it was reported in the New York Times the following day, which was the day before Kennedy was assassinated. There is no question that the Warren Commission was headed by some of the same people who hated Kennedy. A real independent investigation should of investigated Kennedy’s assassination without a commission that possessed so many conflicts of interests.

By Timothy