Monday, January 22, 2007


It's offical. Hillary Clinton just announced her run for the Presidency last Saturday. She must first file papers to create a Presidental Exploratory Commission. Dick Morris was right all along about her intensions of seeking the office of the Presidency. Hillary said in a video that she wants a debate on the issues. She wants a change in the policy of Iraq. Bill Clinton will probably be crucial in the development of her campaign. There's a lot of information (and I do mean information) that people don't know about this woman. Hillary went to a Bilderberg meeting, tried to have sceanes (along with perform a shaman witchcraft ritual. No wonder people call her a witch), and some believe she had a role in the Waco atrocity (according to the testimony of Linda Tripp). She could be President. If she is, this will continue the dynasty of the Bush/Clinton families running the White House for over 20 years. She's an establishment Democrat by voting for the USA Patriot Act (heavily created with the unfluence of Jesuit Georgetown University), voting for the Iraq War, being pro-abortion, being in contact with media kingpin and Vatican Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch (he runs FOX News. Hillary met with Roger Ailes as well). I wouldn't underestimate her, because she is very intelligent. Hillary (a puppet like Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton was a graduate of Jesuit Georgetown University. He also was a personal ally of many Jesuits. Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar. Rhodes Scholar was invented by Cecil Rhodes, a Mason who admittedely formed the group as reflective of the Jesuit Order. Rhodes and others wanted to use Britian as a springboard to create a one world government. The Cecil family was an ally of the Jesuit order for a long time) would do her best to attempt to convince the public that she's a centrist. On the other hand, Hillary has always been a hard leftist for decades now. Funny that Clinton years ago proclaimed that she won't run for President, but now she is. New Mexican Governor Richardson is running and he is the first Hispanic running for President in a serious way. I could care less if the new President was black, white, Hispanic, or whatever as long they're anti-new world order, pro-freedom, pro-family, pro-gun, etc.

Cohn Byrne from Raw Story on Monday at January 22, 2007 reported the U.S. unwittingly evolved superpathogen in Iraqi combat hospitals. These bacteria spreading rapidly inside of Europe. The bacteria is called the bacteria Acinetobacter baumannii. The AP on January 22, 2007 had an article written by CHRISTOPHER TOOTHAKER talked about Hugo Chavez. Chavez told U.S. Officals to Go to H___. This is nothing charade presented by Venezuelan leader Chavez. He promoted a new world order and is creating anti-American agitation without exposing the real elite that are manipulating foreign affairs (i.e. the American government isn't perfect, but it's bigger than just the U.S. The central bankers [like the Black Nobility families, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and, the Morgans], secret societies [high level Freemasonry, the Vatican/Jesuits, etc.], and high level political groups [Le Cercle, the Pilgrim Society, and the 1001 Club. Le Cercle is one linkage between the Vatican and the Anglo-American elite] run the show). Newsday on January 18, 2007 has prose written by LUIS PEREZ. The NYC mayor Bloomberg encourages cell cameras to be used against crime. The New York police department already is implementing a $9.1-million project to install 500 cameras in 200 locations. Indiana has similar technology.

Today marks the 34th anniversary of Roe vs. Wade. This led to the genocide of almost 50 million babies in America alone. This immoral decision was based upon many lies and deception. The Supreme Court passed it making abortion on demand legal in all 50 states. Abortion, as always, is murder and creates risk factors for women (that's evident by many stats). I will never forget the cries of the unborn. Roe was not based on the Constitution (for the Constitution forbids killing without due process. The Declaration of Independence cites the right to life as an unalienable Right). Roe was based on the lie that the Constution implied a right to privacy. There is no such right. Bernard Nathanson, co-founder of NARAL, even admitted that the pro-abortion side used deception, exaggerated statistics, and other lies to make Roe V. Wade legalized in America. Nowadays, times are changing. The pro-abortion side rarely today uses rhetoric about pro-abortion, because ultrasound confirms the elaborate disposition of unborn babies (with DNA, veins, brain waves, and a heart). The so-called Pro-choice presents obsesses with birth control as a justification to validate their arguments. When you look at the truth, that's why the pro-abortion side is angry. A poll conducted by the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press released in August of 2006, 70 percent of black Protestants said that abortion should be prohibited or eliminated.

I've heard many of Lisa Ruby's and Daryl Ebehart's podcasts. I like them since they formulate ideals that many even in the "alternative media" refuse to discuss like the Jesuits, the Vatican Ratlines, the Syllabus of Errors, Opus Dei, the Knights of Columbus, high level Freemasonry, the Knights of Malta (with global power and strength that's present in the European Union, WWII [just look at the histories of baptized Catholic Hitler or Jesuit trained Benito Mussolini], intelligence agencies like the CIA, corporations, and other topics), the ecumencial movement, etc. Many constantly talk about the "Jewish neo-cons," "Zionists," yet they forget about how evil Masonic Jews got their basic philosophy from the ancient Gentile Mystery schools. There are powerful Masonic Jewish people in the world, yet they always have a specific limit or they are under heavier players as history proves (i.e. Jesuit-trained Stalin butchered most of the original Jewish instigators of the Russian Revolution. Even Lenin was killed by an axe in Mexico City for opposing Stalin. Knight of Malta Joseph Kennedy quieted Jewish opposition to Hitler in Hollywood during the 1930's. Abe Foxman is a member of the CFR and sends the Cardinal Bea Interfaith award. The Mossad was help to be created by Papal Knight Reinhard Gehlen. Certainly Israel made mistakes, but many other Middle Eastern nations had errors as well. Also, Jewish people and Arabic people lived in the Middle East for centuries). Many of the Labor Zionists like Shimon Peres are suburdinate under others like the CFR and Knight of Malta Juan Carlos (as proven by Barry Chamish).

Working is part of duty as humans. All of this working does mean we have a long way to go. I would say that tons of Americans understand and believe as I do. The thing is that many Americans believe that they are in a very smaller minority. That isn't the case since 1/3 of U.S. citizens believe that 9/11 is an inside job, more than 80% of Americans oppose the Iraq War (shown in some polls), and most American fundamentally don't trust government 100% of the time. Beyond that, we're living in vital historical times. Even back in the times of Mayans, Egyptians, Romans, etc. knowledge, ethics, and culture was vital in their civilizations. They were destroyed because of circumstance, wars, moral corruption, or other various reasons. Their existence does give us a warning that we have as much chance of destruction as any other basic society. The leaders of these ancient cultures are a foundation to the elite today since back then their had their priests and rulers restricting real mathematics and science to control the population. Much of the Secret societies today originated from "guilds", the Vatican, or other occult groups. Today you have mid-manage occult elite groups like the Skulls and Bones and the Bohemian Grove (much of the Republican establishment are in it where they chant Druid words to an idol. Some even perform sex acts to homosexual prostitutes). If you want to put it into perspective, all of these orders have the same idea of a new world order if you will. Well, I know for certain that God is one. There is one commitment, one goal of real liberty, one truth, one human race, one intellect in all human beings, and one outcome which I want and that's victory.

By Timothy