Saturday, April 21, 2012

Wisdom about Economics, etc.

Nov 9 2011 - 3:42am
There's always some guy who's got to insist that sustainability = Population Control / Population Reduction! Even though this article was focused on Failed US & Euro concepts of political economy- which so many Westerners' Obsession w Controlling the Populations of the Poor, African & so-called 3rd World People is Part & Parcel Of [aka Eugenics = Social Darwinism]!
And how would you go about dramatically & rapidly reducing the World's population?! By Imposing a 1 Child per woman policy [ala China's draconian policy] EnForced by Forced Abortions & Sterilizations, -OR- By out-right Culling [= killing off] of targeted population groups??!! And Just who would be those groups that you would target for Culling??!! Then You Label your demand for dramatic population reduction [though you are coy about the specific means to achieve it] as Compassionate?!
Getting back to the Article - Note this Quote: > ' If 20 of the 30 top MBAs and Business Schools are in the US, and 62% of the Nobel Laureates in Economics have been awarded to US Citizens then why is it that the US business, economic, social, environmental, healthcare, education, banking and finance, politics and international relations, Wall Street,..., and much more ARE ALL SO DisCredited? ... In our judgement, western Business Schools, MBAs, and top Economics programs have Failed in these 3 Ways:
1} They've Failed to adequately address questions of Values, Ethics, and Spiritual Traditions & Dimensions and their Vital Role in Supporting an Equitable & Healthy Economic & Social System.
2} They've Failed to appreciate so-called "free-market" Limitations & Failures in cases of a lack of competition, asymmetrical knowledge, public goods, and externalities.
3} They've Failed to understand that even when 'markets' are so-called 'efficient', that they likely Lack Social and Ecological Justice...' <
This is such a Pertinent yet Damning critique of US & Euro standard political economic capitalist so-called 'free-market' concepts [actually Social Darwinistic Economics] being taught, normalized & globalized by the main western so-called 'higher' educational institutions. And the Nobel Committee is complicit in this! One of its first & most prestigious recipients for the Nobel Prize in Econ was the 'guru' of Reagonimics & Disaster Capitalism Milton Friedman! But then it's this very same Nobel committee who gave WAR-Mongers such as Teddy Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Heinz Kissinger, Begin & O-Bomb-em- so-called 'peace' prizes!