Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Eric Jon Phelps' words plus more Jesuit more

NOte by Me: I don't agree with all of Eric's views on race

By Timothy


Sent: Friday, January 12, 2007 9:20 PM
Subject: halt at the jews

Mr. Phelps,

thanks for your work. It's very much appreciated.

Please to be of service.My question is this. Do you think people like Abraham Foxman of the ADL is aware of what is going on, or is he a ignorant pawn?

Masonic Abraham Foxman knows all about what is going on. He knows his master is the Archbishop of New York City, Edward Cardinal Egan. His own ADL has named their hightest award after a famous, anti-Jew, pro-Vatican II Jesuit---the "Cardinal Bea Interfaith Award." Foxman is a traitor to his own racial people as were Masons David Ben-Gurion and Chaim Weizmann.

I worked my way up from white nationalism

There is nothing wrong with White Protestant/Baptist nationalism providing that it is based on a biblical racism which is not unbiblical hateful racism. A "nation," as defined by the Bible, is a people denoted by a distinctive race, language and culture domiciled withing specific national boundries.

but I never quit digging, as I see alot of these people halt at the jews. I read many of the peoples writing and they come off as very intelligent people so I can't understand why they stop at the jew. Including Micheal Collins Piper.

Michael Collins Piper is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor whose purpose is to create anti-Jewish fury within the US. He quotes the Order's La Civilat Cattolica quite often and never identifies the Zionists he attacks as being also Knights of Malta---JFK assassins like William F. Buckley, Jr. and Louis M. Bloomfield. Piper is also affiliated with Willis Carto, another Knight of Malta and past friend of JFK assassins who are also Knights of Malta---J. Peter Grace and Edward Bennett Williams. Piper never makes any mention of the Knights nor does Hal Turner or Daryl Bradford Smith or any of the other Jew-baiters. Rome, and especially the Jesuits, are off limits with these people as well as with the fanatial fascist Moslems. They too will never confront Rome as all of their leaders are Masons subject to the Pope.

I listened to he your debate. And he continues to be stuck there. I think the real power would never be out in the open.Correct. The Jesuits are always in the shadows, their Masonic Court Jews always up front in the CFR.Thanks again....


Sincerely in Faith,

Brother Eric


From http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/39991147/?qo=18&q=by%3Apascalism&qh=sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps

Part of "The New World Order and The Revelations" serie.If only you knew the true history of the Jesuits...And who they are in the world...What they stand for...Their goal...You comprehend this drawing perfectly...September 27th 1540, Ignatius of Loyola formed the "Society of Jesus" under the Pope Paul III...The order of the Jesuits. Loyola became the first Supreme Jesuit General. What seems like a simple priest hood order is in fact a military order, spies and assassins. Loyola was founder of the Illuminati...This would be a great way for Rome to take over American and Euporean banks. In 1776, Rome used Jesuit trained Adam Wischaupt to take over Freemasonry and make it one with Illuminism...This is how they took over the American banks and even put the pyramid on the dollar and the latin words:"Annuit Coeptis - Nuevos Secculum Ordo", these words mean:"Our Interprise Now A Success - New World Order" . Rome has always used the "lost" Latin languge to keep the world confused and drunk with the wine of her fornications. Rome's ambition was ALWAYS world domination, the Roman Emperors wanted it...The last Roman Emperor was Constantine...He became the first Pope...The Popes still want it.They have it now more than ever...The ecumenical movement is slowly bringing all religions under the Pope...Catholic means UNIVERSAL. Roman Catholic Church = Roman Universal Church = One World Religion = One World Government = New World Order...Accurately fulfilling Biblical Prophecies.

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