Life is a vital journey. I feel happy at times and angry like any other human being. Some good news is that the Internet, people acting, etc. have lead the real truth to spread across the Earth. I begin my journey of seeking the truth in 1997 when I was an early teenager. Fritz Springmeier was a great help to me, especially in 2001. In 2001, I read an interview of his and it almost doubled my knowledge about the new world order. Fritz talked about MK-Ultra, the CIA, MI6, Secret societies, and the real history of mankind. Robert Howard done the same with his Hardtruth website. I take inspiration from both of them to keep on fighting against all forms of evil. AFP on January 19, 2007 describe the controversy in China (a nation who have been ruled unfortunately by dictators like Mao). China denies that it launched a satellite killing weapon. A senior White House official, believes so and this weapon destroyed an old Chinese satellite according to the offical. Technology is advancing rapidly. George W. Bush's ally Attornery General Alberto Gonzales said (as reported by Think Progress, though it's a establishment liberal site, they are telling the truth in this instance) that There Is No Express Grant of Habeas Corpus In The Constitution. The truth is that right of habeas corpus (which existed in Blackstone's rules and the Magna Carta. These are the foundations of the Bill of Rights) is explicitly mentioned in the Constitution.
Kurt Nimmo on Friday, at January 19, 2007 wrote of the dangers of Section 220 of Section 1 of a bill. That bill (according to some of its critics) requires bloggers to register themselves as lobbyists 4 times a year if their blog has a viewership of 500 people or more. Both Republicans and Democrats are hypocrites in this affair. Many Republicans oppose the bill not because of its overt censorship in it, but because it doesn't have a line item veto proposal. The Democrats (who head House Speaker is Nancy Pelosi) also support a loophole in the bill for non-profit organizations. If this bill is signed by the President, free speech in America is already over. It's over here for the First Amendment. Paul McDougall writes that it doesn't effect all bloggers ,but paid lobbying activities. Me personally, that's still similar to censorship and other Patriots wrote other concerns with the bill (i.e. its unnecessary registration). Not to mention that the Democratic leadership promotes the pro-Big Brother recommendation of the CFR-run 9/11 Commission. Sorry, Paul McDougall I'm not worshipping the Democrats. Also, some in the "alternative media" are showing disinformation, but I'm not worried about that. Already, in China and England, you can't say certain comments or criticize the government without possibly being jailed. I don't agree with Ted Pike on every issue, but even Pike is rightfully saying that this is one of the most dangerous legislation in Congress. Great news is that recently, the Section 220 section have been banned by Congress. That's great news. One threat to free speech is gone for now. Another issue is religious liberty threats. Now, certain people want folks to violate their religious faith in giving out abortifacients, not be apart of conservative Christian groups, or not even say a pray in public. I will still disagree with the North American Union, transhumanism, Big Brother, and other problems in society.
I will beware of shill or front groups. One such group is the World Can't wait. Sure, they're right on some issues like the problems in Katrina, the Illegal Iraq War, torture, and our civil liberties. Yet, they have Communist roots and some of their leaders make their duty to demonize conservative Christians like Sunsara Taylor. I heard Taylor on O'Reilly's show and speaking with Alex Jones. She hasn't changed her tune. Under the guise of "freedom" she promotes a pro-death agenda in secular humanism. The truth is that humanism falls done flat on its face by the truth that man is imperfect. Man can never reach perfection, therefore moral values are implemented to maintain the stability of society. That's the way it is. Sunsara lies and talk about choice. What does tearing an unborn baby limb from limb (shedding its innocent blood I might add) have to do with a legitimate "choice." It doesn't and Abortion is still cold blooded murder. Stats prove the risk factors of abortion and how pro-Nazis (Hitler supported abortion for non-Aryans), pagans, and elitists like Margaret Sanger were key in the abortion movement. As for Brother Nicholas Rivera, I think he wrote good articles recently. He wrote that Abe Foxman (head of the B'nai B'rith Lodge's ADL) is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He good a good job in connecting the Vatican/Jesuit link to world affairs.
Well, frequent facts are coming out. You also have arrogant people. Some of these arrogant people like act people are stupid and don't know the world. They act condesending and use profanity to intimidate people into their point of view. The truth is that people aren't as stupid as the world assume they are. When I was a young kid, I've learned about real black history more than 10 years ago. There were the Nubians (mentioned the Bible) forming great Empires, booting out the Roman Emperor Augustus, and creating the Meroitic alphabet. Our family researched our history and our culture back then. Also, I've studied European, Asian, African, and American history spanning thousands of years. I would comment that exposing evil has nothing to do with fear. Being concerned about free speech has nothing to do with fear or paranoia as well. Philo-sophia (in Myspace) need to realize that a lot of people are active in society and do care about their well-being in this world. Instead of arrogance (unlike some people), I'm going to promote inspiring people to be active not complain riotiously . Well, I will keep the faith.
By Timothy